Do you have any idea how many people of all ages go missing here every single day. . Another case that comes to mind is the case of Holger Hagenbusch: I live in a third world country and sometimes tourists come to grief. I would start at both ends of the trail meaning working forward from where they started their walk and backwards from where their pathetic remains were found. What I find most concerning is her face. They are 99.999999% preventable. Its thought that Kremers and Froon were exploring nature without anyone else around. What if she was trying to get fire with the mirror and the paper? Many hikers from all over the world disappear, fall, or suffer other fatal accidents while traveling - this could've happened to these women as well. Also, #509 was deleted after all of the other photos were taken, which means someone went back and deleted it after all of the nighttime photos were taken. Thanks Chris!! I think Kris and Lisanne were two smart, savvy, levelheaded young women. I dont know if this photo is before or after a photo where Kris appears to have mud on her legs and on her arm. Its perfectly normal and had they not tragically passed, its the type of photo theyd have been joking about later. One thing which confused me were the bras the smaller one looks more like a bikini top. Thank you for reading. Shortly after this, they became victims. Image 505 is actually the last image before the night photos. Most fingers seem to point to the Panama authorities, who have also been blamed for a poor initial search in the immediate days after the disappearance. Just behind her tied hand area. Around 2 oclock. I created this graphic and highlighted the unusual items that seemed peculiar to me: In this photo of what looks like a cave or overgrown ravine, there are numerous possible items that suggest this place had been visited by other people. I too noticed a nose and lips appearing. Only a handful of the pictures retrieved from the memory card showed clear images, with most showing near-complete darkness. This is an interesting analysis, of this photos and the case in general. Snoeren and West believe that flash floods, which are typical to that area, would make strategically placing items impossible. I am trying not to speculate but where is the firm incontrovertible starting point? For this websites credibility I would strongly recommend more thorough moderation of peoples comments. He has a reasonable explanation for why she is having to bend down, and he found video where you can see a turn to the left where kris is. There is definitely a face on that the post/tree to the right of Kris. I think someone followed the girls, caught them, killed them and brought them somewhere, hid them, so they were never found. If anything, they work harder to try and bring anyone to justice that harms a tourist. I think that she has her hand to her ear,she looks like she is trying to hear what someone is saying,and also,the light is in her eyes;.It looks like she has twisted herself around in doing so. Auto Reset and Continuous. This is relevant because if the camera was on Auto Reset and 509 was deleted before 510 was taken, then the camera would use image 509 again. Its sad because Panama is a beautiful country with a lot of wonderful people. They knew to be on guard and be careful. The dog found his way home. The group of 13 youngsters - nine from Coln province and four who were visiting from Panama City - left on Friday morning to go swimming in Gatn Lake. Also, aserial killer might have stalkedtheir area at the time. But there are a few holesin this particular theory. Keep the ideas flowing guys. If I saw a cow skull hanging in a tree I would get the hell out of there, not pose for a photo. Many of the leads were simply not followed fingerprints, interviewing key suspects, identifying the precise location where evidence was discovered, etc. Because of thedark, the pairmight have usedthe camera flash as a light sourceor to scare away animals. Hi Abrahm, thank you for your comment. One was left above. The BLUE object on ground could be a BRA. Thanks for all you are doing Chris. The whole scene is odd why is Lisanne (if it was her) standing miles away? After this, can ANYONE IN THIS WORLD still doubt that this girl WOULD NOT HAVE WRITTEN OR PHONED HER MOTHER FOR TWO WEEKS when she also called the police 100 times? There was no signal!! Maybe someone had her in there sitting on the rock, and she heard them coming back and got up quickly to turn around. Youtube channel backpackercoach or backpackingcoach i think, has a video called is it a cave? where he shows a section of trail that looks much like that. Then uses the flash to take many photos of the area, so she can return for Kris after finding help. The theories Ive read seem too far-fetched to be believable. What confuses this is that after Kriss phone dies then on the 5th during the afternoon SOS attempt a wrong pin is input on Lisannes phone and indeed continues to be input until the end. Wow, theres a lot going on in this picture. Cops quizzed locals, tour guides and other hikers, but only the photos and call logs provided a slither of evidence as to what had happened. Kris Kremers, 21, and Lisanne Froon, 22, went for a walk through the scenic forests around the Baru volcano in Boquete - and never returned. The camera and photos were tampered with with photos removed and other photos cropped and reduced in size. While posing with sticking out your tongue means for a Dutch native you found something disgusting, especially while simultaneously closing your eyes. It needs to be stressed that while the AI upsampled image looks impressive, it cannot and does not recover any lost information. It is possible for incompetence to work in conjunction with interests to protect key industries. WHY? The camera could have malfunctioned but this seem highly unlikely. Hello Chris, did you ever get any background on the statements made by Joseph? I have no doubt that the camera was tampered with. Not lurking or following the girls or walking beside them; nothing. Shes just exploring. Once you see it, you cannot unsee see it. The photo to me appears that she simply is bending over to get the sun out of her eyes, with her right hand help up to shield the sun. Ive kept comments on this article open for civil and respectful discussion. By April 6, 2014, theparents of both women grew frantic andflew to Panama with detectives from the Netherlands. ITS SHAPED LIKE A BRA. They were friends from college, and were roommates then, so Lisanne had to have known Kris password as her best friend. The gangs in Panama are much smaller, usually consisting of between 5 and 30 people. Thanks for your comment. Yo veo en el fondo de la foto 506, adjunto al muslo, la pierna y el pie izquierdo de Kris, una silueta de un hombre joven, con sombrero de copa alta y ala ancha (al estilo de los sheriff norteamericanos), con una manta blanca sobre sus hombros,tronco y brazos y un rifle o escopeta en posicin horizontal sobre sus manos. There is an illustration drawn on Kriss back in the hair photo. Right above it. A wave of deadly exorcisms have griped the country, under the guise of religion, at the hand of a death cult. The blue item could be anything, but shows someone has been there before. Thanks for your consideration with this comment. Foul play is very likely. Let me dampen the third party argument by asking IF their end was at the hands of another personwhy not simply bury the rucksack rather than all the elaborate need for photoshopping and phones used in the hands of a third party ? And if suspects were clicking photos, and knew how to operate a smartphone, they would not return the phones. If you have any supplementary information regarding the case, or if you were involved in this case and feel that the information available in this article impacts your privacy, please contact our team. After the attempted calls, the phones stayedon for some time. Where did you hear this? Despite search teams, which included dogs and. The green rock directly in front of Kris appears to float in space. We do not know what other clothing or items they possibly took. Zooming in I swear its a person standing Hidden amongst the tangle with body paint. Is it possible that there is a building or some sort of structure behind the vegetation? On March 14, 2014, students LisanneFroon and Kris Kremers traveled from the Netherlands to Panama, where they intended toassistlocal communities, volunteerwith children, learnSpanish, and relax a bit. To me, this photo says it all. Someone with darkish skin. They came to learn a language and embrace a culture. I believe one fell. Something I hadnt noticed before until I could see the photos upclose, (the one where she is hunched over) is that her face looks distorted; it doesnt look like her almost as if its some kind of mask. But so much of this search/investigation was poorly executed. Despite search teams, which included dogs and helicopters, there were no . Im always reviewing their case and looking for answers. Well be mapping the trails with a GPS device, searching for the location of the night photos and capturing aerial footage of the rivers in the region. The 29-year-old from Stockport vanished on 14 August near a beauty spot in Panama. Why go to another country to hike when America and other safer countrys have plenty of hiking places ? This was a real disappointment, the entry continued. Theres some orange with white dots. This is the reason that police, journalists and military personnel often disappear and governments struggle to combat crime, not to mention corruption within law enforcement itself. It would also show that the photos had been truly messed about with, as this one is supposed to come before the photos of her crossing the stream. The emergency calls still dont go through. There are more answers out there that are still possible to gather. Cheers, Reg. Why would they remove them? If you think America is a safe country youre extremely ignorant or niieve. Blue is an uncommon color in the rainforest for anything of that size. Tourists are usually only targeted when something goes wrong or someone has a specific personal problem with foreigners or a subset of foreigners. after studying the original photo, she is actually posing sticking her tongue out, in a slight hunched over salute, the light is hitting her hand, her pose and demeanor makes me believe it is Lisanne taking the photo. If someone died, you would certainly write, Body can be found at xyz.. She does look slightly uneasy but I just think it was a