So on to the present-day, and staying aware of the coming cycle you mention in your answer to me. I was wondering if that could be the issue for the Church? So why would he expect it now. In a church. Weve not seen that before in the Harry story. Gas is a Neptune-ruled idea in astrology. Do you think its significant? Previously this entry had Holmes Chapel as his place of birth. Im sure all the readers in this discussion will be grateful to you for the tip. He seems to be so sure of his relationship with Meghan that he is happily burning bridges with friends and family in her defence. I cannot wait until March to see what happens. Astrology is really useful if nothing makes sense. His job, if he is ever on the throne, is to defend the Anglican faith and be head of the Church of England. The pair are surgically attached most of the time so it does seem odd that shes letting Harry have all the limelight. They wed on one of the most chaotic weeks of that year. Your balanced approach and view is refreshing as many commentators are quite polarised. The issue with the Welby horoscope as well as the Anglican church, is Aquarius and Leo. Williams destiny reveals the biggest and best opportunity in 12 years to get away with the so-called impossible or unthinkable ambitions. In his natal chart, that same cycle fell in his Ninth House of foreigners and foreign countries. I never wanted to be the cause that separated him from his family. Hell get to where he needs to be, Elaine, if he tries and I would expect late March through late April to be important. None of them were single men during the risky Leo eclipse years. If they allow Charles III to become defender of their faith and head of the church worldwide, they are permitting a man who was denied St. Pauls Cathedral (and even his own mothers attendance, as head of the church) because he had committed adultery and as a divorcee too, was about to wed the other offending party also divorced! It was waved through under protest and senior officials close to Diana, and experienced royal reporters, as well as (at least) one former Archbishop of Canterbury, had grave doubts. "Harry is an air sign king. Spares arent always supportive, are they?! It seems the Salisbury Novichok poisoning in 2018 was the turning point, after this incident the authorities woke up to the threat and took it much more seriously. Now, the legal advice on Camilla and Charless marriage was sealed, until his death, way back in 2010. Now, lets talk about Scorpio. The balance of power is shifting. I note that in the ITV interview Prince Harry was not asked about the two homes. Harrys astrology chart shows the most volatile, extreme period of his life 2018-2026 and foreigners and foreign countries and cultures are at the heart of it. Is there anything in it? You are a Sun Leo man with stelliums in Leo, Libra, Cancer and Aquarius. The planet which rules stamps, paperwork, contracts, announcements going backwards both as our late Queen passes away, and also on the proposed date of the coronation itself. Too odd. Anyway, I think that there is some hope that he will be welcomed back into the fold, if/when Meghan gives him the shove. What has happened to Prince Harry is so different. There are now questions in circulation about whether M knew or met Prince Andrew, although she said she didnt even recognise him when she met him alongside the Queen and thought he was an employee. The part in book about the 25 killings was planted ,and I keep hearing the word sinister when thinking about it. The most likely motive for the quite deliberate destabilisation of the monarchy is a desire on the part of her foreign enemies to split the Commonwealth and the Special Relationship between the UK and US. Of course some might say that is a disincentive. A marriage for Harry? There is so much in this thread but I think I remember the mention of Gin and Tonic (bitter lemon is great too) on certain days in March when Pluto evolves, changes and re-manifests in a new sign and house. Gas lighting, the method of choice of the Stasi in East Germany, Russia, and latterly Donald Trump. If Harry did take a DNA test it may have been then and he concealed it. What its showing is much more akin to an actor, director or producer creating a mini-series with foreign investment, than a member of the royal family making a lot of money with an autobiography. Selective memory is an interesting thing. I did watch their documentary and I felt compassion for them both. This latest decision which splits the church about gay and lesbian marriage, comes hot on the heels of a promised 100 million payment by Welby, and his cohorts, to try and make amends for church profit from slavery and colonisation. Some of the insights readers have posted here, will make dramatic sense in March, at the end of the first week, and during the last week, which is when we see Saturn and Pluto make their historic turns. She must have been interested in the House of Windsor even then, so the ignorance about the family is hard to believe. Those quotes from Hamlet, its uncanny, describes the situation perfectly. Too funny. If true, the story about the Queens will is fascinating, and it would make sense in the context of Spare and all Harry has put in print about Charles, joking about his paternity. Former captain in the British forces if he was still in service today he may have been involved in Ukraine. Thank you so much, thats very kind of you to say. Regards Veronica. Fate. Perhaps, as you say, this is a pattern: deceiving the public, for whatever reason. Having been a Penguin Random House/Transworld author myself, actually with the two publishers Harry thanks editors and copy editors tend to go over the manuscript with a fine-toothed comb, so the Taliban paragraph must have been raised more than once. Astrology is usually ignored by the establishment (publicly) but very much used privately. Mercury is in Capricorn the sign ruling the men at the top so Charles is one of them. At that very point I saw Kanga again very clearly and experienced an icy cold wave that swept over me followed by an overwhelming sense of fear. So much to think about in this article Jessica. Is there anything else on its way that I should prepare