If reduced to zero hit points, Idh-yaa melts into a large pool of slime, killing anything it touches and leaving the area permanently blackened and lifeless. It reforms in 1D6 hours somewhere in the Dreamlands. When Quachil Uttaus is called, a shaft of gray light appears from above and envelopes the summoner, who is unable to escape from this magical beam. Fighting 40% (20/8), damage 1D42 (minimum 1) Attach (mnvr) 40% (20/8), attaches to target, may attempt control (see above) Dodge 50% (25/10) Aura A persons skin crawls while in the presence of Atlach-Nacha, and one is likely filled with dread and a terrible foreboding as they comprehend they are no more than food for this great creature. MHITHRHA (Unique Entity/Outer God) TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: MGULELOC STR 200 CON 400 SIZ 200 I looked upon the image, which at first seemed worked from a brush into a Cubist nightmare. Thus, use the physical information provided as an inspirational tool. Such things may be evident in less wild locations, such as cities, with smaller cults performing rites to the entity in the hope of being granted insights or power; these groups may go so far as cannibalism or murder to gain the gods favor. 165 CHAPTER 2 m a l Returning to the Necronomicon, further details come to light concerning the entitys banishment, with the tome recommending the performance of the Vach-Viraj incantation, the use of the looped cross (possibly an ankh) and the Tikkoun Elixir as the only means of displacement. It reforms in 200 years. One presumes that this might be characterized as an infection living within the strands of time, causing corruptions and twisting time streams to the bidding of Yog-Sothoth. For every 5 points of POW consumed, Mhithrha gains 1 additional magic point. If reduced to zero hit points, the Skinless One crumbles into nothingness or the body splits open and a monstrous form squeezes its way out before departing (usually Bloody Tongue form). Fighting Magic POW: 150 Magic Points: 30 Spells: Blessing of Bast, Cloud Memory, Deflect Harm, Elder Sign, Evil Eye; others as the Keeper chooses. Mounds of dust and the haunting smell of the ages are tangible elements of its passing. At times its form seemed like a human wrapped in a cloak, while at others it twisted into uncanny outlines that I could barely attribute to man or beast, these being more like clusters of mathematical shapes: curves, triangles, spheres 213 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult or simply appear as a crazed conglomeration of angles and shapes. Its flesh was a pale gray-yellow color, at times smooth but changing to form reptilian-like scales. 97 CHAPTER 2 m a l Possible Blessings Foresight: in return for their worship, individuals may be granted a limited (and possibly temporary) form of precognition; able to divine future events through various objects, devices, or dreams. Encounters Should humanity harm deep one communities or in some way threated the death-sleep of Great Cthulhu, the threat of Leviathans appearance becomes real. Humans may resist such control with a successful Extreme POW roll. Each pseudopod has a reach of 80 yards/meters, and each may attack a different opponent or be used to outnumber the same opponent. Of those possessed, the scope of their activities is wide, with numerous possibilities: connecting disparate cults, infecting communities into mass worship of Tulzscha, possessing others to grow an army, and so on. Vampiric (mnvr): the end of a pseudopod latches on to a target and begins to suck their blood, with 1D10 points of POW lost per round. View cart . If reduced to zero hit points, the Mother of Pus liquifies (effectively merging with the water in which it lies). The burning phosphorous cannot be extinguished. Press J to jump to the feed. Encounters Initial encounters may see Han first appear as a shadow within a mist, but it may later take on a more substantial formusually that of a humanoid-like entity wrapped in a black cloak and a dense fog. check out process. If you don't want it in your own setting just let your players know. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: TULZSCHA Magic POW: 75 Magic Points: 15 Spells: Animate Flesh Thing, Augury (variant), Bestow Glimpse of Truth, Call Forth the Worm, Contact Ghoul, Contact Human (variant), Deaths Breath (variant), Embrace of Yog-Sothoth, Touch of Decay; others as the Keeper desires. The recipient may resist with a successful Extreme POW roll (although they suffer 1D4 Sanity loss from the experience); otherwise, the person received some message, which may call for Sanity roll depending on its content and nature. As noted in nearly all of these spell lists, latitude is left to the Keeper to use whatever spells make sense. 134 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Possible Blessings Given the immaturity of this entity, its ability to bestow powers on others is probably limited or non-existent (at the Keepers discretion). In this manner, the whispers of Mythos gods may corrupt a devout person (whatever faith they may follow) and turn them toward a dark path. At times, the deity has sent its children forth into the world to undertake important tasks, which have included corralling humans to perform activities desirous to AtlachNacha. Its eyes are inhuman, possessing the horizontal pupils of a goat, its ears are pointed, and two horns rise above its brow. Transfix: at a cost of 5 magic points, may cause a target to become transfixed in place and unable to move. It is conceivable that Gol-goroths appearance is an illusion, as the entity has been known to take on other forms drawn from the darkest depths of the minds of those who see it. Certainly, the only organized cult, known as the Servants of the Crawler, or sometimes just as the Crawlers, is based in this region and appears to have existed for around 1,000+ years. Yog-Sothoth seemingly controls the flow of time and gateways between dimensional realms and, despite being coterminous with all time and space, is somehow locked outside of our reality (and may only be summoned through particularly powerful magic). The original edition was developed and written by Scott David Aniolowski, with supporting material written by Sandy Petersen and Lynn Willis. Lastly, careful interest should be given to the Caduceus organization (see Chaosiums The Two-Headed Serpent) and to the separate but powerful Explotaciones de Amaranto (Amaranthine Holdings), based out of California, US. Often such revenge is enacted through other cats, with Bast sending hordes of furry felines to worry and endanger such humans. One might conjecture that the being remains in situ, biding its time in darkness until the wheel of the cosmos turns once more and the Great Old Ones are released from bondage. How big is this Deity? Prktha: a glowing mass of incandescent yellow-white phosphorous. Beguile Others: grants the power to charm or beguile other humans, enabling cultists to draw unsuspecting innocents into the clutches of a cult. Try to build in some agency for the players, even if its ultimately an unwinnable fight, letting them see the error of their ways with a few blows that only maim rather than kill, and giving them the chance to run away before they are all eaten. If an avatar, perhaps it is a physical manifestation of Cthulhus dreaming mind: a living embodiment of will. Signs of Vorvadoss may be discerned in certain texts dealing with the casting down of the Old Ones, although information is more likely to come through dreams and encounters in the Dreamlands. DEX 120 Hit Points: 48 Damage Bonus (DB): +5D6 Build: 6 Move: 10 / 45 flying Aura Combat Attacks per round: 4 (bite, skewer, whip) or 1 (tail spikes or body smash) May bite or skewer with its beak, use its tail to whip, body smash, or shoot out dart-like spikes from its hide. Generally, most will feel a deep loathing or revulsion, and some may wither or feint while others cannot look away, eyes fixed upon the horror before them. Even a person or thing somehow influenced by the entity conveys a soul-wrenching cold emptiness, where hope, love, and sense of self seem to melt away to nothingness. Call of Cthulhu Malleus Monstrorum Pictures In the Wild, PDF Release Those inhaling the fragrance must succeed with a POW roll (see following) or begin to experience vivid hallucinations of either an ecstatic or horrific variety for 1D100+20 minutes (treat these as delusions and subject to a reality check roll as necessary. Due to the atrocities committed by this group and their refusal to worship Mordiggian, they are shunned by other ghouls. Sandy Petersen: Azathoth, Bast, Cthugha, Cthulhu, Dagon & Hydra, Daoloth, Gla'aki, Hastur, Hypnos, Ithaqua, The Messenger of the Old Ones, Nodens, Nyarlathotep, Nyogtha, Shub-Niggurath, Shudde Mell, Tsathoggua, Ygolonac, Yig, Yog-Sothoth. It is alleged to sweep across space and descend on planets, where it fundamentally corrupts and 99 CHAPTER 2 m a l beyond the notion of disease and instead concern mutation on a grander scale, with complex lifeforms being altered to better serve the Old Ones. Cthughas fire, and so on) may deal harm and/or dispel Zu-che-quon at the Keepers discretion. An inner darkness conceals the rotting core of corruption of mind, body, and spirit. Thus, it may appear to some that this prison spans multiple locations and is perhaps pan-dimensional, which means the Unspeakable One may reside in different places or dimensions at different times. In one story, Anansi gathers the worlds wisdom in a pot but then breaks the receptacle while trying to hide it and a great wind blows the wisdom into the sea; thus, wisdom is spread throughout the world. Whatever its origin, Han is believed to undertake important tasks for Yig, whether that is conveying messages, reclaiming sacred artifacts, or metering out differing forms of retribution. Such spawn have 8 hit points and possess 2 attacks per round at 50% (25/10) with 1D6 damage. A few scholars suggest the The Great Wind-Walker has some bond with the Earth, with reports citing its appearance within the Arctic and subArctic regions, which seem to form some kind of boundary for the entity. Regenerates 1D6 hit points per round spent healing itself (death at zero hit points). Of all the legends concerning this deity, one fact appears without argument: that to look upon Ghatanothoa is be damned. Breaking free requires the use of spells or an enchanted weapon causing a minimum of 12 damage (cumulative). Indeed, in the age of the internet, Chorazin may manifest on any device, be it a smart TV, cell phone, computer, smartwatch, or tablet device. The Malleus Monstorum not only contains more than 250 alien Mythos entities and terrifying Lovcraftian horrors to populate your CofC campaigns but also plenty of info and insight into how to best utilize these beings in your adventures. There will be omens presaging this foretold apocalypse. Its ceremonies tend to focus on physical acts of mutilation (either self or toward others), with flaying a common practice, although human sacrifice continues as the highest offering made to their god. The information within is designed to bring the creatures and bizarre races of the Cthulhu Mythos to life at the gaming table, as well as all manner of Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, Elder Gods, Avatars, and Unique Beings. It is thought, that by joining with human flesh, Yog-Sothoth shall enjoy a permanency in this dimension, enabling it to draw upon its greater (hidden) power and thereby hasten the rebirth of the Old Ones, while also appealing to humanity become free of morals to better serve the returned great powers of the Mythos. While its beaked maw was like a set of serrated blades. Grab (mnvr): target is held (1D4 touch damage as appropriate, see above), and then on the following rounds either squeezed (7D6 damage) or pulled into its mass to be absorbed (14D6 damage per round). On the heels of his widely successful trilogy of works honoring H. P. Lovecraft, Donald Tyson now unveils a true grimoire of ritual magic inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos. But I just need a class with Soulknife, Battlemind, and Psion (caster) subclasses.. The text cautions that only those of sound mind should proceed lest they bring death into their hearts. Hit Points: 160 Damage Bonus (DB): +16D6 Build: 17 Move: 20 flying Powers Create/Summon Nagae: at the cost of 5 magic points, 1D6 nagae appear where Cyegha desires. Whatever the real reason or motivation, Bast is considered to have dominion over the feline species of Earth and Earths Dreamlands. The sucking mouth can be pulled off with a successful Extreme STR roll; likewise, inflicting 20 points of damage to the tentacle causes it to detach (targeting the member imposes a penalty die). Freedom? Those seized may attempt to escape by breaking or wriggling free with an Extreme STR or a Hard DEX roll. If reduced to zero hit points, in satyr form the avatars body disintegrates to the ground and then reforms in its monstrous aspect. Such offerings are swallowed whole, with the head of the Keeper expanding in a jelly-like fashion to contain them all. Other names: Horned One, Goat Eyes, Lord of the Forest, Wood Talker. 