The pandemic might feel endless - but there are reasons to remain hopeful As COVID-19 and Omicron continue to shape our lives in 2022, there is light at the end of. You will find gaps in the market, new businesses springing up and so on. You have an income choice to make next week and are concerned. First reported to WHO China Natal Chart. The end of patriarchy, because men have lost sport, the Qantas Club, and the rest which is where all the backroom deals are done and the glass ceiling blocking women is constructed. So the time has come for musicians to use their creativity to come up with wildly lateral ideas. With respect to jobs, things will change after Februarymany people might get good jobs while some can expect to be promoted. i Maybe the world needed to have a short sharp shock to make it a better place. It's impossible to say with any degree of certainty just how long the COVID-19 pandemic that took the world by storm in early 2020 will last. Does my chart indicate that I should be concerned? Perhaps that is why many of us take recourse to astrology in search of hope, or even to prepare in advance for the forthcoming successes and failures. If this was me? I read with interest your reply regarding the entertainment industry, particularly your comment, Entertainment which is produced with hands-on and close-face contact is finished. Find out what and who makes you happy, what you are good at, and most of all where and how you are *needed* in this extreme new world. Thank you so much again. Because of this, and the critical horoscope patterns we can see, there will have to be a dramatic transformation (seating, space, air-conditioning, heating, ventilation) by train/bus/airline companies or they will collapse. Please look after yourself! Can you imagine the offshoots of that boom? J.R. Generation Sagittarius, born with the slow-moving outer planets in Sagittarius (which rules foreigners and foreign air travel) are going to be hit by the South Node in that sign, but also the North Node opposite and Neptune in Pisces coming in from the side. What are you astrological future thoughts regarding the stock markets and current Coronavirus? What happens now? But its your life and I dont know all the factors. A psychic has claimed that she predicted the coronavirus outbreak a year before it happened - and she even claims to know when it will end. The . A note about our November 2019 prediction of a black swan event. This, according to experts, was led by many people ignoring protocols and not following Covid-appropriate behaviour. The astrological third wave of this pandemic should occur globally between September 14 to November 20 this year. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. And if we dont understand this message, a horrific tragedy such as a pandemic could force us into this: a global fight againstcoronavirus. Around 500 million people one third of the global population at the time are thought to have contracted the virus during this flu pandemic. I am going to leave this with you. Take a deep breath because Australia as you knew it is over. Very Interesting! Can the situation in Italy happen elsewhere or will it be less bad? From . In terms of patterns, the astrology also proves interesting. Advertisement Siraj Qureshi Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question, thats very kind of you. Why millennials continue to read zodiac, Here is how to pick the right gemstone for your zodiac sign for a perfect 2021. Agreeing, Anantikaa R Vig, certified tarot reader, crystal healer, numerologist, life and relationship coach, said a re-emergence or an uprise is possible. But not everything in her predictions is doom and gloom. That's a very high rate of increase. Tatiana has an outstanding track record as a professional astrologer and has made guest appearances on many popular television shows. Im going to take the paywall off The Astrology Show this weekend so please do listen and read the links. Freedom. For more from Marjorie, please visit her website here. Remote gigs, bespoke gigs, exclusive extras but within a mutually supporting, promotional circle of like-minded musicians and fans. They noted that every virus evolves to sidestep immunity so it can survive. I am currently looking at my old Penguin book 2020 Vision and as I own the audio rights, recreating it as 2030 Vision, specifically so people can listen in the car or out striding the park. Yet, you are being set free from something or someone that blocked you for so long. Say someones horoscope showed he could go abroad with a job opportunity but it could not happen because of the pandemic. This is all going down in the sign of Gemini, so mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces will experience the most chaos this retrograde, while air signs Libra and Aquarius will have a much smoother experience. The Astrology Show has pulled together some quotes from online articles by some of our favourite astrologers, along with social media posts on the topic. 31 Dec 2019, Tue 09:00 AWST -8:00. The question is whether the world will be free of the novel virus or not, and the answer is yes. situation that begins to be difficult. (Satish Bate/HT Photo) Unless we see four weeks of low and stable COVID . Indians turn to astrology to ease coronavirus fears. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. 2009 (Swine flu): Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces. Based on that, people are expected to be recovering this year, and things are likely to be normal by April when Jupiter and Saturn will be quite distant. You are all waking up in a different world, every day, at the moment. Until 19th April 2021, the surge of Covid-19 cases have spiked as high as 68000 cases per day which is a very large number of patients, for any health care system to handle. That is very interesting what you say, and certainly some of the ideas such as special limited edition etc Ive been having recently come into my head way before this current situation happened! Of course, everyone prefers to hear only positive predictions. 