But a little it's a little stronger data in the in Indonesia, patients that died 90 of almost 100 percent, it was like ninety eight point something. Because you have two showers in the shower. I got to write so up like pour the for the water on the hot rocks to like just get it really feeling really hot. When you look at your musculature, the large percentage of it is from the waist down. You could say that, but to downplay that as the only role of vitamin D I encourage you to check out Dr. Stasha Gominak. That's like sciatica. So you have memory B cells that are making antibodies that are specific to bind different regions, epitopes on the virus and neutralize them, prevent them from getting inside of the cell. But the nightmare thing, I'm just the melatonin has helped so that's great. You know, so when you are stressed, you're you're you're basically you're not in a in a good situation to to fight off, as you were mentioning with your friend, when you're stressed out, like your immune system is dampened and you are more susceptible to illness for sure. So so then I found out I was pregnant and so I was like, OK, well, I can't go back to the dentist. I mean, a lot of data that needs to pass out, a lot of data that needs to be generated. In addition to her recommendation of vitamin D, Rhonda has an essential supplement list including: Melatonin I don't know. You don't want to please them. Yes. It's called the DEA. I personally think taking the vitamin K and what's interesting about the vitamin K wine versus vitamin to without going into too much of a tangent is basically the the vitamin K one. And there's all, you know, like and I was so happy when that human study came out. Do you have to do this to get the. And if you want to wear a mask in public, that makes sense to, OK, I get it. And this was like a big problem for the RSV vaccine back in the you know, like most kids get RSV, it's a respiratory tract infection. Ginger Lemon. You know, vitamin D is like the most important. I am like calmer, I'm more relaxed. It's a very much like a you know, have someone. Terrible. A fucking dollar. I just hope I hope that, you know, we can reopen the economy in a very safe manner where we don't have, like, flare ups that, you know, we don't want to be set back to like shelter in place again, like full on. Well, she reached out to me and like the FDA shut that whole machine down, like, no, you can't use that for research anymore, which kind of shut down the whole thing in a depression, you know, research area. Make sure you keep six feet of distance. And this is why it basically so it it changes your immune system. And they want to just they want to shoot people down, make people feel bad and just don't. I was just in this dark little apartment and, you know, like it just it wasn't really great for my circadian rhythm because I would wake up in the morning, especially like on weekends and stuff like, you know, there's like no. It's off the charts. That's amazing too. And I think that there's there's potentially multiple mechanisms, immune, you know, modulations, but also just the fact that, like BDNF, you know, there's a study showing that hot baths do increase BNF and body and brain derived neurotrophic factor, which why would you think everybody would know what that means? Thanks buddy. Yeah. But it was created by this guy, Louis Simmons from West Side Barbel. They're not just making whiskey. Yeah. I mean, I'm wearing it because I'm sort of trying to understand how different foods have different lifestyle changes, like how long you've been wearing it. If I'm if my exercise routines dialed in, I'm not like shelter in place, you know, it's about, you know, mid eighties. And since then, they have won more awards than any other distillery on the planet. @Joe Rogan Experience Dr Rhonda Patrick on the importance of vitamin D So I've been trying to like take them, you know, like we do like hide and seek and run, run, run and where I'm where I'm out. Anyway, so so I was like, I've got to find something that they taught the main course I came across. You want do you if you're looking at your screens, do you use blue light blocking glasses? Right. I'm not using like the best of terms, but neuroplasticity is something along those lines. But I would like to see a study on whether or not it varies between the East Coast in the West Coast, because over here we do have all these sunny days and people right outside far more often than they are in New York or California. And it's thought because the type of antibodies that people with type O blood make neutralize the they basically bind to that region, that spike region and neutralize the antibody and prevent it from the virus from entering the cell. Twenty five minutes on a stationary bike and same things are happening, you know, like blood pressure goes down afterwards, heart rate