129 CHAPTER 2 m a l Powers Charnel Odor: all lesser beings within 10 yards/meters must succeed with a Hard CON roll or be incapacitated by nausea and/or vomiting for 1D6+1 rounds. Magic POW: 140 Magic Points: 28 Spells: Alter Weather, Blight/Bless Crop, Contact Chthonian, Deflect Harm, Dominate, Enthrall Victim, Send Dream, Sense Life, Wrack; others as the Keeper desires. Figure that the more attacks it can do in a round, the less damage those attacks do. You can take any video, trim the best part, combine with other videos, add soundtrack. One mysterious scholar, Diatab, who writes in the complexing and hard to find Arricurals of Passing, states that this deity does not exist the majority of the time and only comes into being according to some unknown cosmic timetable measurable only in deep time. As with most things concerning this entity, the truth is unknown. $162.80 & FREE Delivery. Magic POW: 175 Magic Points: 35 Spells: Accursed Eye, Barrier of Pain, Clutch of Nyogtha, Drown Mind; others at the Keepers discretion. Historically, the term Wendigo has been used as a name for Ithaqua and for those touched by the Old One. Such things may especially be true for ancient wizards who believe this entity can provide the answers and the means to accomplish some form of transcendence. The reek of sweat and blood, heavily perfumed air, and heat are all possible, combining into an irresistible miasma. According to fragmentary notes in certain tomes concerning aquatic matters, Father Dagon and Mother Hydra are considered the god-like leaders of the deep ones, which may mean they are essentially the grand high priest and priestess in terms of the deep ones connection to Great Cthulhu. Some dissension exists as to whether this hidden realm is contained on this planet or if, as a few would suggest, the location is simply a doorway to another world or dimension, providing access to and from the Green Abyss. I also miss that they did not write the name of the author or book each quote comes from in the opening descriptions. Where the distance is greater, add +1 magic point to the cost for each portion of 10 miles (16 km) distance; thus, if 50 miles (80 km) away, the cost would be 5 magic points. Artifacts: bestowed rare and powerful items, such as a seeing-glass through which other dimensions or periods of time may be viewed. To feed? With some going to far as to say that should a portion of its mass be removed and taken elsewhere, that crystal portion may take root and multiply to grow on another world; this crystalline infection enabling Qyth-azs consciousness to be shared across such portions. Once killed in its true form, Yidhra may not reform. It lives! Others call into question such reasoning, citing that to view matters in such simplistic human-centered terms is reductive. Fighting 80% (40/16), damage 2D6 Coil Grab (mnvr) 80% (40/16), damage 11D6 (see above) Armor None. If failed, the person begins to develop aberrant growths on their body, with the first signs occurring 1D4 days after contact. The effect can be resisted with a POW roll, and otherwise negated or ended if the idol is destroyed. Who knows the power and scale of such effects when Cthulhu is fully awake, amplifying a global influence into a cosmic one? VOLUME II CHA23169-H $XX.XX V olume Ii deities of th e mY tHOs For more information about Chaosium and Chaosium publications, please see our website at chaosium.com Printed in Lithuania Mike Mason, Scott David aniolowski, 23169-H LOc Muzy, and Paul Fricker CTH U LH U MYTHOS BESTIARY V olume Ii deities of th e mY tHOs Mike Mason, Scott David aniolowski, Loc Muzy, and Paul Fricker CREDITS Authors Layout Mike Mason, Scott David Aniolowski, with Paul Fricker Nicholas Nacario Editorial Art Direction Mike Mason, Lynne Hardy Mike Mason Cover and Interior Art Licensing Loc Muzy Michael OBrien, James Lowder, and Mike Mason Proofreading Call of Cthulhu Line Editor Matt Click and Keith Mageau Mike Mason This supplement is best used with the Call of Cthulhu (7th Edition) roleplaying game and optionally the Pulp Cthulhu