A pageant platform essay is a paper in which you speak about exactly what youve been working on with your platform and what you have chosen to champion throughout your time as a competitor. Choosing something that you are also accomplished at is key. Or, you could clue into that intimate detail, which is the real thing that motivates you. The pageant has adopted a mission that they call the, Stop the War and Violence Campaign. In general, when you are trying to think of what you can do to make money for your platform, try to stay as true to yourself as possible. It has to be something that you want to invest in, work tirelessly for and put energy into for the long haul. And, she does. Mrs. International 2013 Amy Gregorio collecting toys for foster children in L.A. Photo Facebook. Originally aimed at helping hospital patients and their families, Kendra has now expanded her original vision to helping the lives of everyone she can. I was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease at the age of 56,in Jan of this year. And, because there are so many types of pro-animal causes, you can find one that fits exactly what you want to do. Or, if you are more interested in expressing your inner Julia Child, you could combine your love of animals with your baking hobby. The theme sets a number of goals towards achieving this: * Connect: Develop your relationships with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours as these connections support you and enrich your life. Boosted confidence. She designed and constructed a line of eveningwear out of clothing purchased from Goodwill. Mental health - NHS As long as you stay true to who you are as a person and have your platform take center stage, you will write an amazing essay! Laredo pageant contestants discuss mental health following death of Part of your job if you win the pageant, is being responsible for attracting new contestants, potential sponsors and business partners. Staying homegrown and realizing the problems that face your community is a great way to be an advocate to advance your cause and give your hometown someone to believe in. She then pulled on her creative design skills and her proclivity as a social media influencer, and ultimately forged a service oriented purpose and platform that was undeniably her own. As most of us know, Cheslie is an attorney specializing in complex civil litigation, which gives her a unique ability to inspire, mentor and empower the women that she is helping. When that happens it usually means that you just need to narrow it down to a more personal and custom fit. The sad news about Sunday's suicide, at age 30, of Cheslie Kryst, a former Miss USA, makes my heart ache. Another titleholder whose platform came from her own medical experience is Miss Washington World America 2019, Shree Saini. Are all three of you the same? If that is the case, then make sure that you think through how exactly you want to assist them. Even if your platform is about another cause that another contestant champions as well, it is all about how you speak about your platform and work towards ensuring that the issue that you want to be solved will one day be solved that can differentiate you from others. Spring 2021 | bpHope.com Shree is a facial burns survivor and a heart patient, and has had a pacemaker since she was 12 years old. Unfortunately, this problem does not appear to be going away any time soon, and more and more contestants are choosing to address the issue of homelessness as their pageant platform. Its time for another brainstorming session, so get out your pen and paper and lets get down to business! Bed ridden for months, the psychological toll of a shattered dream and recovering body led to an eventual downward depressive spiral. And, in 2019 she competed in the Miss America system and represented her native Florida as Miss Manatee River 2019. Then, in 2016, Cheslie won the Rock the Runway design competition, a fundraiser sponsored by Goodwill. Social Media Challenge or Contest: This could be done privately within your circle of friends and family as well. How do you get ideas for a pageant platform? Kendra has also started a companion program that allows people to get in touch with their artsy side, while still helping others. pageant platform mental health - energiabc.gob.mx You can also start a youtube channel if your platform is something that would fit this genre. 10900. Creating the perfect pageant platform consists of three different types of thinking: how strongly do you feel about your cause, what actions can you take to make your community aware of this cause, and what about it makes you a memorable contestant. Not having a pageant platform is like joining a sports team, becoming the captain, and benching yourself from all the games. The most important aspect of the platform is to be able to go out into the world and inspire with actions as well as words. You could focus solely on dyslexia awareness and education, while still promoting literacy in general. MADD was formed when 13-year-old Cari Lightner was walking along a quiet road on her way to a church carnival when a car swerved out of control, striking and killing her. So, dont be too quick to pass up world peace if you believe that your purpose is tied to this type of service work. Or, you could put an ad in a local college newspaper that you are available to practice conversational Spanish with others. You also run the risk of feeling resentful and insincere, and that is one of the worst combinations of emotions that any pageant girl can have. Tragically, during the Miss World America pageant in Las Vegas, she collapsed just as she was preparing to go onstage for the final round of the national competition. And at first glance, this year's winner - Sophia Ng - has all the hallmarks of a typical pageant queen. If the person that you contacted cannot help you, they just might know someone who can. Your focus should be learning the ropes of pageantry, finding a platform that you can really get excited about and finding a way to volunteer in your community or express that platform in some way. This category encompasses an extensive array of issues related to women, including everything from body positivity and self-defense to raising awareness of human trafficking and domestic violence and sexual assault. There is also a charity called, Career Gear. Choose a full-length gown with a full skirt to keep little princess looking sweet and youthful. All of these aspects of your platform should mesh well together, and make it easier for the pageant judges to understand what youre all about. Some people might think its a joke, but saving the world from hate and violence is no laughing matter. Since the partnership began, countless contestants have chosen to champion the cause, which has resulted in unprecedented growth and support of the charity, as well as hope for families, that the loss of their loved one was not in vain. Therefore, you are more likely to work hard in your cause, not only because you do not want to let your family member down, but also because you have seen them struggle throughout their life. Lauren Pederson Using Miss World Canada Pageant To Raise Awareness For Mandy is also a mental health advocate. pageant advocacy about mental health. As a result, you felt like the whole world was opened for you. Supper Club Where everyone pays a small fee and brings a dish and their recipe and you share a meal together. You could go a whole other way and promote reading with children as your