I choose to participate in architectural competitions as a means of eliminating some of these limitations and opening the door to new paradigms and possibilities within my designs. Nicholas Houser and James Hardt from United States! Participating in architectural ideas competitions allows our ideas to be heard and this could hopefully spark a critical debate among people of various disciplines regarding our interests to achieve a consensus in designing great cities. PDF Landmark identification - University of Oxford We love to collaborate, share ideas and be creative.". c. Brown - Identifies all relief features and elevation, such as contours on older edition maps, and cultivated land on red-light readable maps. "I feel that architectural competitions are important in improving your creativity, and also a good way to improve your skills in using different software and making visual presentations. One of the most talked-about attractions along the Ryfylke route in southwestern Norway are the dark shanties that stand on stilts at the Allmannajuvet zinc mines. We think the best way to know something is by doing it. "Architecture competitions are a useful exercise, essential for me to keep my mind trained. "Architecture competitions of this nature allow anyone to challenge and provide a fresh approach to existing design dogmas. You have little chance to implement what you imagine. The pragmatic answer in an architecture competition can become more peremptory and archetypal.". Features are shown as points, lines, or areas, depending on their size and extent. And we discovered, the sky is our limit.". Built in 2011, the towers are gorgeous examples of minimalist architecture and are used as a higher vantage point to view nature and look out for the fabled lake monster Selma that is Norway's answer to the Loch . Its pizza nights, out of the box thinking, improving your skills on making concepts, visualizing and storytelling. I treat myself with a competition praline once in a while. Its also an opportunity to continue to work on improving my skills in drafting, model making, etc.". "Because of the possibility to develop ideas quickly. Competing and confronting with other equally prepared firm/individuals pushes us to improve, experimenting and going beyond our limits, within the architectural field.". ", "Because it can provide me with a good stage to show my ideas about architecture. Mariana Merlo Zurinaga, David Acevedo and Diego Estrada from Puerto Rico! Features are shown as points, lines, or areas, depending on their size and extent. Ana Rolim, Larissa Falavigna, Maria Jlia Jaborandy and Hugo Santiago from Brazil! Discuss with students what they already know about maps. Along with adding more exciting projects to our portfolios.". When participating, one is pushed into thorough research, clear communication as well as questioning and refining the material produced.". Fabian De Vriendt, Arnout Stevens and Mathias Spiessens from Belgium! "We see competitions as a challenge of our strength and potential. Why did Confederate markers and flags pop up as a matter of public speech? Roman Leonidov, Pavel Sorokovov and Fiantseva Svetlana from Russian Federation! "Through competitions you are able to express yourself in a very raw and creative way straight from your soul. German Goldschmidt and Eldar Hajdarevic from Austria! Having the possibility of a platform to share our ideas with others is also a great additional opportunity.". "We believe that competitions are the most liberating and creative form of architectural design. ", Tokyo Urban Meditation Cabins competition. "It is because I am curious about the thoughts of people in other cultures and want to share them. "Architecture competitions offer a platform for us to ask the question 'what if'. "We believe architecturevisionarycompetitions are very much in touch with current social affairs. Public speech: Speech made within the public space. If a warning dialog appears, click Add all members. Reza Aliabadi and Arman Ghafouri - Azar from Canada! Regarding architecture as a living organism, and giving each part of the building a definition in biology is the new methodology we found, and is effective for connecting each part.". Salmahira Lazuardi, Abdul Aziz and Alief Brahmarizky Roseno from Indonesia! ", "Its been a long time that weve known each others and wanted to work together, but could not find the occasion. In other words, we envisioned a new space that would satisfy their innate fantasy by utilizing Paris underutilized rooftop and we would like to consider how a new pattern of life could be realized there.". Claire Roy andAdelie Collard from France! Xian Chris Li, Elitsa Vutova and Nadthachai Kongkhajornkidsuk from United States! On the other hand, one could always decide to base the