sourcebook, both available separately. Encounters As a concept, Azathoth acts without reason, or at least a reason that humans can comprehend. Immune to being outnumbered; its four eyes set about its head mean opponents never gain an advantage by outnumbering. Once selected, the human becomes the entitys companion, mesmerized to spend all their time near to Chaugnar Faugn. Humans suffer 1D10 freezing damage per round, plus, if unable to succeed with an Extreme POW roll, the loss of 10 points of CON per round (a successful CON roll means the loss of 1D6 points of CON); if reduced to zero CON, the victim is frozen solid. All parts bursting and renewing, dripping, joining, melting, and reshaping. If 20 damage is inflicted (by any source), Zoth Syra/Yoth Kala release whatever they are holding. Hit Points: 70 Damage Bonus (DB): +2D6 Build: 3 Move: 10 Combat Attacks per round: 2 (claws, tail, bite) or 1 (grab and grasp) May use claws, bit, or tail to strike out twice per round or may grab and grasp a single target per round, to then crush or hold them firm before biting them. The Old One may manifest only if the correct sound is made and continuously played, with the entity immediately departing if the sound is stopped. Cast Web (mnvr): a strong, sticky web is cast at a target, who becomes entangled (held firm) if they fail a Hard Dodge roll. Their new Malleus Monstorum (2020) is now two volumes, one for Monsters and one for Deities, totaling about 450 pages. The particulars (be they animal, mineral, alien or otherwise) are left to the Keeper. Whether children is an accurate term is in doubt, as they could equally be splinters or fragments of Cthulhu allowed to develop into adulthood. Volks states that Cthylla is kept imprisoned in Rlyeh, not by Elder wards but rather by Cthulhus will, due to her value in ensuring that deitys immortality. Encounters While cults appear mostly insular with no overreaching inter-cult operations, the tendency of Gol-goroth worship to exist in small clusters across a widespread area means that encounters with cult members are likely in certain areas of the world. 217 OUTER GODS Azathoth 32 Cxaxukluth 63 Daoloth 73 Ghroth 87 Mhithrha 128 Mother of Pus 134 Nyarlathotep 142 Other Gods, Lesser 169 Shub-Niggurath 188 Trunembra 201 Tulzscha 206 Ubbo-Sathla 209 Yibb-Tstll (? Direct encounters with the brood may also arise, with numerous brood leaking out of Eihorts labyrinth to the world. Volume II is a similar compilation of all the known deities as adapted and published by Chaosium. Apparently, the Brotherhood (and perhaps the Daughters) followed a single leader, with each group acting independently yet bound together by their worship. Dan Harms' Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia, published by Arc Dream Publishing, is also an invaluable literary resource. Much depends on the Keepers decision as to the susceptibility of certain entities to these damage types, and how these might figure in their plots and games; thus, the scope is somewhat flexible and designed to allow the Keeper to figure these things out according to their own need and design. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: HYPNOS STR 100 CON 500 *SIZ may vary up to SIZ 150. Of course, such tactics cannot end well for those involved should Cyegha temporarily break free of its wards and seek retribution. STR 200 CON 300 SIZ 900 Shape Change: according to certain lore, Nctosa is believed to be able to shapeshift (expending 5 magic points to do so), taking on horrific forms that mock the marine life of Earth. Once on Earth, Ghatanothoas presence reverberated, calling out to entice new worshippers to this strange god. FREE Shipping. He enjoys fine whiskey, gin, and has a penchant for fountain pens. It reforms 100 years later. Mike can be found on Twitter (@mikemason) and seen on Chaosiums YouTube channel running scenarios and campaigns. Call of Cthulhu Keeper Decks are designed to provide in-game resources, handy references, and information. Aura Episodes of lost time and/or spatial distortion may result from proximity to Mhithrha and others from Tindalos. Some human cults are misguided, considering Nodens to a god from the planets Classical period (i.e. At times, the pair seem to work with a degree of coordination, while at others they each appear to send forth divergent