1957-1958 (Asian flu): Uranus in Leo square Neptune in Scorpio. Sastry, on the other hand, argues that even if a personal horoscope shows that something good will happen, it may not always be in terms of how one perceives it. There are shlokas which say that whenever Jupiter and Saturn come together, it may lead to hahakara or chaos, and may result in the loss of seven crore population to indicate the large impact. And listen to The Astrology Show this weekend. Home Science The pandemic endgame isn't here yet. Thanks for another great article. Hi Jessica Thank you. World War II began under the 1935 to 1942 transit and the 3rdCholera Pandemic (which killed up to 1,000,000 people in Russia) occurred during the 1851 to 1859 transit. Take a look at what's in store for you this week. From May 2020 we see a very slow cycle picking up these two signs its the Node cycle, likely known at Stonehenge, where they recorded it. You always have colds and flu. After May 21, 2021, this disease is expected to go away with Lord Ganeshas blessing, he had said. The Astrology Show will be on this website, this weekend front page. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. I hope that this does not mean that U K will not leave E U. In astrology public transport and domestic flights are ruled by Gemini and Sagittarius. Give yourself a holiday from worry at least once a day and look at proven techniques to stop anxiety, please. The Indian Express website has been rated GREEN for its credibility and trustworthiness by Newsguard, a global service that rates news sources for their journalistic standards. Pandit Jagannath also predicted some problem till April 2021 while expecting the situation to improve post-June, after some ups and downs. Ask yourself what people are going to need while they self-isolate. And also a virus, set for January 10th, 2020 (1102020), way back on 28th March 2019? We just stop caring. Borsch shares her personal experiences and insights working as a professional astrologer for more than 30 years. Karma Sutra: How we choose to suffer is karma in itself, The inheritance of loss: Tales of horror and hope after the Partition. MORE: Your weekly horoscope revealed for 15 to 21 June. Contagions are linked to Neptune, a planet strong in Marchs stars, though Saturns change of signs on March 20th marks a change of outlook in late March.. Corona Virus COVID-19 In Astrology Part I, Corona Virus COVID-19 in Astrology Part II, Astrology FUN! Jupiter in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces. The Age of Aquarius also brings a significant change in values, and how individuals treat each other. "I . Alarm bells are the signature of Venus and Uranus as radical changes are implemented. He will probably want to take it. You are terrified you will become sick and lose your job. According to Vastu Acharya Manoj Srivastava, while coronavirus was not in existence when the rules of astrology were written in India several thousand years ago, one can still map the virus behaviour with those of planets Pluto, Rahu and Jupiter to come up with some reasonable predictions. Its good that your husband has had a job offer closer to work. Today is a critical outcome of what has been in a slow nosedive for a very long time. There are chances that we witness a re-emergence of previous problems and even an uprise of new ones like fungus. This is a lot of worry for one person. Audio will work. You are here to serve. Of course thats on hold now. The call for action comes amid a surge of COVID-19 in 49 states specifically in areas where there are low vaccination rates. Power will go across, not from the top down, as Capricorn dominance is the elite ruling the majority and Aquarius is forget the elite, we do this together. The difference is radical and extreme. Ill go through these shortly, but to whet your appetite Jupiter was conjunct Pluto during the 1918 Spanish Flu and the 1968 Hong Kong Flu, as they are indeed now with Covid-19. You are strongly Virgo so need to become part of the solution. My husband is in hospitality and recently had a better job offer close by (he currently commutes to a hotel about an hour away). Critics might say it all depends on karma, but then something like a pandemic leads to unprecedented havoc that is out of our control, rendering many helpless and unsure of whats going to happen next. There will be another round of escalation in the world," said Borsch. He says, "COVID-19 is not going to disappear suddenly. Borsch has already started her new book Complete Horoscope 2022, which would be out this summer, and sees that next year will be more favorable. What is Tom Hanks going to do when he recovers from the scarey stay in hospital? I know you have toxic politics where you are, but look at your wider industry. That we look after our older people. When typing in this field, a list of search results will appear and be automatically updated as you type. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. From there, COVID-19 cases will likely remain low for a month or two "and then. The same can be said for this period," said Borsch. To arrange an interview, contact Alex Viner at +35797837153 or[emailprotected]. In our 2020 Horoscope book (published November 2019), we predicted the possibility of an economic black swan event that could be triggered by the January 12 Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, the sign that rules governments and the economy. Take a deep breath and do a new life budget. So, the situation can remain tough till Pluto progresses to one degree in direct motion, which happens in December 2021, he said. Hes done that on Mercury Retrograde so go over the paperwork carefully please and see what might change later and make sure he is covered for that. Please give me your sage and as usual good advice on how to rebuild and get myself to a better place. News India Astrologers predict coronavirus pandemic may come to an end by September Astrologers predict coronavirus pandemic may come to an end by September While the hope for Covid-19 vaccine is still on, many astrologers have predicted that the coronavirus pandemic may come to an end by September. Marriages were delayed, promotions were stuck while most people could not risk switching jobs. This is really the Uranus in Taurus cycle which creates a square with the Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto in Aquarius cycles ahead from March beyond 2023. Featured Image courtesy of CDC via Unsplash:This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. I am afraid that May 2020 brings a 50% chance of global economic collapse. Russian hackers were linked to the Donald Trump impeachment byThe New York Times. Should I just walk away altogether? According to the Department of Science and Technology under the Science Ministry of the Government of India, the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India is likely to decline by July this year, while the third wave is expected to hit the country in about six to eight months, according to a report in India Today. Italy will leave the European Union which astrology predicted a very long time ago. Find your path. MOSCOW, April 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --The virus that hit us hard is here until at least the Fall or even the end of year, according to Russian astrologer Tatiana Borsch. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. The old vacation market is over. The psychic services industry in the US, which comprises palm reading, astrology, aura readings, cartomancy, etc, grew at an annualised rate of 1.6% from 2014 making it a $2.2-billion industry by . Astrologically, this phenomenon occurs for 4 days and 12 hours when the Sun and Moon are caught between the axis of the Dragon's Head & Tail (astronomical bodies). Covid-19 was major enough to see it coming!" Many astrologers and their followers believe that daily events are impacted by the movements and positions of celestial objects, the planets and the. Just read that P M Johnson will have to extend time frame with E U as it will not be possible to agree to a new trade deal with European Union by 1 July 2020. The second wave of the virus hit India in April 2021, after a decline in the cases from September 2020 to mid-February 2021. Astrologers are seeing a huge spike in demand, as India is set to record the world's highest number of Covid-19 cases within weeks. These days, Rahu is transiting in Taurus and Pluto is also retrograding until October 2021. The model predicts that the Covid-19 crisis could end in the UK on September 30. Im bringing this up, because I see many of the predictions are One World Theme, which I get. And you need a good one, for this pandemic. They say the. Pandit Jagannath predicts that the Coronavirus is likely to be around till the year 2029! The experts told the Times that COVID is essentially here to stay. That last point is really important. The one thing that everyone wants to know right now is, when the pandemic will end. Under this scenario Covid would add to winter pressures for the next two years, but not during the rest of the . I am taking the paywall off The Astrology Show this weekend so please listen and read. What does this mean for me? We need determination and patience to cope with the emotional tumult and the individual and collective awakening to which we are subjected. And it every copy sold out! Jupiter, the planet of. The new world is crash-landing. We are going into The New Age of Aquarius in December 2020. Meet Astrologer & Author Tatiana BorschTatiana Borsch has a career spanning more than 30 years as a renowned Russian astrologer, writer, and award-winning documentary film producer. Its been quite a week in the news, and as astrologers, we consider it our job to look for astrological patterns and predictionsNOT to fan the flames of fear. This has led regions to add COVID-19 restrictions again. We are forced to work collectively. In such cases, astrologers generally suspect that something would happen to the earth some said it was a natural calamity, some predicted health complications. The world is going through a crucial transitional period and 2020 marked the final year of the Age of Pisces and 2021 as the first year of the Age of Aquarius. Guido Vanham (GV): It will probably never end, in the sense that this virus is clearly here to stay unless we eradicate it. The ensemble scenario projected 628,000 total U.S. deaths if vaccination was widely accepted and people maintained a moderate use of masks and social . Many places will be off-limits to foreigners altogether. How will Australia as a country fare in this pandemic? The theme of invisible spreading and the psychic virus of fear that causes meltdown is highly reflective of the Pisces/Neptune theme and the opposing force of health-conscious Virgo which tries to contain. Updated: 15 Feb 2022, 04:31 PM IST Livemint. Saturn and Pluto conjunct once every 34 years and it is therefore an important astrological event for the humanity. "We're . The "when" is almost impossible to answer. (See previous post January 25, 2020). Neptune. I am also facing an issue next week that will possibly effect our income negatively. Im sorry but in May 2020 there is a 50% chance of economic collapse. For the last nine days, the daily COVID tally has remained below 1 lakh. From November 21, 2021, it will again enter Aquarius when we can expect another onslaught of health issues and challenging times. Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions say more about the mass spread of a virus and certainly the mass panic response to it. In her 2021 forecast, she predicted this year starting with January to March will be challenging. And that helps your immune system. Predictions for the coming year, Sastry explains, are made based on the position of the planets at the time of the beginning of the new year, as per principles given in classic texts of astrology. End of Covid-19 (Corona Virus) Infection Vol-I: Covid-19 Virus Infection will be over on 27th June 2022 (Indian Astrology based prediction) Paperback - 23 February 2021 by Pradeep Saxena (Author) See all formats and editions Kindle Edition 0.00 This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited 196.00 to buy Paperback It practically prepares us for a new life and a new purpose. You are solely responsible for what you post. The end of Covid-19 will not be like turning off a light-switch and leaving the room. I dont like the look of the T-Square between the North Node in Gemini (domestic flights) and the South Node in Sagittarius (emigration, visas, border control, passports) together with Neptune in Pisces and that is January 2021. Hi Jessica, The Italian opera singers are performing from apartment balconies across the rooftops, on lock down. We are definitely living in an interest time. We are all going to have to rapidly place a value on say protecting other people from a virus which may kill them. Thanks. If you think about the supply chain involved even in a gig with a few hundred people, just one case with the bar staff or one case with the airport baggage handlers the hotel cleaners can lead to a cancellation. More than two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, experts have learned just how hard it is to predict what this virus will do next. What kind of audio? Broadly, the astrological calculations show that there is no respite from the virus for the foreseeable future. Ill say more in the weekend podcast. What your view on international air travel in future? Astrologers are now very carefully studying the position of the planets to predict what can happen in 2021.. The last two Uranus in Taurus periods were from 1935 to 1942 and 1851 to 1859. You are feeling vulnerable, which I understand, because of your former lover. Speaking to Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield on . True to the nature of a black swanan event that comes completely out of left field and has a major impact, but can only be contextualized after the factthis sudden and stunning worldwide occurrence is indeed lining up with much of 2020s astrology forecast. In these trying times, many have turned to astrologers for guidance and also to seek possible answers. However, Covid-19 in its different/mutated forms is expected to remain in existence till 2029, though its impact will not continue to be as severe. and people need to get used to more locally sourced food. But it could not happen because of the subsequent lockdowns and restrictions on social gatherings. Her recent book An Astrologer's Notes: Real-life stories on how the stars shape our livesis available at all online bookstores. She is the author of more than 40 books including the Complete Horoscope book of annual astrological forecasts. He made you feel like a fool and a notch on his belt. Then my ex ( born Jan 5, 1981) reaches out during this mercury retorograde broke my heart 3 years ago and had come during the Leo-Aquarius eclipse period promises this time is different and while I was simply a notch on his belt so to speak the last time around, this is serious. Further, on a rare occurrence, six planets came together (appear to be in the same range in the solar system) at the beginning of 2020. What do you think? However, predictions about the world may or may not show its impact on individual horoscopes, Sastry states. Were going to see fascinating new creative output involving actors simultaneously recording scripts at home, with production taking place in a studio. The 30+ house systems divide the. Musicians on the live circuit will need to think creatively and laterally in 2020, along with promoters. I also know that a number of countries are now rolling out guaranteed sick leave for all. The world is experiencing a huge wave of infection with the omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2. Public weariness, highly transmissible variants that evade. Thanks so much, and please be safe and well. April is really the start for the new world (in terms of signatures and commitments). Hi again Jessica, I just had to reach out to you again after reading your response to a message above regarding airlines and generation Virgo. It does not sound as if hanging on for this man does that at all. Over to you! Personally,. If you dont have rights in that area join others on Twitter and elsewhere who are lobbying for them. Well, its spreading on the same zodiac cycle as The Spanish Flu and The Great Plague. India Coronavirus News in Hindi: Read latest hindi news ( . The eleventh number is Aquarius. Like old-fashioned radio plays from the 1940s but for 2020. I have 2 placements in Virgo-7 Vulcano and 10 Proserpina. The death toll today is approximately 575,000. The boom in meditation, home yoga and hypnosis. Meanwhile, astrologer Dr Aarti Dahiya, who says she had made correct predictions about the COVID-19 vaccine and more disturbance from China, predicted three marriages in April and May 2020, which could not be held due to the lockdown. I also can feel that positive outcomes will be felt after the fear and panic have subsided. Note the spikes that adorn the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the virion, when viewed electron microscopically.