Why hath you summoned me before you? Equestria Girls: Friendship is Magic Chapter 20: Date Night, a my It's too soon.". "Yes sir!" An army of beings known as Changelings stormed the city, injuring many of our citizens and Royal Guards, while also harvesting their love for their own ends. Were it not for Twilight and Cadance's intervention, Canterlot faced certain doom at the hooves of Chrysalis, and they would've been held responsible. "Is that so?" Not only did they emotionally scar our beloved daughter, they left her vulnerable and helpless. Together they moved out of the brush, making their way southeast toward the Everfree. And for Celestia's sake, Twilight was ruthlessly accusing her of being evil to the point where she upsets her! The latter turned to Shining Armor next. Whispered Luna, comforting her sister. "I slept just fine. Youhad no right to berate her like that and that goes double for her friends and the Princess herself. You want to say sorry? Well, when on that Nightmare Night I tried to connect with my subjects, it was Twilight who helped me to become more down-to-earth and kinder to my subjects than before. ", "As much as I respect and admire your loyalty to your family Captain, I'm afraid your duties lie elsewhere. Twitter, MLP: Friendship is Magic - 2023 Hasbro Inc. Taking a deep breath, Spike proceeded to talk. The girls had succeeded in trying to understand Twilight's fury, and she had helped them to do it. "Then why did you not defend Twilight at the wedding rehearsal?". "Did you defend Twilight then?" After everything we've done together, all the good times we shared and the challenges we encountered together as friends, they betrayed me and left me to die! "Your Majesty, may I present Snake Bite. What do you think of that sir? Coupled with it was the occasional flash of lightning and clap of thunder, giving the charcoal-black landscape an ominous appearance. The former was pleased to see her, but also equally worried. There was no doubting the alicorn's mind that yesterday's fiasco had taken a toll on Twilight's already haggard mind, therefore she felt the best course of action was to ensure she was looking after herself that morning. "Following your departure to oversee the wedding rehearsals, I was manning the watch as usual, until Cadance flew up to me. Two wrongs never make a right and when I say that, I meant it doesnt matter how out of order Twilight was when she confronted the queen. ", "Take as much time as you both need Spike. Don't they realize what they've done? Sorry you had to see us in this state. Cried Shining. Surely you haven't forgotten, right? Alternative Stories - Canterlot Wedding Blues - Fimfiction You had no choice but to banish me to the moon for 1000 years. ", "So you thought it was right to break the heart of "your most faithful student", betraying her trust in the process? Said Pinkie. How could you walk out on your best friend like that?! It left a horrible panging feeling in her heart as once more, the magnitude of her and the girl's collective actions hit home. She was deep in thought, as well as misery. As he did so, the balcony doors shut and the shield disappeared into the thin air. I have heard enough as it is from Twilight, Cadance and Spike even. The dreadful events of the rehearsal were still eating away at her heart, not least that of Shining or any of the other parties involved in the fiasco. As they were doing this, Commander Barbarousis had come up with an idea, one he thought would benefit the operation and the army immensely. Her brother, Shining Armor, somepony she held very dear, disowned her before abandoning her in her hour of need. "That is correct sister. A brief silence took hold as Celestia registered the news, before resuming her job. This day should have been just perfect, The kind of day of which they dreamt when they was small. There was a pause. "I understand your grief completely now, Sir Light and Lady Velvet, but while I empathize with your plight, I am not here to promise swift vengeance. Rarity added. "Aura is the energy which is generated from a pony's emotions. Perhaps she had been a bit too scathing in her criticism of her sister. Will I let you out? "At ease." This left the group with little else to do other than ironing out any flaws in their apology speech. "Snake Bite, I have summoned your presence for a task of great importance. "Come on girls, you did well the first time. From her bedroom, the unicorn could be heard sobbing. Chrysalis would have revealed her deception and conquered the city in one swift stroke, and the blood of thousands of innocent ponies would have been on our hooves. While it failed to, that didn't stop him from opening his mouth. Just make sure you knock before entering.". "Twilight, it doesn't matter anymore. Just let it out" Cooed Candace softly, still dutifully caring for the filly she was entrusted with. I wasn't comfortable with leaving her, but I didn't want to be cast out of the wedding either! Rainbow tried going after him, but Applejack raised a hoof to stop her; it was best that they did not disturb either Spike or Twilight at this time. I have to go and find Twilight. ", "Well, things happened, concerning a few ponies including mahself, Twilight and the other girls. Gasped Celestia speechlessly. Shining's thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of Celestia throwing herself atop her bed, dispirited and miserable. One of our garrisons was attacked and defeated by Chrysalis and the