. Spell it out alt ending7. We are no longer grounded to the room. Ive come to many grave-digging events and cemeteries with you! ", Lola:[to the mascot] "Um, do you mind, fur ball? We would never force you to go if you don't want to. I hate the fact that you all act like spoiled brats! ", Lisa: "And if it's any consolation, you weren't the only one who should've thought about what you were doing. "So just so you can remember clearly," Lincoln started with, before he and his sisters got red in the face, "WE HATE YOU!" "But, as usual," Lincoln added, walking towards his parents, "We didn't and as a result you got angry and grounded us." (Previously on The Loud House. Especially with the ending, so I created this story to give it a better ending. (The family submerge, coughing up water, covered in seaweed and muck, their sunnies, hats and sandals floating in the water and their swimsuits in tatters. ", Lincoln: "Well what are we standing here for? I cant take a moment more of this! ", Lincoln: (to Lola) "Lola, all those pageants I went to, did anything bad happen those times? Lincoln: Im sorry this happened. The way the security officer said, 'Right now,' made Luna nervous, it was typically the tone of voice used when someone was in very serious trouble. [The crowd cheers, the Loud family gasps in shock] Lynn: "No! Luna: [Blushes] Really? Just so you know, in case you ask about that). ], Lola: "What's with that squirrel today? +7 more. Lucy: Come on Fangs, we've got some repaying to do for Lincoln. All rights belong to Nickelodeon. He briefly looks at the family photo, beginning to cry. I wont spend the whole afternoon working up an over sweat in that stupid costume that reeks and doesnt fit me! I cant believe you all locked me outside and sold all my things! Re-Uniting With Lincoln by KingMercury254. We should thought about it ourselves before jumping to a preposterous conclusion that you were bad luck. ", Lincoln: "I won't deny that I brought this on myself. NOTE: I apologise to those who hate NSL fics, but ive really wanted to get this off my chest. SEE YOU NEVER!" And then blew more raspberries and spit on them some more (hopefully the last author interruption but if not then I'll let you know: I know her seat is located in the first row behind the driver in canon but for this instance of going along with not wanting to look at their parents, the siblings put Lily's seat in the far back to help the other siblings not have to look at their parents, I know this is a little wrong, but please understand it shows how mad the siblings are). I was stupid to believe in luck and to rely on it. Why did you kick me out of the house? So they, begrudgingly, got in the back seats. Lincoln: So where did this looney belief that i was bad luck suddenly come from, huh!? No Such Luck Alternate ending (Good) - DeviantArt As the last of the guests ran away, Leni, the blonde girl that one of the guys mentioned earlier, came around the corner and saw her family in the spa. Not a loud alt ending6. Even though Lincoln was the one who brought this on himself. ", [Later, they arrive back in their house.]. (Points at Lynn) Nothing, but a stupid sore loser and a nasty, brainless brute! "We just wanna tell you how much we HATE YOU, YOU GROSS UGLY THING!" ), Lincoln: (to the viewers) " I can't believe they actually locked me out the house, which is also my home. YOU ROCKED IT, LYNN-SANITY! We had no idea this family could be so gullible. (The family screams in horror. (He walks back and forth to get attention) You guys have spent the whole weekend obsessing over this ridiculous good luck/bad luck thing at my expense! Lincoln: Okay. This made the officer raise an eyebrow, not fully believing them. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. [shows the score: Hazeltuck Lions: 3, Royal Woods Squirrels: nothing.] QUIET! Lola: Hey, Lincoln! No Such Luck | The Loud House Encyclopedia | Fandom ESPECIALLY THE EXTRA TOE! ", Sisters (sans Lynn, with sad looks on their faces): "No. No such luck: alternate ending 2 by iann28 on DeviantArt Why do these three buffoons have the room. 5 months of research ruined. While they were still upset about their parents' behavior and getting them kicked out of an awesome hotel, they understood why they did what they did and understood that they shouldn't had forced their parents to take them on their vacation. helluvaboss. I kinda have mixed feelings on this alternate ending, though Im leaning more on the approval side. Lincoln: No, im your good luck charm! You're like some mindless mob and I hate that! ", (after a few seconds of silence, Lincoln smiles at them), Lincoln: "I forgive you." Just a heads up, this ending is going to feature a lot of yelling from the siblings and behavior/actions that some of you may believe that I'm representing the siblings in a bad light. "Aha!," she said, in triumph over what she found, "It appears that you were kicked out and supposed to leave the hotel at 9 am sharp." Opening the door slightly, Luna stuck her head out and saw a man, somewhere in his early 30's with Caucasian skin and short brown hair, wearing a security uniform. Lincoln: Enjoy your life in suits! (Lincoln says nothing to his mother. Unfortunately, the reason behind the ground shaking presented itself. Hearing that made the parents sigh in disappointment, they should've known their kids would break things and hoped the bill wouldn't be that much, but also knew that odds were that the bill was going to be massive. Lynn and Lana were accidentally destroying the hotel shower. It centers around an Alternate Timeline involving the events of the infamous episode "No Such Luck", where the Loud family thought that Lincoln was bad luck. I guess this proves it! Just a head's up. NOTE: I am aware this episode has been overly bashed to death. Things were starting to get intense in the Loud family hotel room. Lincoln: Well my family doesnt think im bad luck anymore, in fact now they think im good luck. Am. Okay look, answer me these questions! The Loud House Re-write #1-No Such Luck - DeviantArt "YOU KIDS ARE NOTHING BUT TROUBLE AND TO BE HONEST, I WAS GLAD WHEN YOUR PARENTS DECIDED TO TAKE YOU TO THAT HOTEL BECAUSE I COULDN'T STAND THE THOUGHT OF BEING STUCK WITH YOU MONSTERS FOR TWO DAYS!" Lincoln: If they're so nuts, I can't be near my family. ", [The sound of the ball getting hit by the bat is heard and the rest of Lynn's team runs the remaining bases. "Aunt Ruth, please reconsider," Rita started with, before she interrupted by Ruth. So, I plan to rectify that. The Loud House: No Such Luck (2 Alternate Endings) Lincoln and Lucy were dealing with a fictional ghost. "Which room number is it?" But right now, ive had it! One Squirrel tosses the bat right at Lincoln by accident. It's too broken, even for me! Why? And it wasn't just her, everyone in the lobby felt it and they looked around, wondering if there was an unexplainable earthquake coming. The Loud House: No Such Luck Alternate Ending Add to Favourites By HaileyKittydoesart Published: Mar 31, 2021 Favourites Comment 4K Views "I'm not bad luck!" Lincoln said in a megaphone, he was done with sleeping outside and eating acorns to survive. All of you!" But right now, no! The family sees this and gasps in shock.). ), (It cuts to the main street. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. "Yeah, brah." "And mom should know better," Lori shouted back, glaring at her mother specifically, "Then to take us to that woman!" Post-Story Notice: Anyway. it shows how badly Lincoln was treated by his family. Suite and Sour / Back in Black. ", Lynn: (smiles, more tears come down her eyes,) "What did I do to deserve a brother like you?" Patching Things Up / Cheater by the Dozen. Luan: (with a broken voice) "We treated you like an outcast because we were stupid enough to believe that junk! I hate that you put your own lame pride and wants above everything else! "What do you kids want?" ", Lisa: (with a broken voice, but not as loud): "Even an intelligence person such as myselffell for such bologna. "Wait," Lori interrupted with, "How could our parents get us kicked out just for taking a late night dip?" At least this thick skin won't let me down! While this Season 2 Loud House episode might not be as bad as 'Brawl in the Family' or 'No Such Luck,' it's up there. Hmm. (Lincoln picks up the remains of the squirrel suit, blows a spiteful raspberry to the family and runs off in fury and sorrow. Scared as to what will happen if they say something wrong, eventually, Lincoln stepped forward and proceeded to say, "We're really sorry, sir. ", Lincoln: "Well Luna, we all make