messages to followers. If true, questions must be asked. Entangle (mnvr): the Queens serpentine hair is a mass of snakes, each able to extend outward to entangle up to four nearby opponents. They will print it and send it directly to you. The lesser spawn of the Green Abyss venerate these ancient beings in god-like terms. Coub is YouTube for video loops. Ancient secrets, whispered lore, and collected facts concerning the alien and otherworldly horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. Prior to its disappearance, Mu would have been considered the center of all human cults of Ghatanothoa, with the priests there performing regular devotional rites and a spectacular number of human sacrifices. Hit Points: 400 Damage Bonus (DB): n/a Build: varies* Move: 0 / 100 flying Combat Attacks per round: 1 (sphere or bolt) May summon monsters (one per round) to deal with troublesome types, or may simply cause a person or a group to travel somewhere else in space and time; otherwise, it may forgo such powers and utilize spells or its Spheres and Bolts attacks. Allow characters to seek cover (if available) to negate potential damage. 262 CONTRIBUTOR BIOGRAPHIES LOC MUZY PAUL FRICKER An illustrator for over 10 years, Loc Muzy works mainly in the world of roleplaying games. Aura A certain sense of mysticism surrounds this avatar, of forbidden secrets and enlightenment, as well as a feeling of things being out of step with reality, as though one had passed through some portal into another realm. The horrific cats from Saturn and Uranus appear to fall outside this remit and seem to be allied with other beings or independent actors in the cosmic scheme. Known human cults operate in the Severn Valley area, specifically in the cities of Brichester and Camside. When used as an attackusing the Fighting (Brawl) skillit deals 1D6 damage plus the loss of 1D4 points of CON; if a victim is held over a number of rounds, they may be frozen solid. These beings are as perplexing as horrific, with many of their forms not making sense to human eyes. Transformation: a human might be instantly transformed into a full ghoul, or be blessed with ghoul-like fangs and/or claws. It is thought that communities of deep ones offer sacrifices to Zoth-Ommog alongside Cthulhu. This effectively reduces cities to ashes where only those deep underground have the possibility of survival. Fighting Grab (mnvr) Aberrant Growths: those who experience direct contact with the Mother of Pus (which can be a momentary touch with a finger or hand) should make a combined POW and CON roll at Hard difficulty. Those affected should attempt a STR roll to remain grounded; otherwise, they flung into the air (to be grabbed by the entity or cast to the ground and suffer 3D6 damage). DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS - M - parasite, attracted to the power utilized in the conjuration of or communication with Mythos deities, and able to cut in and appear mid-process so it may feed upon surprised spellcasters and the like. Chaosium's physical products are superior to every other company in the industry. In terms of outlook, the Cult of Nodens should be considered to be neutral; from time to time, enlightened groups will take their own initiative to stymie the work of those considered enemies or bringers of disaster. Zoth-Ommog, scion of Cthulhu Sanity Loss: 1D6/2D10 Sanity points to encounter ZothOmmog. It remains uncertain whether Mu is simply sunken (like dead Rlyeh) or exists outside of time and space, perhaps now locked in a bubble dimension or out of phase with our space-time. Given these boons of rapid healing and health, some cults essentially feed off the deity while also working to keep the god trapped, believing they can control and restrain their god while siphoning off its power. In addition, while it does not remove signs of aging, it does promote longevity, granting 1D10+10 years of life to the consumer. What is this Deity about? Here's how to complete the Malleus Monstronum penance in Warhammer 40K: Darktide. As such, this pair of entities apparently control passage through the Abyss, limiting access to those who would provide suitable offerings. The deep ones appear to enjoy good relations with the denizens of the Green Abyss, able to pass freely and be unhindered by the monstrous spawn therein.