The daemon's final task would be to show him how. Summoning up one last burst of energy, the Khan held position, panting hard as he dragged out the remnants of his power for the final clash. He sat for millennia in a Plague Fortress atop a tall mountain surrounded by toxic clouds, just like the adoptive father he despised in centuries long since forgotten. Mortarion still believed himself not a slave to Chaos, and sought to transform Ultramar into an extension of the Garden of Nurgle. Seeking to understand its horrors, two noble primarchs have come to Galaspar, summoning their brother to account for his actions. Also Mortarion has this entire plan where Guilliman has to die on Iax, so he probably partially just wanted to lead him there anyway. He had destroyed the Librarius of the Legions only to find witches were now untrammelled amongst the Traitors. The most important thing about the Emperor telling Mortarion this from the Emperor's perspective probably isn't the fact that it may or may not be possible, but rather the fact that the Emperor could be sowing more seeds of resentment and defiance in Mortarion. The Emperor of Mankind stood on the uppermost deck of the bridge of his flagship, overlooking Ullanor. I use it. This plague transformed the Death Guard into bloated mutants, unable to die by any means. He enlisted the aid of blacksmiths, craftsmen and artificers to create suits of armour that would allow men to travel through the poisonous fog. Cheryl: Living Saint of the Adepta Sororitas "The emperor speaks to me from the Throne and he tells me everything must burn !!! He was seen as just another monster from above them, and this was quite true due to his appearance. Though the Imperium now faced its darkest hour, all was not lost. Magnus' shade had showed him. 'Do you see, Guilliman, you follow the wrong master,' said Mortarion. Canon And yet the question is a fair one. Abaddon the Despoiler united the disparate factions of the Eye of Terror and unleashed the 13th Black Crusade to bring ruin to the world that had proven his nemesis for millennia. His physical form devastated and his spirit sent to the Immaterium, Draigo carved his forebear's name into the Daemon's heart, an insult Mortarion has never forgotten. The plague that came could not be resisted, something that terrified Mortarion and the Death Guard. Primarch of the Ultramari. This changed the culture and traditions of the Legion, so much so that by the last days of the Great Crusade in the early 31st Millennium, there were increasing tensions between the Barbarus-born Astartes and the Terran minority who remained in the Legion and who remembered the Dusk Raiders' earlier martial traditions brought out of Old Terra. [9], Like Perturabo, Mortarion proved bitter over his perceived sidelining and under-appreciation by other Primarchs during the Great Crusade. The entirety of the Death Guard Legion had come to the doomed world. But the Pale King brooks no challenge to his methods, for when the scythe falls, it reaps a gruesome toll. The White Scars fleet made all haste towards Prospero, the recently ravaged homeworld of the Thousand Sons Legion. Published by on October 31, 2021. The pre-industrial population of the world was split into two groups: the controlling warlords; inhuman necromancers with fantastic Warp-derived powers, and the Human settlers, who had been trapped on the planet millennia before and were now forced to eke out an existence essentially as farmers in the poison-free valleys of the planet, fearing the wrath of the necromantic Overlords and their foul creations. The Khan correctly surmised that Horus had not sent Mortarion, he had come of his own accord, with his own agenda. Mortarion This was deemed a small enough price to pay to continue in the service of Mortarion their saviour. In his place, the Grey Knights elevated the hero Kaldor Draigo amidst the din of the battlefield and Draigo immediately vowed vengeance against the Daemon Primarch. The creature's bonds were suddenly shattered and her human shell peeled away, revealing her glossy, insect-like true form. [12] On Ynyx Mortarion and Typhon reunited, and their whole fleet set course of Terra for the coming battle. He was in the dust of a corpse-king's court. Eventually, the time he had waited for arrived, a way to prove himself in the eyes of his fellow humans. Like thousands of other mortals the creature had encountered over the aeons, each was convinced that they alone could find a way to negotiate with the gods of the Warp with little to no consequence. Mortarion is a very flawed protagonist which provides a poignant contrast to the many advantages he has been gifted (immortality, super intelligence, son of the Emperor, those sort of advantages). Mortarion returned to his village, confident in the knowledge that he would return for his final battle. Perhaps he knew the child was better than him and that one day he would come for the warlord, or perhaps he was afraid of the small child able to breath where no other of his kind could. World after world soon fell to this horrific onslaught, and yet the insular and secretive Primarch seemed preoccupied by some other, unspoken goal. At the Gates of Parmenio, Guilliman defeated the Greater Daemon Septicus and his Plague Guard. The daemon explained to the Primarch that the Empyrean had many great forces within it, and one of them had Mortarion's name etched over his rusting throne. The Khan had thought back then that they were empty threats, but he should have known better. A skilled warlord in his own right, Mortarion was immediately given command of the XIV Legion of Astartes which carried his genetic inheritance, and did so on his own terms. I take it at face value for a simple reason: Depending on how you interpret the lore, the Emperor stole the Warp essences of the Primarchs once in order to create them. 