mistakes. "Her pudding is at least a hundred years old and will cause us all to go to the hospital for stomach pumping," Lisa added. Everything is going wrong with the Squirrels today. Lincoln and Lucy were dealing with a fictional ghost. "Uuhhh," Luna started, unsure of how to start the conversation, "Hello, security dude. So consider this as a fourth fanfic of mine. And with that the parents ran into the room and closed the door. No pun intended. Ruth shouted at the top of her lungs. "Listen to what?" I'm sorry I was such a bad loser, all I wanted was for Lincoln to support me, to support us. I HATE THIS!!! And once again, computer typing was heard and, after a couple minutes, she got her answer. Lincoln: "Did anything bad happen, something life threatening that I would be deemed 'bad luck'? "Two outs in the bottom of the ninth, and the bases are loaded. She shouted that last part at the top of her lungs. (Lisa turns to him) Whatever happened to Woman of Science, huh!?! I'm calling the cops! I let my pride get the best to me! ", Luan: "The same goes for all of us. Putting the phone on speaker, they waited for her to pick up the phone. Lisa: That's the last time I ever fall for such phone-baloney! She hoped the kids would say something, but all they got were grunts of disbelief. Felix asked, "Can you tell me what exactly caused these kids to be kicked out?" Journal. TLH: Scoop Snoop (Alternate Ending) by LuisLoudestFan on DeviantArt They were glad that they were still together like a loving family. The Loud House Fanfiction: No Such Luck PM1's Version But the woman did, "That your parents were caught skinny dipping after hours? He's a big fan of you, Lincoln; and he told me that you're working with news. Immediately, everyone started running or hiding to avoid getting caught in the crosshairs of their destruction. I get that i was pretty stupid myself to spread that stupid fib, i should have just opened up! Didn't you say you would never kick us out? Lincoln: But you were all so gullible and stupid! I hate the fact that I was ever related to you monsters! The important thing is that we learn from them. "We don't have a hotel room anymore," Lincoln said, in a very angry tone that the parents weren't used to seeing. "We promised you wouldn't notice we were there while had a nice relaxing weekend, right?" User blog:AlexKawa/Alternative Ending: No Such Luck | The Loud House The Loud House Re-write #1-No Such Luck Add to Favourites By jgodzilla1212 Watch Published: May 10, 2020 75 Favourites 101 Comments 31K Views (It begins right after Lincoln tells Lily why he can't attend to Lily's play date and he bumps into Lisa) Lisa: >scoffing< Pshaw, There's no such thing as bad luck, there's only science, all else is hooey. He just looks away as he enters the police car, and is driven away to jail. Also please don't flame me. Lincoln turned to Lori and said, "I think we should call Aunt Ruth and tell her how we feel." No such Luck: Repair not Revenge, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Bad luck never happened before when he was there..but he said all we do is just mess things up..we really are the worst family ever Rita: We're sorry kids. She knew it didn't mean the weather, it was going to be bright and sunny all day. I'll just play softball all by myself! "She's got a million cats that enjoy scratching us like crazy," Lucy said. [Lynn Sr. teared up and he burst into tears at the heartwarming moment.] ", Rita: "And this time, we'll let Lincoln decide what movie we'll watch. Need i remind you looneys that its against the law to not shelter one of your own and what am i supposed to do now that all my belongings are gone!? "What," Felix said, "what is it?" ", Lynn: "We forgot to lock the windows! We didn't just barge into the room. They messed up and their children were furious with them because of it. After spending a good 10-15 minutes unpacking and putting everything back in the respective places in their rooms, the siblings walked into the living room and saw their parents were in fact still sitting on the couch. after they let go, Lincoln notices Lynn standing with her head down.) I was horrible to you! As long as I know that it'strue, I wouldn't let this stop me from loving you, or anyone else. The Loud House: No Such Luck Alternate Ending - DeviantArt