design on more pragmatic decisions, as we intended to do in the proposal submitted. This stimulates the imagination and the creative mind. Modelled after the double helix in DNA, the beautiful Mur nature observation tower peeks out above the treetops near the river Mur in Gosdorf, on the Austria/Slovenia border. The creative process that takes form in a competition is unique and refreshing. It allows me to be creative through the thinking steps and also to work rigorously on every step of the project. ", "Participating in a competition means team building. We feel able to explore spatial possibilities that may be difficult to achieve in specific commissions. Whilst they are grounded in contemporary issues, they allow for the freedom to engage in a far more conceptual way. It`s always surprising to find many different solutions for one location. "We participated in this competition because it gave us a chance to exercise our muscles on a different project type and in a different context. ", "We enter competitions to explore spatial ideas more freely. In addition, architectural competitions give me full freedom of imagination that is sometimes restricted in practice due to budget, planning and clients preferences. The international character of the contests strongly motivates us for personal development and is always a valuable perspective-broadening experience.". Paul Jones and Chris Brownfrom United Kingdom! Lap Chi Kwong and Alison Von Glinowfrom USA! Asia : Angkor, Siem Reap, Cambodia Angkor was the ancient capital of the Khmer empire, in western . They are also good opportunities to test the strength and the efficiency of our team.". In this respect, competitions are a platform which set the designers free. To locate L1. "Instead of living my own dream, I wish I could have the opportunity to present my schemes to the public, to people who are from different professions and different backgrounds, and to people who might really need that scheme to help them sortthrough the issues they have now. The estimated regression equation for the data set containing just the first three points is: Sophia Liu, Yichen Zhang and SongYuan (Cindy) Wang from Canada! It is only about the effective transport of an idea. Matej Gurka, Karol Gregor and Andrea Bockova from Slovakia! ", "Competitions are a free space to challenge yourself as a creative and to challenge the cohesion of your team. 10. . ", 2nd prize, BB Student award and BB Green award winners. Divide students into pairs. The bridge is 1,200 feet long and hangs from white cables that stretch from the cliffs, forming a glass walkway that allows visitors to view 1,300 feet down into the canyon below. They are challenging ourselves with contemporary issues and new ideas all over the world.". Architects who work in the field have limited time to think about diverse ideas. Bastiaan Muilwijk and Paul Ouwerkerk from Netherlands! They are good opportunities to test out ideas and methods I have acquired during my studies. ", "Challenges are an integral part of a designer's experience, and I believe that they are essential for growth and development. By pushing myself to explore new ideas and approaches, I find new inspiration and approaches to design that I can bring back to my regular work. Latitude and Longitude. The second technique uses the ODS OUTPUT statement to extract the same information directly from a regression diagnostic plot. "We have been participating in competitions that we consider challenging and that focus on content as well as architectural design.". IceCube neutrinos point to long-sought cosmic ray accelerator Clment Molinier and Philippe Paumelle from France! It is an opportunity to be able to express myself freely and to perfect my architectural style. ", "It is an opportunity to challenge yourself and to stimulate creativity, especially because you can explore different concepts and scenarios. By participating in the competitions, we can apply these theories in different scenarios and test out the feasibility.". It gives opportunities to take another position and point of view which changes how we see things in a new way and boosts our creativity. We see architecture vision competitions as frameworks for us to structure and explore ideas, while simultaneously creating a platform for us to advance our skill sets and hone our design sensibilities.". Andi Reeder and Kirk Malanchuk from United States! Gabriel Chivu, Laura Mazlu, Stefan Mircea and Thomas Herrera from Romania! We believed it was a chance to create new culture by design for this project.". "Why participate in architecture competitions? Jessica Martins, Catarina Pereira and Ins Lopes from Portugal! "Competitions are a chance to interpret new problems, programs, habitats, and people, broadening your horizons and enabling