variability improves, you know, so same things are happening. Dr. Rhonda Patrick (@foundmyfitness) has a Ph.D. in biomedical science and is an expert on nutritional health. So that was the thing. Did you know that it actually mimics exercise like literally like that's been shown. Blood glucose would get up sometimes to like if I wouldn't exercise like one, I might wake up in the morning and I'm like, one, two, six, one. So some people prefer ice baths. Right? And thank you to Trager Grillz, my favorite way to cook. It's like sometimes I just share a story because, one, I think it's interesting. Thanks so much for having me back on Park. I was like, I'm killing you bitches and killing all you dirty viruses. Yes I think so. CHAVOUS It was a device. There's a hot bath study where they also elevated wasn't quite as high, but it was like, you know, 40 or so percent higher than baseline levels and it was 104 degrees. She's got this crazy. I think that the I don't think the sleep stage is accurate was because like that's like you have to like measure brain wave like it's measuring, it's I'll tell you why, because I've had multiple incidents when I was nursing my son back when I was nursing my son where he was on a nursing pillow. Right. It's no I used to but then there they are. I know it's hard though. Vitamin D3's role in immune function - FoundMyFitness So it doesn't make sense. That's one thing that they're investigating. I think it's real. Yeah, I'm just I'm amazed that the numbers of people that are deficient, it's so stunning. While this is all going on is pandemic. I mean, I'm always trying to get them to have that. Right. And this is one of the main things that I wanted to talk to you about. Subscribe to our channels, COVID-19 Q&A #2 - Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, Cross-Immunity, Immunity Duration & More. And for me, my problem is my my neck is very thick. And so they were zinc deficient, taking a be twelve deficient, too. I was like, I think I'm fucked myself up here. If you don't wear it, do you snore? And the red light. There you go. I fucking love it. Wow. They don't have the concentration and isn't high. It's always a treat to have Dr. Rhonda Patrick on. Yes. You can do online. But like, the whole time. Seventy percent of the people would get like symptoms ranging from fever, you know, cough and all the influenza, you know, flu symptoms. People don't have any money. And it's happened where I scared Dan. I've gone places and forgot it in a panic like fuck. Enough once a week is enough. Tons of studies showing that vitamin D levels are much lower in the wintertime. Rhonda Patrick On Vitamin D & How To Get Enough Of It | goop OK, so there we go. What does that thing called Jimmy belt squat belt squat. Absolutely. They're twenty seven percent less likely to have pneumonia after correcting for. Good health will never go out of style. She goes into the guest room to sleep, like after they go to bed because she can't sleep like it's really bad. Fasting Mimicking Diet has been shown to improve symptoms of multiple sclerosis It's it's hard, you know, being being a mom that's you know, I have you know, I run a business and but I also like want to be a really good mother. I use a day. Yeah. I mean it's like the food that's highest and is that fermented soybean natto. But I'm not even saying preventative. It's like trying to strike up a conversation in a porta potty because it affects me. You know, testosterone is a hormone. And can you take too much vitamin D? Like I'm the kind of person where, like, I like to make people happy. But anyways, what can I ask you this point? What is a. Yeah. And it changes the immune function. Magnesium Citramate Like, at first I was. There was a study that linked. I guarantee you it's going to work because I'm so like the whole time I had a gym membership, it's like unpause. Eveillard too much. She's a she was she had done her I think her PhD, either her, I don't know, say psychology, but she had done it with a guy I interviewed on the podcast, Dr. Charles Rosen, who is he's the guy who showed that like a single hypothermic treatment, which was with a device that raised the core body temperature like almost three degrees, could have an antidepressant effect. Like it's not the same at all as before that was known. The water is cold. Right. Sign up for an annual subscription and receive an additional 15% discount. No you can't. So that's, that's a huge thing. It's called Wei on therapy. So it sits in that little tongue thing, pushes down on your your actual tongue, like, does it have to get fit like a. Yeah. Totally have it. So you you want to get at least 10 grams. It was like I could just I'm like, yeah, it's like having someone that snores is like, you can't sleep. What's interesting is that the immune system. Joe Rogan and Rhonda Patrick cover a wide range