Ruth meant what she said when she said she would get a restraining order, which she did, and to make extra sure the family couldn't go to her, she packed up everything and moved to somewhere in Alaska. Later, in jail). And with that, Lori started driving the van out of the hotel and back towards their house. The Loud House No Such Luck FanficThe Loud House: No Such Luck (Lynn looks confused.) Lola: We are your family, we do want you, we promise! "Hi, Aunt Ruth," Lola said, in a fake sweet tone, "it's your niece Rita's kids." Rita: Honey! "Really," Luan said, raising her eyebrows at her parents, "Because if you ask me parents don't go skinny dipping at night, or get the entire family kicked out of the hotel or make their children feel guilty for ruining a vacation that they already ruined." You can't ground us, we're the parents!" Lynn: Stop being such a baby and just put that suit back on! Whenever you fell like you need a break, you're free to take a rain check. (heads to Vanzilla and gets inside, they drive of to the movies). Lincoln: "Oh really." I am an 11 year old boy, not some object to be pushed away and than used! Which she did. Except for Lynn). This confused everyone even more, until Lincoln started putting 2 and 2 together. The Loud House Re-Write - Linc or Swim. No Such Luck - Lucky Carol by TriassicLane | The loud house fanart I hate fashion shows! During the drive, there was nothing but silence, which is very uncommon for a vehicle that is usually occupied by 13 people. [knocks Pep down], [Lynn finishes her run and gets picked up by her family in celebration of her victory. After that, for the remainder of the car ride, nothing was heard but the sounds of Rita's crying and her tears dropping from her face. I've had an account on this website for about a year and a half now and this is the first story I'm doing for it. [Everyone headed to the living room to sleep together. Lincoln grabs 11 squirrel mascots and put them on his parents and sisters, minus Lily.]. "No need," another voice was heard saying, everyone turned and saw Jeffrey, the spa manager standing in the doorway, glaring at all of them, "I got staff to pack all of your stuff into your bags and bring it downstairs when I was informed you were still here by Maddie, one of my front desk clerks." The Loud House: The Loud Luck (Rewrite) - DeviantArt (she comes down into the living room and whistles loudly) FAMILY, DOWN HERE NOW!!! Bobby: Well, I hope her legs are capable of making up for it. Leni asked, an eyebrow raised, confused. Luck. "I can't believe you," Luna yelled, "I didn't even do anything yesterday and you still decided to ground me for no reason!" He's just really mad, isn't he? House of Lies alt ending14. During that time, the parents spent time talking to each of their children and spending time with them during their activities. "Well mom, you know what I think?" Felix turned to the clock on the wall, it was almost 1 in the afternoon, why were these kids still in a room they were supposed to have been long gone from. "Huh. Things were starting to get intense in the Loud family hotel room. Lincoln: (to the viewers) Welp, I may be forced to stay here for quite a long time, but at least I finally got away from my so-called "family"! They thought that if they did or said something that this man didn't like, he would turn them to stone with his glare. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Even you Lisa! ", Baseball Announcer: "Talk about bad luck. I can't believe I just hit one of my own sisters! Years after his death, Lincoln is given the opportunity to see how his sisters are doing. I don't even care about that anymore. We wont! Whenever the kids fought, they were scared, whenever the kids were angry at each other or one specific sibling, they were scared, but when all the kids were angry at something (in this case, them), they were terrified, because they knew something bad was going to happen. Lucy. They were my favourite! I have truly failed the term 'scientist'. * I hate that fact that you never make up for anything! Ruth shouted back, insulted. AND I'M GOING TO GET A RESTRAINING ORDER JUST TO KEEP YOU AWAY!" They notice the huge mess of items in the yard and are horrified.). ", [The family and Bobby cheer for Lynn as she makes her run around the field.