photo she wasnt expecting. And the weird flesh colored thing hanging in the tree to her left could be a skinned animal. OK I see the conspiracy theorists saying someone else had their phones but who else would know to try 112 which is the common emergency number for EU countries? Maybe they stumbled on a hidden stash of drugs or something wierd and were taking a photo of the location in order to report it to the police, but got caught before they could. I have seen comment to suggest that they could have made the trip to the divide returned and then gone to another place but then why no more fotos on either phone or camera? Theres a circular object hanging to the left of Kris. Such a tragedy. Australia has 2,000 missing persons and 500 unidentified human remains Many people in El Salvador permit their dogs to roam freely outside in the streets and forests. How many tourists go missing in Australia each year? Looks like shes holding her hand up to shield her eyes. That and the deleted photo make me for first time in my studies of this incident start to suspect foul play, but well never know. She makes a last effort to wake her friend. But after they waved goodbye to the local family for a mid-morning walk on April 1, 2014, they were never seen alive again. Thats from her palm. Thanks in advance! Does anyone agree with me? David Lee Thomas Bass - Facts About the Musician. The total number of people who have gone missing in Mexico since 2006 and have never been found stands at almost 87,855, according to the government from a report earlier this year. The problem with the links you are providing is not that the links themselves are necessarily unsafe (they could be, but we wont test them)the problem is that ALL of your links require users to download some form of content. There are a lot of different indigenous tribes of Panama, most of which are peaceful. The sun is shining right into her eyes so shes squinting and bending down a bit to see her friend, who was probably talking to her while snapping the photo. In the end, maybe this photo has more information that was originally thought. But then Im immediately confronted with conflicting evidence to suggest otherwise. Article about our trip plans: Research Team Update Support Us, Campaign Link: Mapping The Jungle Trails Of Panama. Rights of initiation? Central America is notably inexpensive, free spirited, less commercialized and is typically hospitable to travelers, therefore many travelers from around the world seek these adventures. I think the look on her face isnt scared, but she looks to maybe be in wonder that they found a place like that? Hi Tom, I believe you intended to comment above, on @SwordOfGods comment. The dark side of cruises - MarketWatch Tourism in Panama represents one of Panama's main activities. Dyatlov Pass Tourists Go Missing While Visiting Area of - Newsweek Sometimes that is all that is found. Why were they still in the jungle at 4:39 PM when they made their first distress call? I do not see any eyes, but I can definitely see a nose and a mouth. Dutch authors Marja West and Jrgen Snoeren claim they have solved the mystery in their book Lost in The Jungle. There are over 30 fingerprints on the blue backpack which belongs to one of the girls, but they dont want to investigate the fingerprints. Theres no evidence that animals scavenged the Holandesas., Panamanian IMELCF Forensic Anthropologist, This is from the Daily Beast interview with Jeremy Kryt titled: The Lost Girls, the Bones, and the Man in the Panama Morgue. They keep trying to call emergency. Likelihood the predator will strike again: 99.9% unless predator has died. Its a bit strange that the dog is not in any picture. if both then was the other found in their room? As the search was starting to wind up, a local woman handed in a blue backpack, claiming she found it in a rice paddy along the banks of the river. A man and a woman. Please note: Our team is committed to accuracy of information and respecting the privacy of those involved with this disappearance case. She also is DEFINITELY looking to the right of the person with the camera (presumably Lisanne). Lisanne or Kriss hair and head 4. the dried short (Kriss) 5. both fell but their belongings were intact, no cracks in the phone? The lower orange being around the belly area. There is what appears to be a well trodden, narrow path to the left of her which passes behind her and enters a very dark area at the back right, which could be the cave. Seems strange. no, Jaguars fear humans and do not hunt them as tigers do in India. Theres no telling how many people touched it before the police got it. The mans face is clearly visible standing behind the rock with the red bags. Kriss in the photo is just watching her step. Would they really have gone along a dark spooky ravine, which is obviously a dead end, if they were trying to find their way back to Boquete? Problem with that is that you would think they would simply turn round once they realised. CARACAS, Venezuela -- Few Venezuela ns have not had their lives touched by migration over the last decade, when more than 7 million people left the country amid a political . 