for? Astrology cannot predict death, of course - and never should - but it does predict changes to the currency. She wasnt a ruthless bully or seductress; she was actually a working politician who died for pushing this radical anti-poverty law through parliament. While the laws creation has long been attributed to Cromwell, Boleyns involvement was recognized as part of UK Parliament Week this November. End of quote. Thank you. Now I cant help but believe that The Arab League is somehow involved in the events you write about. Harrys eyes are sad and desperate but not bad my heart breaks for him as he is a victim of something so sinister I feel like I want to be sick when I think about it. It is an outstanding bible which should be on every astrologers bookshelf. And I think its going to Charlotte who chooses to do so and ascends the throne. The rules on primogeniture were changed (too late for Anne) but perhaps they can and will go further. The continual resonances and repetitions are fascinating. Murdoch has his two sons, one who has split from the family business and publicly outed his fathers obliteration of the truth. I always go to the astrology for the truth. I saw M and H really diminished and tied to a radiator. Unruffled and arrogant, Henry founded his own church, the Church of England, and made himself the head of it, dropping his allegiance to the Pope. My thoughts are that people should stop speculating on matters in which they do not fully understand when it comes to understanding the dynamics of mixed races. During the last war, it was all Britain had, together with Churchill. Charles will not become King. If fiction, I think how creative the authors of it are. As to the end game, I am afraid there is something very dark here. Could the psychic feelings about the wedding described have been about danger signalled by Diana, or maybe just that the wedding was wrong because it had already taken place, a Uranus in Taurus event shaking the world. Any former army captain, especially one with childhood trauma and shock, would be a candidate for concern, but a man who is so strongly Virgo particularly so. Too funny, Janie Bee. I very much agree that the tragedy playing out in front of us and upon (behind) us seems very Shakespearean. After the official wedding in Jamaica, it is claimed Thomas Markle says he was asked by MM for the only official video of that ceremony , which he duly handed over to MM and she destroyed it a short time later. I think we are all waiting with baited breath for March. She owes, or is owed, and that has to complete, which it will do in July 2023, when the South Node leaves Scorpio. Intuitive or psychic people sense that and that is why everybody is so concerned. As for Princess Diana, I was a kid when she died, but I remember when it happened and my father said that she was killed. Ive not seen the body language experts on YouTube so will take a look. I believe that William will be a great King but will he be given the chance? Required fields are marked *. I also believe someone will be murdered or someone life is at risk in the royal family. It is all curiouser & curiouser. Pluto leaving Capricorn to enter Aquarius. And yet it so often proves correct. Town and Country magazine, November 14th 2022. I heard the word suffocating then from my spirit guide. Ye Gods. The plot thickens. In London its March 23rd 2023 at 12.23.21pm. This was also the year George III, suffering from what is believed to be bipolar disorder, was replaced by his son, George IV, the Prince Regent. Youve chosen to handle the cycles your way; he has chosen an extremely difficult way! I worry that when everything falls apart around him and he realises he has been exploited massively, that he will harm himself. Interesting that there was no further Oprah comment. Yes, I have seen the allegations that Meghan Markle, at that time, an actress, was a yacht girl. Though nowadays it is more concerned with state funerals, coronations and matters of heraldry. And Harry isnt healing, instead he creates more trauma and hurt for everyone involved. EF. The Kokoshnik, also with emeralds, was French made, but to (obviously) a Russian design. Hi Jessica, You can bet Charles III has done similar levels of research on stamps; my money would be on a difficult situation where the postal industry cannot wait but he cannot go out with a stamp which would be withdrawn later. Vedic astrology (I use Astrosage) is really good to look at, the next few month for Harry (up until the end of May) do not look good for him. Princess Eugenie wore the Kokoshnik tiara. (Very hard to be a stepmother, I should think!) Ive learned from experience to always record these things, so Ill leave it in. The pair produce images which mimic the clothes and body language of John Lennon and Yoko Ono. I have no evidence at all for this allegation, except a ton of Leo eclipses. I noticed you said the word suffocate was supplied by your guide. The only issue here is the Church of England astrology chart which shows a huge constitutional crisis in March-June 2023 with the Archbishop of Canterbury leading the controversy. Given that Nicks experience had put the republic issue in a different light for him, I asked when he thought this momentous event would take place. Even as a rescue pilot he must has witnessed unimaginable pain and suffering and therefore he must have experienced his own vicarious trauma. If you were a television actress in Los Angeles, not particularly making it big, and you were offered the chance to become the Duchess of Sussex, one day become the future King and Queens substitute when (say) abroad or indisposed wouldnt you do your job in The Firm? Report in todays Guardian newspaper, Archbishop Welby told group of MPs in a private meeting Lambeth Palace that he would rather see the Church of England lose its privileged status as the established church of the country than risk the global church fracturing over disagreements on same-sex marriage. So from Andrew, Harry and Meghan come the polls. Both liked the high life, non? Ive seen a couple of really clear visions on this. Brilliant article, as always! Im not psychic but Ive always felt the head of the Anglican Church was spiritually empty.