remnants of her army. As Celestia continued questioning Luna on her absence during the battle against the Changelings, Shining (who was standing away from them next to the throne room's massive doors) was getting anxious. "Beautiful? To be precise, the only traceable source of conflict to be found in Equestriawas in my heart.". Chrysalis delayed her response, taking a moment to ponder the plan. Shinings heart sank deeper into his stomach. "Celestia, please wake up!" "Of course we did!" You must let me go with Cadance. With that, Spike walked back inside. Indeed, it was rock solid. Their disguises were as solid as their nerves. Still, it needed to be done, and the stallion knew he could not forsake priorities for his own wellbeing. Deadpanned Applejack. "Lady Velvet, Sir Light, the reason I am here is of great importance. ", "There is blind loyalty, Rainbow, and then there is experience. Do you understand, Shining Armor Sparkle?" Chrysalis cackled evilly. "You heard her. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction I just..". With that, the Mane 5 began to move out of the treehouse, one by hesitant one. pleaded Shining in protest. Do you have any idea..?". a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction "I don't think there's much we can do Shining. "Now I must return to the palace. ", "Why Auntie? As the days passed, and my hopes turned into bitterness, you ignored it for the limelight, leaving me to succumb to my demons. Recognizing the voice of her foalsitter, she unlocked the door, allowing Cadance to open it. ", "First thing's first though, I should probably go check on Twilight, make sure she's OK. As for you girls, you should probably go home and get some sleep. She tried explaining to her friends, but they dismissed her concerns as mere wedding stress. On the other hoof, I can imagine how glorious victory will be when we storm the gates of Canterlot, and it is all thanks to you that this is possible! "Princess, we have brought your sister as you requested.". Luna responded. She's first skeptically about meeting new people, but when she discovered the magic of friendship, her life becomes a little happier. Ah' did apologize to Twilight, twice! Mlp canterlot wedding fanfiction abandoned twilight The colour was the same as Twilight's magical aura, a reddish hue of purple, but it also contained a dark tint. What kind of ponies are you? "Cadance, is there anything else you wish to tell me?". The pain must be excruciating, for want of a fitting word. I need to know what she was doing the day of the invasion. If you know of any of their movements, let me know immediately! Added Pinkie. DId you not realize the potential ramifications your actions could've had on her? "Of course your highness. The worst of it was from Celestia, whom Twilight idolised and worshipped even as a foal. In the last invasion, Chrysalis tried employing a policy wherein her troops would not kill, even those who fought against them. Applejack wasn't the only one who betrayed everything she stood for, we did as well. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction Their mistake, which deserved a big fat mark of shame. The time has come for Canterlot to learn the true strength of the Changelings". Just then, Rarity entered the building, the doorbell signalling the alabaster unicorn's arrival. For now, it was just her and Twilight. And once more that same stubbornness was driving her will to action. The Changelings roared in unison, their thirst for blood amplified beyond comprehension. The Nightmare Forces feed off negative emotions, such as the two I just mentioned. Said Applejack. The finest spy in my intelligence corps.". Aunt Celestia asked me to tell you that if you wish to seek a private audience with her, you are more than welcome to do so. Asked Luna curiously. They really had gone too far in their treatment of her. We all betrayed you Twilight. The look on her face was neither smiling nor frowning, but one of concern. We'll let you in, but they are not allowed on this property!" Soon to be thrice once ah' meet up with the girls to discuss a plan. "We all betrayed it. Twilight, we stand here before you, remorseful and ashamed of what we have done. Could you explain the basics of what happened?". Maugrim! "Without her, we can't be friends anymore!" In fact, let her know that if she wants an audience with me to gain her trust, I would be more than happy to meet with her. You know what we want, and if you do not surrender, then we will happily walk over you and anypony else who stands in our way to get it". "Yes Luna. Rarity's expression remained unchanged, but she decided it was best she did not dwell on it. Replied Snake. ", "No Fluttershy,I haven't. Added Rarity. Everything that happened.it's all stuck in my head and I can't get it out!". You will also be in charge of drilling. Shining Armor had left you. Rarity opened the bakery door to find what looked like the twisted body of Rainbow Dash lying in a grave she had dug herself, not to mention it wasn't exactly a neat job either. However, he was met with no answer as it turned out Celestia had fallen asleep. After Twilight is abandoned by everypony she trusts, Maleficent makes the poor, depressed mare complete her curse. Maugrim added jubilantly. Twilight's head drooped sadly. It was fortunate enough that Cadance already had Twilight's trust, given that she had no part in the betrayal, but she still had to ensure the latter was convinced enough to let the Mane 5 be heard. Can you do that Fang? If there was one thing the cyan blue pegasus was known for, it was stubbornness. There's still a chance for you to make up with Twilight. That would mean telling his mother and father, Twilight Velvet and Night Light, of the events that had transpired since the rehearsal, and by the Creator, they would not take it well. "Well, it's best that I start from the beginning..". Yelled the lead Royal Guard. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction. However, that mattered little now, as she too was about to receive the brunt of Spike's fury. If no resolution could be reached, fighting could then begin. Entire towns and villages had fallen mostly by his hoof alone, hence why Blade saw fit to pick him for this job. However, despite her sureness Rainbow could not shake off the nagging of her conscience, which continued to question her loyalty towards Twilight. Both the senior Apples looked at Applejack sternly. Instead, she opted for a conciliatory defeat. The yellow pegasus croaked tiredly. Shining shares the same pain I do. Applejack stopped eating. With a quick and curt bow, Snake Bite flew off to Ponyville. The Royal Guard was out and about, not only patrolling the streets to find and arrest any Changeling stragglers, but to assist with repair and resettlement efforts. Replied Velvet. "Darnit" Rainbow grumbled in annoyance. Meanwhile, Luna was first to break the ice between herself and Celestia. "Hi girls." There was nothing that could ruin this moment, absolutely nothing. ", "That's not the point Princess! "You have not seen the last of me Celestia! "Let me see my sister captain." The walls, floor and roof were cast marble, a red carpet stretching from the door to Celestia's bed, equally an impressive sight as the room itself. "Now, about these underground tunnels, I think it would be most helpful if a lot of ponies in Canterlot knew about them. Moments later, Princess Cadance, the bride, Twilight's former foalsitter and somepony with whom she was very close, appeared. Barked Chrysalis. Trotting through the castle's long and myriad hallways, he finally came across Celestia's private study, guarded by two of his men. Sobbed Celestia. "Yes Fluttershy, you really were that cruel to her. Once you finish breakfast, you had better go and fix this mess, understand?". The battle was ferocious. Eventually, after a spree of incapacitating and harvesting the love of her opponents, Chrysalis was left with Aegis, who was a bedraggled mess. Much of Fimfiction's functionality requires javascript so we suggest you turn it on! The Mane 5 were completely stuck for words. They offered to help me get the respect and attention I deserved in exchange for taking over my soul, and without much hesitation, I accepted. "Thank you General." He didn't like leaving Twilight so broken, but he didn't want to be cast out of the wedding either. Furthermore, she did also upset the bride, my niece. "Pack your things Spike. "I knew it. After being laid down gently on the floor, the blue pegasus came to. Oftentimes, an artist would find a scene worthy of a new painting, and it would fall to him to transfer that scene from real life to canvas, thereby creating a transcendent work of art. While I watched over my night, the ponies were asleep in their beds. "How typical of your lot, Chrysalis" Chortled the lead Guard, Defiant Aegis. Celestia had tasked Luna to occasionally broadcast an announcement for any and all displaced ponies to meet inside the castle's Hall of Neighyeux, where they would be briefed on the situation of their household. Said Applejack, admiring the sight. Meanwhile, very much unbeknownst to Celestia, Luna had taken the decision to head off to the Sparkle family home. If you'd allow me, I will describe it to you in detail.". It is with honest hearts that we apologize for abandoning you when you needed us most. "I don't know Luna. We must catch the train". How she, out of her friends, her brother and her mentor was the only one to notice the glints of Chrysalis's evil under the shroud of her poorly rehearsed masquerade, how helpless and shocked she felt when Chrysalis brainwashed Shining, how little her friends took her seriously when she tried to tell them her concerns about the impostor, how hurt and betrayed she felt when they walked out on her, following her brother to comfort a pony who was completely undeserving of any sympathy, regardless of the crocodile tears she shed, how lost everything seemed when Celestia was defeated and she and her friends were captured before they could reach the Elements of Harmony, and how justified she felt after Chrysalis was beaten. Ever since that Nightmare Night when Twilight restored her relationship with the citizens of Ponyville, Luna knew and recognized the fact that Twilight was nothing short of respectable, honorable and a true friend, deserving of everything she had achieved to this point. Now that she had a man in charge of drilling and equipment, she needed somepony to command the home defense. The cowpony confirmed glumly. The difference here was that while Twilight was wronged, Spike was as much part of this disaster as Princess Luna was. Back at Sugarcube Corner, time had ticked away since the girls had arrived. The only question that lingered, however, was how long would that loyalty last? Meanwhile, Cadance and the Mane 5 were aboard the train which followed Twilight's to Ponyville. "May I get you anything?" Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, AJ, clearly you are not worthy of the time of a pony like Twilight Sparkle, and by extension, you are not worthy of my time either. Celestia clenched her eyes in pain. There is nothing more we desire than this.". But worst of all, we threatened to plunge Equestria into eternal night, just so I could get my own self-gratification from watching the ponies celebrate my night. That was the question burdening Applejack's mind, however. ", "No Luna. August 21, 2022 . Stepping inside the library, she made herself comfortable. His strict side came to the fore once more. There was no doubting it; his actions had inflicted severe damage on their relationship, damage that had clear knock-on effects as demonstrated by Cadance and Spike. "Applejack, you should know it's too early for me to forgive you. "Proceed Commander." "I'm fine Spike. "Excellent." Twilight is skeptical about her brother's wedding and Ash is worried about the threat on Canterlot. Just then, Spike stepped down the stairs. Both Night and Velvet looked at each other nervously, before returning their attention to Luna. "What do you mean your Majesty?" So, after checking to make sure Sweetie Belle was still sound asleep, and after spending roughly 15-20 minutes fixing up her mane and tail (and applying her make-up), Rarity left for Sugarcube Corner, but not before eating breakfast and leaving a little something for Sweetie Belle to eat herself. 60,737 hits today, 1,481,371 yesterday, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Adventure. "Go now Snake Bite. Meanwhile, Applejack was still trying to comprehend Twilight's revelation that their actions had put her life, as well as the lives of several thousand ponies including their own in danger. ", "It is a good plan, Commander." What is that?" What are we going to tell Twilight?" You fools, don't you know who I am? Before she could say anything, Celestia continued. The troops must stick to the mission at all times, and at all costs. "We appreciate your service. Try not to look suspicious. One could even dare say the latter was no longer her favourite princess as well. With a new school, town, and friends, it's an adventure waiting to . Rarity had awoken from her sleep, groggy but quite well-rested. Chrysalis made no response, physically or otherwise. When I betrayed our friendship, I betrayed everything I stood for, and I deeply regret it. Yelled both commanders as their forces clashed. Night and Velvet leaned in close; whatever news he had was obviously bad. All you cared about that whole day was playing with the wedding cake decorations! They followed behind her, closing the doors as they left. Twilight bowed her head as well, Spike and Cadance looking up to notice her movements. "It'sIll fill you in on everything inside", said Shining as they went into the living room. While the latter would be pleased to see her again, the presence of the girls would equate to a presence entering her home that was never welcome from the day they had first met. Celestia remarked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. With a sigh, she chose to come clean. Asked Rarity worriedly. Yet another price had been paid for their mistake, and one that was very, very costly. Meanwhile, Rarity had managed to pull herself together. "We're nearly there girls. Spike could only smile at that. "You're a love-stealing evil thug!". Unfortunately, it was too late. After throwing the doors open and shut with her magic, the lavender unicorn threw herself on her bed, crying every fibre of her pain out of her. Meanwhile, Canterlot was buzzing with activity. Barbarousis answered assuredly. "Well, things happened, concerning a few ponies including mahself, Twilight and the other girls. We do not need this to continue! Just then, Cadance walked into the bakery. All of this was going down a pair of raging waterfalls that flowed down the mare's face. I can't help it. That was an impostor with evil intentions, yet you let her facade fool you, and I know you sister. Twilight was clearly still in anguish and self-pity. What if Cadance wasn't an impostor? They had a job to do, and they would get it done. Now she knew what was going on, but then came the million-bit question; how would the events of the wedding affect her, and what would come in the future relating to that event that would also affect her? Back in Canterlot, Shining Armor had arrived at his and Twilights old family home with the orders to inform their parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light of their current situation. It is because of this that I understood why she was your student. Wracked with grief, Applejack flopped onto her bed in tears, but not before hurriedly hanging up her trademark Stetson. How were they able to come to Twilight's aid the first time, when they did not the second time? Fluttershy whimpered anxiously. With no words, he awaited his orders. "You need not explain to me why you and them are here. Taking a moment to sniffle again, Twilight laid down her sins before them. The reason he left lay largely with popular choice, and that was to just leave Twilight to think about what she had done. Rarity, I'll meet you at Carousel Boutique.". Angel tried his best to comfort her, not knowing the reason behind his master's sorrow. Alkaios! The girls fell into an uneasy silence. It's not like that!" However, teams of my pegasi will dive bomb the Guards and engage them from behind, allowing our troops to move in and finish them