3. Perplexing to say the least. Why werent those outgoing calls being completed? I think they were lost. I cant say what it is, but it looks similar to an object, that can be seen in some of the nighttime photos, like in this one here. Also the severity of the situation would dictate the time to the first SOS call. A woman from the localNgbetribeturned in a blue backpack she claimed she found along the bankof a nearby river. Hard noncontroversial evidence is very limited and what there is is open to interpretation. I see orange spray paint markings on the base of the tree further in the cave to Kriss right. The backpack and all the contents are so confusing. Many hikers from all over the world disappear, fall,or suffer other fatalaccidents while traveling-this could've happened to these women as well. It is almost as if they are deliberately not to tell anything rather than the much speculated something. Some of them are human, including several skulls and a young girls intact corpse, in the bottom right, with a large hole in the head. actually name names. Froons bones appeared as if they had decomposed naturally, but Kremerss bones were mysteriously stark white as if they had been bleached, raising questions about whether someone had been involved in their deaths. Debra Ann Velleman, of Waukesha, Wis., and Sue L. Borries, of Teutopolis, Ill., are missing after their plane crashed off the coast of Panama on Jan. 3, 2022. Their bodies were located after more than 690 hours of searching. What I have not found is concrete evidence of where they went. The jungle was searched for another ten days with the help of the cops from the Netherlands - but there was no sign of the girls. Hi Chris, and thank you for your nice comments! They should be alive and flourishing today. Fortunately, I have that ability. Reading this reminded me of another photo the girls took of a branch with what appears to be red plastic attached to it. Had someone told them about something worth seeing? Everything suggests they had no clue what they were doing when they took the taxi to the start of the trail. There are dead animals and skeletons strewn all across the ground. Let me know about your opinion heres the link loads of greetings Mel. Here is what I see: I agree. I knew there was a lot of interest in the case but I never expected to find a sophisticated group collaborating at this level. However, I cannot say for certain because I do not know why the owner would fabricate this part of the story. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. Surely they would put them back on if only for a little insulation. The original plan had been for them to disappear without a trace, like so many other people in that part of Panam, but when the reward money was offered, they decided to fabricate a narrative in which the two girls had mysteriously lost their way on the trail. Happy reading! Police cant be that stupid, but they hope that we are that stupid. Two Dutch women who went missing in April in Panama are now confirmed dead, according to police and the women's families. The Lost Girls of Panama: The Full Story. Give me a link. On April 1, 2014, two students from the Netherlands namedLisanneFroon and Kris Kremers went on a hike in Panama with a dog. And we also have more than 500 sets of human remains believed to be archived across the . When someone does finally find her, its the last people she would want to be found by. Everyone is already aware that there are many unfortunate possibilities of what could have happened to Kris and Lisanne. I think that this is a photoshopped image made by cutting out a picture of Kris and pasting it onto a background to give the false impression that Kris and Lisanne went on the Pianista Trail. There are plenty of reasonable explanations for why someone would have returned the phones and the backpack. Small-town America no more? Tourism gains have made Panama City Beach Rest fell off of the one hour bridge in Bastrop brains and on the rocks below some photos show her dead body laying down there. Is it possible that Kris and Lisanne reached this field with fencing (past the second stream crossing) and mistook this place to be a different entry to the farm areas which are closer to the trail head ? Two years later, a 23 year old American woman is strangled to death while walking the trails. They no longer had their phones or camera and made no emergency calls at all. Accordingly, Kremers's phone was powered-on one last time on April 11, 2014; both phones wentdead afterward. I do get very creepy and bad vibes from this photo though. Another important detail was disclosed to the public: Hctor Abrego was actively searching for the missing . Im not expecting any major reveals from Pitti shell probably just reinforce her previous statements with more insights. IF there was a dog with them why then did they not photograph it? The backpack contained sunglasses, a camera, two cell phones,money,two bras, Froon's passport, and a water bottle. Perhaps Kris is already caught in the trap and thats why she is in a funny position and her waist is drawn in tight. I wanted to share this article from a big newspaper in Panama. It actually came as a surprise to us too, but our conclusion had to be that it was an accident. For goodness sake, why do people make things up? Stop trying to read too much into it. I agree w rope around waste thst wasnt there before, hair is completely