personal growth both as an architect and as a person. The L4 spinous process is typically larger than the L5 process. ", "Participation in architecture competitions is an opportunity to promote and emphasize the value of interdisciplinary practice. Lap Zhen Wong and Erik Ung Hieng Yek from Malaysia! Design a sustainable food court structure for the heart of a classical music festival, Design a home with no artificial lighting, Design a comfortable and accessible home for the elderly in Portugal, Design a guest house and olive oil tasting room located in Portugal, Design a yoga guest house located within rich bog wildlife, Use architecture to create different emotional states, Present your best work and submit your favorite architectural visualization, Design an iconic new skyscraper constructed from timber, Design a portable reading room that encourages reading in any location. ", "Architecture competitions are an important outlet for architects and students, they provide a platform where people can express their ideas to like-minded individuals without the constraints of budget or pragmatism. To double check place your hands on the iliac "We saw Pape Nature Park Gateway competition as a way to consider the relationships between the natural environment and human intervention through symbolism, function and form. "We participate in competitions to confront our work, our vision and to propose answers that we hope to be relevant to current issues. MICROHOME 2020 - SMALL LIVING, HUGE IMPACT! ", "The housing shortage is one of the most important global social issues of today, and it was interesting to me to see how we could respond to it through the language of space. Competitions are the chance to take a pure functional or architectural thought and extrude, develop and test it in isolation from forces of the market place, community expectation and client requirements. Elin Schnipper and Benjamin Alstrup Velure from Sweden! We are also defending our bachelor degree with this project as our final work, which is the initial reason and motive for us to participate in this competition. As the designer of this bridge located in an incredible and magical national park, I believe in nature, harmony, balance, and beauty. A lock () or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. With this we concluded that every assignment, also within the profession, should be approached in this way. "In our public university there is a strong tradition (75 years and running) of a housing competition, sponsored by the students every year, which has stuck and carried over with us. Marcel Dawid, Anita Winiewska and Brian Dam from Poland! "Architecture competitions are a way to challenge ourselves with problems that are far from our surroundings. Competitions produce demanding programmes that call for these original and comprehensive concepts. First Amendment: The first amendment of the United States Constitution forms the basis of many civil rights and liberties, including, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to etition, and to peaceably assemble. I love the freedom to push the boundaries of design and to explore futuristic concepts of form, space and technology. We felt very "free" throughout the process since the scope of the competition allowed us to experiment with different elements and go beyond limits.". Technological visions advance our ability to serve local communities". It is a perfect opportunity to let our imagination go, and to do research about cultures, architecture, materials, and so much more.". "We participate in architecture competitions because they offer rich topics and stimulate people's infinite imagination and creativity of architecture.". "Architecture competitions like this allow me to think about projects that are grounded within tangible limitations and affordances. Guido Mitidieri and Venessa Mok from Finland! It's important for us to continue learning, with every competition or project, we always aim to develop our skills in something we have never done, or even with a new software have never used.". Within the framework given by the brief, one has the opportunity of constructing a narrative that is true to their beliefs and to test it.". The architecture ideas must be communicated strictly with visuals. This kind of competitions can test our passion and love for architecture and brings a reality check due to the clients specifications.". "Architecture competitions are thought experiments for designers. Also, it is an opportunity to take over the challenge of dealing with a very unique site and brief. Giovanni Cavaglion, Emanuele Cavaglion, Xiaoxu Liang and Pu Wang from Italy! For us, in Ukraine in 2022, this competition was actually an opportunity to return to our comfort zone. You can learn from people of different