off. Unfortunately for Luna, she would be proven right as the group approached the throne room. Helping the unicorn to dry her eyes, Spike stood back as Twilight returned to her hooves. "The operation should take 8 hours maximum, but it is currently unknown what kind of defensive capabilities the enemy possesses. Still, she tried her best to remain perky, and after having breakfast herself, she set to work stacking Sugarcube Corner's display case with treats and confectioneries of all shapes and sizes. ", "But that's not true Granny Smith! "Well.basically what happened is that Twilight was concerned about Princess Cadance, who was due to be married to our son, Shining Armor, at the time.You see Princess, the Princess Cadance that Twilight was so concerned about was not the real one. Spike was standing atop the stairwell, his face clearly marked with suspicion. She knew Celestia had bad news for her, but this was beyond anything she had imagined. "You have nothing to be sorry for. "Well, why would she do it? I don't know a whole lot about what happened, nor do I remember, but Twi went completely insane trying to find a problem to solve so she could write to Princess Celestia about her friendship lesson. How dare you lecture us on how to be Twilight's friends!". Replied Pinkie, trying her best to make her reply sound genuine. Luna's horn lit up as she prepared to cast the spell. "Ok Twilight, I understand. How?". Twilight was your own sister, your own flesh and blood! "We won't leave you ever again.". Night Light and Twilight Velvet were clearly delighted to see him and that made breaking the grave news of Twilight and Spike even harder to bear. She was crying tears of both despair and joy. All she cared about was just going back to her quarters, before crying her eyes out, packing her things and leaving Canterlot, wanting to get away from those who no longer cared for her. The girls were leaving you..what could I have done? Velvet and Night looked at each other in surprise, before returning their gaze to Luna. The Princess requests a moment alone with the captain.". Despite being armed with weapons and armor, the Royal Guards were finding it tough fighting the vicious and determined Changelings. May I come in?" "I will not fail you.". Behind him, the doors flung open to reveal Celestia's Royal Guards, with Luna following closely behind. For the fourth time in a row, silence fell over the room as the Mane 5, Shining Armor and Celestia looked at Cadance in shock and horror. One of the guards said gruffly. "That's the Changeling Queen's name, and it sounds every bit as evil as she is." twilight runs away from her brother's wedding and ends up on earth in the 1920's. she there meets her only chance to fit in a new world. "Your Majesty?" however what happens when her only chance is also in the mafia. He had knocked one of Chrysalis's Changelings out cold with a swift strike to the pony's temple using his leg armor. She will be painted matte white and Celestia themed. One would expect her to take it maturely. This was a very damning experience for them, but it was one they deserved for treating their best friend the way they did. Cadance sighed deeply. With a reciprocating nod and salute (respectively), the two ponies proceeded through the halls of the castle up to Celestia's private bedchambers, two rows of guards watching over the hall leading to both Celestia and Luna's rooms. Replied Rainbow confidently. "Your Majesty, I wish to inform you of an attack on one of the settlements outside the city. I understand why you are upset.". Inside the Changeling Hive, which too was being lashed by the ferocious rainfall, the leaders of Queen Chrysalis's army were gathered inside the war room, studying a strategic map of Canterlot which was spread out on the table. You believed that she was the perfect protege, and thus you took her under your wing in order to help her realize that potential. family zodiac compatibility chart; lakefront property for sale vernon, bc; shangela and alyssa edwards look alike; east bay regional parks list; ihealth company stock The lieutenants of his army were made up of one of the three pony species, one for the Earth ponies, the pegasi and the unicorns. Nonetheless, it was easy to see why this was such a serious incident. Princess Luna is here!". The reason is that in light of my most recent actions, as well as those of Captain Armor and the Element Bearers, Canterlot nearly fell.". Replied Applejack, slightly unsure of what was about to happen. "Oh Spike, how could I not forgive you?" "Take as much time as you need. Added Maugrim. Barbarousis! With a look on her face that screamed "enough is enough", Celestia turned to Shining to issue orders. Unfortunately, in his haste to leave, he wasn't prepared for what came next. Said Cadance firmly. Night Light immediately hurried to the front door, before bowing to greet the princess. Rainbow cut in. Snake grinned. Stepping up on the pedestal, Shining braced himself as the personnel present in the room began to look up at him. Replied Shining sadly. He glanced up ever so slightly to look at her, but quickly looked back down too ashamed to look her in the eye. "Is there anything we can do to make them realize we truly regret our mistakes?, I dont think so, I destroyed my familys honor because of my betrayal and our naivety. Not only was this the most important moment of the Mane 5's lives, but it was quite possibly the most important moment in Equestrian history.