down Aldo, shes in distree. As we all know, hitting delete never actually deletes files therefore overwriting the files is the only effective method to cleaning old data. when are you putting a research team together?? Even the cheap pair of sunglasses are in perfect condition. The girls took photos of so many things, even many mundane thingsbut for some reason the dog wasnt present in any of the photos. There is no traces of them anywhere. Take care if you do go over there. In Central America, dogs arent usually seen as something to protect and cuddle. Its a complex topic. Hi Chris, great work by you on this. The fact that one of the 112 called connected for 2 seconds and they did not redial it immediately, is also well dodgy. People have long realized that its up to the public to solve this. Meanwhile, on April 2, 2014, the pairmissed their appointment with their hired tour guide. Her right hand is clearly raised in front of her shading her face from the sunlight. At least the trash element and roof structure looks like very strong evidence. Bringing justice to assailants that harm tourists is very often not a top priority, and it shows through the number of botched investigations. Have you performed this same work on any of the other case photos? But the call logs gave the cops a rough outline of the time the girls spent missing in the jungle. I think its very possible that someone was with them or joined them along the way at some point. To the left hangs a cow skull smeared with blood, perhaps worn during the sacrifices. Political corruption runs rampant, depending on the community, which has a cascading effect on law enforcement and local crime. Also there is a consistency to the timing of SOS attempts occurring two times each day +/ a few minutes of the exact same time. This figure has increased rapidly since the millionth tourist . Given thetimeline, authorities assumedat least one of the womenwas alive at thetime, five days into the search. It suggest that this case goes deeper than we imagine. These are more unanswered questions that we may never know. My interest would be to see if its scientifically possible for the official theory to have happened. The ground is littered with leaves, twigs, and stones. They decided to take that short hike, but they failed to tell anyone where they were going and what time to expect them back. I suppose incompetence runs at many levels. I could be wrong, but until I see some compelling evidence to the contrary, Im sticking with Juans theory. That is not a cave or a ravine behind her. Cave photo: Update Dec 2, 2021: The full-resolution version of this photo was released in 2021. I never received a response. Plus, corruption in Panamas government is rampant. Sheer incompetence. Not everything is a complex conspiracy, people. I dont think theres anything untoward I think shes saying look at this tunnel. For the next three days she keeps moving, weakened by exposure to the elements and at the edge of starvation. Sorry Chris, having re-read what you said at the beginning of your article and having stared at the photo a for a bit longer, I can definitely see the corner of a kind of pitched, thatched roof of a what looks like a man-made hut. Tuesday morning, Velleman and Borries were recovered from inside the plane, according to Albert Lewitinn, a representative for the Velleman family. thank you for sharing this. None of the calls ever got through due to a lack of a signal. Are too many tourists visiting Iceland? - BBC News . The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. I have read several of the books. This would mean that this photo possibly shows the entrance to a cave leading inside the wall of rock behind it. Certainly this could have been due solely to incompetence alone, but they ignored performing relatively simple investigation tasks more than once. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. Fingerprints were not investigated. View our online Press Pack. Please support us we cant do it without you. This! The Velleman family had been in touch with several Wisconsin and Illinois representatives as they sought assistance from the U.S. government in the search and recovery effort. For more background and insight, please feel free to read some of the disappearance stories Ive written about: The two friends were traveling home after spending New Year's Eve weekend at a bed and breakfast on the Panamanian island Isla Contadora on Jan. 3 when their small plane, piloted by the B&B owner, suffered an engine failure and crashed off the coast of Chame, according to friends and family. Progress is slow because at least one of them has a cut tendon. All very different from the happy silly girlie pictures at the beginning. He drowned a short time after. Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon (lost unreleased/uncompressed original Tourists Who Stay in Panama Long Term Now Have to Leave for a Minimum The identity of the person who took the images remains a mystery. The last set of pics is especially chilling to me, my first thought was Lisanne may have been bound & hurt & somehow able to gain access to the camera & made a last attempt to signal for help or document everything around her as best she could & thats why all the angles are so awkward & unfocused.