of topics from pros . I got a swimsuit on and then, OK, the yoga was bad. Yeah. Health is important for you to function. Healthy Fats, RELATED: Joe Rogans Diet & Workout Routine. When people ask me about infrared. I mean it's like just from that alone. And I mean, I think, first of all, the first year it hit me hard because I wasn't sleeping, you know, because you have to like every three hours you got to feed, you know, feed the baby. And they have fantastic grub's. It was like the worst thing ever. It is. Right now I'm taking 5000. You do this his own home, Sana, you know. According to this organization, the adequate vitamin D sweet spot is over 30 ng/ml. You know, like like that's been shown. What is rhonda patrick a doctor of? Yes. Antibodies from a four year old Belgian llama named Winter Show Promise in blocking coronavirus from infecting cells, according to research from the University of Texas, Austin, the National Institutes of Health and the Ghent I that went into university studying earlier forms of the coronavirus. Or two, because I've read a bunch of, you know, evidence surrounding this topic, you know, about all the other clinical evidence, all the genetic labs, all the animal like. I know. Yeah, I think with the masks, you know, for for people, I mean, reopening the economy and, you know, some places have been more successful, you know, like, you know, even even in like Japan and stuff where, you know, the wearing the mask, like the cloth mask doesn't do much to prevent you from breathing in maybe a respiratory droplet or something or aerosol. You can though. Yeah. And we're we're honored to be a part of this program and very proud that through this program, we have raised a shitload of money and have built several wells in the process of building several more right now. You know, so that's that's kind of the the reason to kind of be cautious when when you have something new and a small one small study just seems like in the beginning at least, they're trying to figure out what the correct treatment was for these people as they were just showing up in mass in the emergency rooms and they didn't really know. Well you're not making your estrogen. I know at least three that I think his name is Dr Michael Bush. The full extent of vitamin's D impact has yet to be fully understoodnearly every cell and tissue in our body has vitamin D receptors (proteins that bind to vitamin D); and in its active form, vitamin D can interact with the vast majority of the body's cells. And that's how a lot of people start. Normally it goes to your liver and it's involved in blood coagulation, but when there's enough vitamin K one around, it stays in the periphery and it moves calcium periphery being bloodstream it calcium out of the bloodstream and takes it to places where it's supposed to go like the bones in the muscle. I've never intubated anyone. Maybe maybe people will message me after this this podcast and be like that happens to me, too. So it's like it's a lot of weight that your muscles are pushing down is always trying to get me to do squats like I don't know what. All the toxins talk to soon. And if they don't get a supplement. Oh, he used to be out here. Right. Nootropics. It was, it was like, OK, now, now we're cooking and I was sweating up a storm. Dan, Dan had his appendix removed like he so he had was this crazy story. You know, the pharmacokinetic studies that I'm referring to. Or find out how you can speak to an attorney for advice on the right estate plan. My friends, thank you so much. I have one out outside. Vitamin Katou usually stays around the periphery, doesn't really go to the liver. I've only done Bikram a couple times. Yes. It's amazing. You know, good electrolyte I guess with the sodium. I mean, I can't believe how many studies I read on vitamin 190 references in our article, the 28 page article on our website. So let me tell you my story anyways. They don't bind as tight or something. It's also density. So, so, so most of time now I shower right after this one. This is especially true for supplements and nutrition. But, you know, you kind of just take it with a grain of salt where these clots are like, you know, there's clots in people that are healthy and young, certainly people that have severe cases, people like older people, people that are pre-existing conditions and stuff, and the type of blood people have lower levels of this Vaun Gillibrand factor, which basically is involved in clotting. Yeah, I was doing. What happens is they become severely vitamin D deficient severely. They're all your weight is decompressing the spine. I could do this, but it was it was pretty intense. Yeah, I use it every day. Maybe it was running, running and cycling. There's interesting studies that have shown, you know, like that the intravenous vitamin C is like dramatically reducing inflammation as well.