platform. In contrast, pageants seem to instill messages like "I should be flawless," "I have to be thin . Miss America Organization Pageant Platform Sample But, nobody ever told them that they need to have a solid marketing plan as a part of that platform. Nia spoke throughout her reign about the positive impact that the sport has had on her life and she credits taekwondo with much of her success, gifting her with discipline and self-control. Even if you all three volunteer your time at your local Red Cross, I bet that what you do, how you do it and what you really care about is very individual to each of you. Mrs. International 2017 Melissa Pocza, advocated for abused children through her own program, Broken Little Voices, which raises awareness of child abuse issues through a free APP that provides support and resources for child abuse survivors. Pageant Planet, Inc An Outcomes-Focused Approach to Mental Health Care pageant platform mental health Its an exciting time to explore volunteering in this area, and you will absolutely feel rewarded for your efforts, as you help other women achieve their own goals. Miss Grand International 2019 Valentina Figuera. Every year millions of cats and dogs are placed into animal shelters, and a majority are euthanized because there are not enough good homes available. You can go so many places with that skill because most people dont even know how to thread a needle these days! Anything can be an appearance! The reason that this is so crucial for the contestant who wants to compete at a higher level, is that any pageant organization that has a national or international competition, will want to promote the platforms of their winners. Mpule Kwelagobe. As you begin to think about all the people that you know, then begin to systematically reach out to them by phone, email or text. Photo: Miss Universe Organization. You can start a Facebook Fan page, an Instagram account that is dedicated to your platform, or a blog or website. The Etiology of Eating Pathology in Beauty Pageant Participants If you do have your sights set on being a titleholder at some point being a skilled communicator is a skill set that you will have to develop. Then, she arranged for all of the proceeds to go directly to benefit The Childrens Miracle Network. MEHEP - Mental Health Platform The pageant accepts that a simple beauty pageant may not be able to remove hate and violence totally, but they are determined to decrease negativity by promoting peace, love and understanding. And, then the fact that you can sew, is a huge money maker! "I have worked first hand in CHEO's inpatient psychiatric ward, Mental Health classrooms, non for profits, and homeless shelters," she said. All you would need is a large, open space that was relatively private where a girl could walk comfortably and safely. 2005 May-Jun;13(3):291-301. doi: 10.1080/10640260590932896. Youre on the right track, but you need to customize your concept. Your body paragraphs are where you really delve into who you are as a person and why you chose your platform. When you take these ways of thinking into consideration, it becomes easier to create a platform that speaks to you! There is nothing wrong with having an anti-bullying platform, if that is what you feel drawn to. Being crowned Miss Black USA 2018 gave Kelsi a very powerful opportunity to speak positively to younger women across the country, and for that she is grateful. Her platform is built upon the idea that "every individual should feel comfortable in their own skin. Volunteer work has always been at the forefront of competing in beauty pageants, so be prepared to do as much work as possible! She stressed that the central taekwondo tenet of perseverance equipped her with the determination to overcome defeat throughout her life. And then there's the other . Its when you finally tell the judges what your platform is. Join Jesse Ladoue McMullen, our Queen of Customer Success, and Cara Mund, Miss America 2018, as they tell you everything you need to know about finding and starting your platform. Between two girls with the same cause, a judge is more likely to choose someone with a personal connection to it and whos actually spreading awareness over someone who championed the cause because their coach told them to. In recent years, several noteworthy titleholders have created dynamic and powerful platforms that not only won them a significant title, but brought a lot of public attention and support to their individual causes. It doesnt mean that the contestant has already taken her platform to a global level; it simply means that she can take it there with the assistance of the pageant system. Best for boosting your mood: Happify. You could start a campaign to create a neighborhood book borrowing service throughout your town. All you have to do is make yourself available. In this paragraph, you should talk about how you have pursued your platform and how you have begun to tackle the issue your championing. Are you educating people about the history of the Red Cross? Competing in pageants is more than just being a beautiful face, its about being a representative for your community and having a platform can help you achieve just that. 6. Photo: Lily Lloyd Instagram. One point that we must clear up before we go any further is something that so many people get confused about, and if you dont get this part right, you will end up looking like an amateur. Keep in mind, the possibility of girls having the same platform as you is very high, there are only so many causes one can champion. The Miss Michigan USA pageant is right around the corner: May 27-28 in Port Huron. If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then you can begin to build a platform in which you want to let these conditions and ailments be known. Cheyenne, WY 82001. The way that you do that is to think about why you are choosing this platform and then pay attention to the small, personal details that fill you with deep emotion. She collected over 1,000 handmade butterflies that were created by people across the United States. Appearances and volunteering are not the same things. Your love of animals is also highly marketable, whether you realize it or not. In fact, she wants to make it even bigger and turn Unbreakable into a foundation where she could work with safe havens to bring the empowerment workshops to the women they serve. However, at age 16, a sport related injury led to a complete left-knee reconstructive surgery. For the price of a coffee, you will be getting a huge list of . How a Pageant Changed a Life ANMC Holistic Health The Miss America organization is no longer considered a pageant, but they still offer contestants the opportunity to earn scholarship awards to fund their education. Maura Spence-Carroll knows firsthand the barriers to care that exist for military members seeking mental . There are so many ways that you can earn money if you are fluent in a language. This is not the time to enter in last minute additional information, as the judges will have already formed an opinion of your essay by now. Choosing a pageant platform is one of the most important decisions in the pageant candidacy process because it is a reflection of your personal interest and dedication to community service. around the country. The good news is that there are also tons of organizations around the world that are centered on helping, caring for and saving our animal friends, so its very easy to locate other people who have the same priorities that you do.