specialties about topics that apparently seem distant and unattainable. "It is a good possibility to give a thought-provoking impulse with your own ideas and considerations for idea competitions that focus on certain topics. landmark symbol to identify the first observation point - DT Digital We enjoyed this competition very much.". Competitions are a great way to help us explore new ideas for design, and we keep brainstorming,even with countless revisions and self-denials, the process is not painful, we are immersed in it, it is more like a kind of enjoyment.". It's a great way to get exposed to new topics and materials, and thereby expand your horizons. Pavel Nishchanka, Olga Dolinina, Yuri Korolev and Yuliya Nesviatayeva from Belarus! "I want to share a different perspective from mine.". "Architecture competitions are a unique platform on which to design and represent experimentally. Rka Szvath, Barnabs Rcz-Szab and Nikolett Szemelveisz from Hungary! "Competitions generate provocative thinking from worldwide perspectives, being in this process challenges me to learn and think on a more complex level upon every entry. "Architecture can sometimes present times of mundanity, especially when one gets into the execution part of a building. Annasya Koesty Fadhillah, Muhammad Rafli and Gina Khairunnisa from Indonesia! ", "Participating in an architecture competition is a great way to stay current and have fun along the way. Control point (orienteering) - Wikipedia Most importantly we treat this as a new experience and we wouldnt be able to have this sitting around doing nothing.". "We participate in architecture vision competitions as our means to improve our creativity and skill sets. "Architecture competitions have a key role in the development of young architects. ", "Participating in this competition is, for us, a way to improve and cultivate our curiosity and creativity, as architects or designers, we have to maintain those precious skill.". To work on projects that are in a different context than my usual work. "We participate in competitions because we consider them a powerful tool for the development of ideas, either conceptual or concrete stuff. ". Many years of controlled disappointments. "The reason why we join competitions is that they provide us with a platform to spark our passion and create works freely. "Because we want to have a lot of different and interesting experiences related to architecture. For example, individual houses may be shown as small black squares. "For young architects, architecture vision competitions are a great opportunity to work on programs and scales that the first commissions of a young company can't reach. The following symbols placed either in boundary lines or above "The development of real architectural projects comes with a myriad of restrictions. Seonggeun Hur and Myungju Ko from United States! ", "To me, every architecture competition is an uncharted journey and challenge. These competitions are good exercises, to experiment but also to be aware of the reality of the demand. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. "I personally participate in competitions because it allow me to get out of my comfort zone and experiment with new challenges. But at the same time, architectural competitions provide a platform for both the student and the professional to deliberate on a dissimilar typology, which can be beneficial in a number of different ways.". It is challenging and fun at the same time. Second of all, we aim to take part in a wider, maybe even international, discussion about what architecture can give to spaces and people. Weston Baumgartner and Inesa Gishto from United States! "The way we see it, these competitions are a great way to try new things out. The variety of proposals put forward by the various candidates also allows them to see their own approach to the project in perspective, and learn from it. Dian Luo, Xiang Liu and Guisong Zhang from China! landmark symbol to identify the first observation point It formed part of the collective research of the design unit I am studying with@bartlettu13and for@somosaldea. Open a new worksheet. Competition, Xian Chris Li, Elitsa Vutova and Nadthachai Kongkhajornkidsuk, Christian Rudolph and Justus Wrtenberger, Stiven Rojas Sierra and Ana Mara Gaitn vilafrom, Shahd Serhan, Mariam Farrah and Rawan Da'na, Ipek Duzova, Ertug Erpek and Kaya Emre Gonencen, Roman Krajcarz, Marko Blazevic and Luka Jecic, Vilhelm Tham, Felix Olofsson, Svante Hallgren and Adam Rydn, Gabriel Rodrguez Apolito and Franco Allia, Matteo Fraticelli, Motomi Morii and Martin Lee, The Last Nuclear Bomb Memorial / Edition #2, Javier Barrios Rodrguez and Jess Vera Zorita, Nasim Mollazadeh Sorkhabi, Seyedmohammadali Banihashemiveijouyeh, Nasim Hossein Nedjad, Negin