'He is a cyst, a pus-filled canker surrounding a dead thing lodged in the fabric of reality, like a thorn, or a piece of shrapnel. Jaghatai was next contacted by the Space Wolves' Leman Russ who had just returned from the Battle of Prospero and the assault against the Space Wolves' old rivals, the Thousand Sons Legion. Once-gloried hive cities became pits, and Agri-worlds became flyblown wastes. The XIV Legion's Astartes had been primarily Terran-born before Mortarion joined the Legion; after that time almost all of the Legion's Neophytes were drawn from the Feral World of Barbarus. From that power base, the Death Guard and daemonic Plague Legions issued, systematically reaping planet after planet. The stranger commented that even Mortarion and his Death Guard were having trouble pacifying the final warlord, and offered a challenge. Our paints are water-based and designed specially to be perfect for painting Warhammer. So did systems fall, creating the Scourge Stars -- a trio of sickly star systems that had fallen to Nurgle. The status of the Emperor and his ability to communicate have long been debated and wondered on. Horus also used Mortarion's distrust of the Warp to his advantage, arguing that the Emperor had used the Warp in the creation of the Primarchs. Mortarion dispatched the warlord and his place among the villagers was sealed. They were the outriders. Toying with Mortarian would be from a place of emotion, it would serve no real purpose for him. I think Emps has ascended to the point where he is legitimately beyond anything close to mortal emotions in the way we can understand them. Mortarion revealed his true colours during the scouring of Istvaan III, when he willingly sent potentially Loyalist elements of the Death Guard into Horus' trap. He still believed that humanity must guard against it -- push it back. I really think he does see a path through which Mortarion could one day be redeemed. . Following the Heresy, the ascended Mortarion shut himself off from the affairs of the Materium. 1082 Words5 Pages. Jaghatai could see how his brother thought it would all play out; first hobble the sorcerers. how to unhide mouse cursor windows 10; Magic makes life easier for any adventurer, and if you're a Diviner, then it gets even easier. depressed boyfriend says i deserve better; are flowers allowed in the catholic church during lent Jaghatai had been right -- the Death Lord was on his own with them. Mortarion had never encountered its kind before, believing his father, the Emperor, that such fell creatures did not exist. Upon her discovery, he had his captive teleported with him back aboard his flagship, the Endurance. As Mortarion at last swore his soul to the eternal service of the Plague God in return for an end to the ceaseless agony, Nurgle responded with his usual generosity. While Mortarion initially toyed with the warrior to humiliate him, after taking a wound he became enraged and struck the warrior down. [1][6b], Mortarion then recruited the strongest and most resilient of warriors from the villages he went to. Mortarion may be stronger than Guilliman but I doubt he'd want to fight him and several Custodes at the same time, especially when the Emperor's Sword has the ability to permanently end him. I control it. Chagrined by his defeat at the hands of Jaghatai Khan, Mortarion abandoned the pursuit of the White Scars and instead led his Death Guard in a spiteful, punitive rampage across the systems of the lost Prosperine empire. [14] Later, Mortarion personally led a massive invasion of Ultramar in what became known as the Plague Wars. Mortarion was initially reluctant, but was moved by Horus' declaration that he was the only Primarch the Warmaster still could rely on and was eager to settle the score with the Khan anyway. This combat tactic worked brilliantly, and Mortarion grew close to Horus. The Death Lord had run out of friends among the Traitor primarchs. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. He could free him from Nurgles service with a true death, but not yet. For example Guilliman heard his full list of official titles when the emperor called his name, but others would just hear the way they called him. The Emperor may not have had much love for his sons in the past, but when he speaks, he carefully chooses and means every word he says. By the time he led his Death Guard in the Siege of Terra, Mortarion had been fully embraced by the Plague God Nurgle, and transformed into the vast, bug-winged, daemonic form he . Hold your bitterness deep within, and there let it fester. In an attempt to resist the daemon's brutal attack, he tore at it with his hands, still relying on the immeasurable strength in his transhuman musculature. But the Khan was not fooled by his brother's sincerity. While his corruption was now complete, Mortarion began to hate himself more than ever, as he was now everything that he despised. Then again working to change your fate would just empower it more, unlike with Nurgle. Each of them had fought many times like this during their lives and it was all they could do not to run, let alone put up an effective counter manoeuvre. For better or worse, the Death Lord had come home. . Many of these Loyalist Death Guard Astartes were Terran-born, former Dusk Raiders like Battle-Captain Nathaniel Garro of the 7th Great Company whose loyalty to the Emperor outweighed their devotion to their Primarch. Accepted into the village without further reservation, Mortarion began to train the villagers in the art of warfare. He hated to see the three of them getting dragged in deeper by the Emperor's hypocrisy. Perhaps, they chortled mockingly, they might even arrange a final reconciliation between the bitter Mortarion and his brother. The connection between father and son immediately formed and was plain to see, although Mortarion knew nothing of the link. The Terminators turned to face it, powering up their weapons. Heute