Shokry, Beom Seok Ko, Joo Hye Lim, Shiwon Kim and Eun A Jeong, Chukang Liang, Zeke Zhang and Wanyue Peng, Juan Cruz Catania, Agustina Verdura, Tomas Kranevitter and Manuel Pastoriza, Dana Liepinsh and Lorena Del Moral Navero, Matteo Fraticelli, Motomi Morii and Martin Lee, Vishal Shah, Prakruti Desai and Vishal Desai, Daria Bal, Klaudia Elsner and Marta Sanigrska, Matas Salas Ramrez, Miled Lahoud and Francisca Lopez Gonzales, Xin Kai Tham, Ahrum Oh, Jason Ng and Jianyu Lou, Shuangyun Chen, Stefano Agliati, Raul Martinez Medina, Javier Monasterio, Natalia Cuevas, Maria Eugui and Jonander Rodriguez, Andra Panait, Oana Doina Trusca, Adelina Jinga and Teodora Rotea, Lucas Yael Ibarra Lages, Cun Hernandez and Juliana Lareu, Francesco Patetta, Simone Pasini, Alvise Morandi and Elisa Montani, Jaime Argudn Fraile, Miguel Bermejo Morn and Teresa Cabezas Carreo, Michael Rees, Jemima Ashton-Harris, Barbara Witczak and Tom Kerr-Bell, Valeriia Sema, Dmytro Yahodin, Olga Kovalchuk and Maryna Machulina, Tessa Mccharles, Choi Ho, Evan Allan and Marie Etcheverry, Cristina Bao Ye and Ignacio Urbistondo Alonso, Hagar Abiri, Justyna Piasta, Zuzanna wiatowy and Klara Kreo, Rka Szvath, Barnabs Rcz-Szab and Nikolett Szemelveisz, Michael Leckie, Jason Hall, Peter M Wenger and Melody Chen, Farshid Roozitalab, Sadegh Kaveh and Ahmadreza Dehghani, Shrijan Pradhan, Mitchell Coenraads and Mikhail Singh, Irish Feryle Barruga and Elenie Joyce Pagtulingan, Aurelija Kniuktait, Jon Virbickait and Kotryna Bajorinait, Alex Mcmillan, Fabiola Minerali, Lydia Richardson and Lucas Stott, Hamid Khalili and Mohammad Mobin Mahdizadeh Kaffash, Mond Qu, Sonny Do, Adrian Bonaventura and John Khory, Julia Stopasolla Copat, Rafael Magno De Moraes, Joo Carlos Bernardino Jnior and Dbora Mendes Nunes Jank, Gl koc GmbH interior design + construction services, Kantinan Na Nakorn, Sasipim Sivaroroskul and Theethaj Pholampaisathit, Jens Brinkmann, Emily Pearce, Chiara Sanguin and Nicole Salfatis Sadka, Nicolas Mayorga Trujillo and Nicolas Pineda Otalora, Asli Aydin, Yining Cong, Karla Citlalli Contreras Marin and Liujun Chen, Kaylee Lamb, Alexander Johnsson, Palina Siarheyeva and Kristina Striewe, Adrian Dullin, Marine Charles and Amaury Lecerf, Mark Pylypczak, Hamid Mohammadi and Tim MacKay, Dianna Montzka, Kyle Elliott and Lily Cox-Skall, Antonin Yuji Maeno, Andrea Levorato and Simon Colombat, Liliana Krzycka, Rafa Pieszko and Szymon Tobias, Michalina Linkowska, Zuzanna Zdanowicz and Joanna Spychaa, Matej Gurka, Karol Gregor and Andrea Bockova, Mafalda Mota, Mariana Simes and Henrique Andrade, Sophia Liu, Yichen Zhang and SongYuan (Cindy) Wang, Sari King, Vang Anh Tran, Ching-Han Chiang and Seonwoo Kim, Claire Hicks, Joshua Tan and Christina Zhang, Ricky Wang, Deidre Zhang, Alem Abulizi and Jack Xie, Aleksandra Zhuikova, Sofia Velichanskaia and Elizaveta Gradusova, Emanuele Cavaglion, Baixue Fang and Xiaoxu Liang, Michalina Linkowska, Wiktoria Ciszak and Karolina Kozowska, Diogo Lopes, Sara Pertile, Simone Antonelli and Susan Isawi, Matthew Baird, Ines Gulbenkian, Will James and Robert Estrin, Alberto Ibez Purtolas, Mario Vera Sez, Daniel De Buen Velicias and David De Buen Velicias, Alexandru Ioan Patrichi, Claudia Galvan Zuluga and Iaki Omar Milln, Misak Terzibasiyan, Taura Aurylait, Amir Feizinezhadgheshlaghi and Danai Dafnouli, Hseyin Melih Baktr, Nebile Ece Onulay and ala Kran, David Gallo, Franklin Min and Shivani Bakhru, Plamena Draganova and Tsvetelina Gadzhelova, Naro Goller, Burak Camgz and Alexander Lehmann, Marcel Dawid, Anita Winiewska and Brian Dam, Maria Lucia Arce, Lucas Cardona and Gonzalo Camargo, Hyogeun Shin, Soowon Lee and Jaehyeon Kim, Cherry Yang, Yunchao Le, Benjamin Han and Reishan Mcintosh, Mona Thoma, Jakob Albrecht and Edda Meinertz, Renata Cirati Gomes, Beatriz Carvalho and Fabiana Perazolo, Damian Poklewski-Kozie, Marcin Gierbienis, Justyna Kopacz and Aleksander Kwaniak, Gabriel Chivu, Laura Mazlu, Stefan Mircea and Thomas Herrera, Chi-Chia Tsao, Zhi Ray Wang, Cheng Yen Tsai and Hung Yu Chu, Federico Borges Prez and Agustn Lagreca Herrmann, Julia Ciar, Matylda Wolska and Alicja Bakalarska, Jessica Michelle Rithika Anand, Tiffany Chen and Angelina Zhang, Fabian De Vriendt, Arnout Stevens and Mathias Spiessens, Jessica Castellanos Espinosa and Andrs Forero Pinzn, Joel Perez, Guido Picasso, Ignacio Cuenca and Manuel Bianchi, Anna Morawek, Jannis Block and Laura Kettler, Leonardo Raviola, Joao Carrio and Ruben Guerreiro, Iqbal Ziaul Haq, Nur Saddia Maulinda, Bahrumsyah Bila Sahil and Rahman Akbar Sayekti, Gabriela Rolka, Jonathan Bourhis and Franois Barcelo Chatellier, Yuezhi Cai, Haoxuan Liang, Jianan Zhuang and Xiaoxiao Li, Katherine Lo, Jeralyn Tseng, Loc H Nguyen and Ho Ming Chau, Adriane Pacheco, Letcia Armond, Sara Vasconcellos and Mauro Franco, Jessica Martins, Catarina Pereira and Ins Lopes, Patxi Jauregui, Ana Elizalde, Mnica Muoz and Yael Gonzalez, Yunshih Canazzi-Chen and Antoine Canazzi-Chen, Ana Luisa Rolim, Isabella Trindade, Beatriz Bueno and Larissa Falavigna, Giovanni Fruttaldo, Kimberly Carlisle and Noah Lemus, Claudiu Zidarescu, Irena Dunda, Teodora Maria Escu and Delia Teodora Rpsigan, Eliska Turanska, Jana Stofan Stykova and Katarina Stachonova. "The site was very interesting at the first time too. Cristina Bao Ye and Ignacio Urbistondo Alonso from Spain! Vilhelm Tham, Felix Olofsson, Svante Hallgren and Adam Rydn from Sweden! Firstly, it is a rare opportunity for me to think in different ways from the normal work in school. Dong Young Kim and Young Hyun Choi from South Korea! ", "We see the architecture competition as a fertile ground for us to exercise our design muscles to think through program materiality, construction, and other issues, outside traditionalcontexts. Moreover, it goes about a competition that enjoys great international visibility. "This competition gave me an opportunity to build my imagination about architecture in a basic and original way. "White is interested in any platform where we can affect positive change through architecture. ", "We think that architecture competition is a really productive way for students to experience the architectural design workflow in the real world.". Competitions encourage a dynamic working environment as the working team will do brainstorming to come up with the best design.". It has always been important to me to participate. In response you can develop new skills and ideas previously unconceivable. Martin Pretorius andRaphael Trischler from South Africa! SAN FRANCISCO AFFORDABLE HOUSING CHALLENGE. ", "It is an opportunity to evaluate the creative and problem-solving abilities of our team, which go through the confrontation of our ideas with the rest of the contestants based on the objectives set. It helps us to develop a system of thinking and methodology. "We participate in competitions when we feel that we can submit something smart, unique, and beautiful, and when we like the competition subject.". Bochuan Zheng, Jiayi Cai and Xuhan Zhao from United States! USGS Unnumbered Series, GIP: Topographic Map Symbols This blazar, designated by astronomers as TXS 0506+056, was first singled out following a neutrino alert sent by IceCube on Sept. 22, 2017. Shrijan Pradhan, Mitchell Coenraads and Mikhail Singhfrom Australia! Will Gant,Michael Brudi and Carly Le from United States! Nima Shariat Zamanpour from United States! Also, we saw it as a way to show our work to a bigger audience and make our little contribution to the world.". It is a great opportunity to criticize its weaknesses, turn up the volume on its threats and freely express our own perceiving of possible improvement. ", "We believe that in order to maintain the agency of the architect in society, that when entering a competition, since many entries remain unbuilt, that it further drives the progression of incoming architecture students, as well as helping maintain the publics knowledge of where architecture is going. This website uses cookies for enhancing the user experience and tracking usage statistics. Almost always the start of a journey is better than the return. )", "We consider the format of architecture competitions to be a really good creative muscle workout. "We believe that competitions are a way to measure and create a dialogue with worldwide professionals. Freedom of speech: The right to communicate one's opinions and ideas without fear of government repression or censorship. Marilu de Bies and Simon Wijrdeman from Netherlands! They give a chance to face actual problems of places that we didnt know earlier, broadening our horizons in the process.". Landmarks in Urban Space as Signs - Scientific Research Publishing Alberto Pabn Medina and Marina Snchez Guzmn from Spain! "Architectural competitions are a great way to advance the understanding of architectural design with bold and free steps, and to discover new perspectives. As this one was right in our backyard, we used it to test some new ideas we've been developing.". ", ICELAND THERMAL SPRINGS GUEST HOUSE competition. "Architecture competitions provide the opportunity to think freely and conceptually, without the constraints of professional practice. For larger buildings, the actual shapes are mapped. "Competitions are a great way to explore and test in an uninhibited context that allows for new creative freedoms and playfulness. "We believe that participating in design competitions is essential to building community. Of course we are also driven by the opportunity to realize our ideas, but a competition provides freedom, both in research, design development, detailing and presentation techniques.".