senkt sich die Klinge auf den Nacken der Tyrannei." Im fnfzehnten Primarchs-Roman feiert Mortarion seinen groen Auftritt In the solar decades that followed the renamed XIV Legion fought tirelessly in the service of the Great Crusade. Mortarion travelled from settlement to settlement, teaching, building and defending his people. His first captain Typhon killed all of his navigators claiming they were loyalists, and convinced Mortarion he could travel the warp without them. The mood of the primarch darkened. . So inhumanly neutral. It might be nothing now but it's a light that could grow and give morty the hope and strength to undergo the suffering he and his sons would need to go through to break free of thier damnation. In leading the Death Guard into the Warp, Typhon had delivered them into the clutches of his new master, Nurgle, the Lord of Decay. Mortarion's distrust of Typhon intensified as the Death Guard became afflicted with the Destroyer Hive. However thanks to the Emperor's power being infused into him by Keeler, Garro was able to fight Mortarion back for a time but was still ultimately no match for the Daemon Primarch's power. !" . However, en route, the entire Death Guard Legion fleet became trapped in the Immaterium due to the actions of First Captain Calas Typhon, trapping them in a perpetual nightmare. Let it roil and squirm and churn, until you are filled with bile so poisonous that all you touch falls to ruin. As they hacked and countered, neither giving up a single measure of ground, their blood mingled upon their blades' edges, as rich and dark as wine. The Warp stained everything. Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth-Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker, More If The Emperor Had a Text-To-Speech Device Wiki, If The Emperor Had a Text-To-Speech Device Wiki. Mortarion was given the Death Guard legion, who specialized in bio-weapons and rad-weapons, as they could endure far more harsh conditions than their brothers. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Space Marines, Primarch/s - Chapters: 16 - Words: 345,044 . The Death Guard were subjected to the terrible infection of the Destroyer Plague and Nurgle's Rot, as Nurgle's power managed to infiltrate the vessels of the XIV Legion. He was before a resplendent Emperor for all the ages. If Magnus had not already made up his mind on which side of the conflict he would be on, then he soon would, and then Mortarion would be surrounded. Going back to the Emperor doing the Mortarion wrong . I do not wallow in this corruption. His brother had tasted the fruits of treachery and found them bitter. One untouched and untainted by any of Nurgle's brothers. Mortarion was pleased when the Emperor ruled that sorcery was to be forbidden and even the Space Marine Legions' Librarius divisions would be disbanded, the Librarians returned to the ranks of the line Astartes and sworn to never use their powers again. He used an enormous two handed scythe and charged into the ranks of the enemy with the hatred that had been building for years before and drove them from the village. Mortarion rejoined the primary Death Guard fleet under Calas Typhon, who was battled the Dark Angels fleet in a campaign of misdirection in the aftermath of the Battle of Perditus. He later came to blows with Jaghatai Khan on Prospero after failing to convince him to join with them in rebellion. Only then did the stranger reveal himself to be the Emperor of Mankind and Mortarion's father. His scythe fell into the guard position and a thin coughing broke from his mask, which the Khan realised was an exhausted kind of chortle. As the Heresy reached its conclusion, Mortarion ordered his fleet to head for Terra with all haste, intending for the Death Guard to join the other Traitor Legions in the destruction of the False Emperor. With the prevailing conditions on Barbarus and the foul beings that more than likely still stalked the planet's fog-shrouded mountains and deep swamps, there were whispers that the human population that remained would have been better off if they had been euthanised or displaced to a "cleaner" world for the sake of the sanity of future generations. Jaghatai explained that the reason neither one of them would ever rule the galaxy is that both of them were never the empire-builders. . Didn't Khan come back to life and end up fucking off into the webway after that? 'Father,' he said, and when he had said that word, it was the last time he . Later the Khan's badly wounded body was recovered by Imperial forces. When he made his way back to the surface of the planet, he next encountered an unexpected visitor. Though Mortarion ultimately escaped, it would be many long Terran years before he could enter the mortal realm once more. HOW TO PAINT: Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle. Word of his knowledge and exploits spread and people came from far and wide to learn from him. Jaghatai proceeded to warn his brother that though his Legion might be free of the Warp's corruption for now, the change would come, for Mortarion had made his pacts with the masters of the Empyrean, and now they would come to collect their due. One softens the earth. However, the young primarch's questions began to turn towards subjects the Overlord did not want to talk about, namely the pitiful creatures in the valleys that the many warlords preyed upon for corpses to reanimate and bodies to warp. Horus had sponsored them, Lorgar had shown them new tricks. Mortarion was still human though, and he sought to know of those who dwelled below the layer of fog. In truth, Mortarion had never forgiven the Emperor for denying him the chance to earn his final vengeance against Necare. It therefore made a great impact upon the opinion of the Emperor, and drove Magnus to defend the use of psychic abilities with more drive and passion than he had originally intended.