The Lightning was exceptionally fast and maneuverable. One squadron did fly on the Russian front, however. Wheels retract forward into long narrow motor nacelles. It was even converted into a night-fighter towards the end of the war. Can you tell a 737 from an A320? Japanese Mitsubishi A6M Zero is at the bottom, while American Republic P-47 Thunderbolt is at the top. 1. 24, Blohm and Voss Ha. It was first introduced in 1937. 689 takers Report. The grey areas are those covered by guns in one plane only and hence blind to attacks from one direction. THE HAWKER HURRICANE. The black areas are the blind spots not covered by the fields of fire of any guns. In fact, the float meant that the aircraft lost as much as 20% of its performance. Daimler-Benz DB.600 motor and a comparatively low performance. Can you identify this reconnaissance bomber? Are you ready for a serious Relationship? 311 posts Page 6 of 13. indicated in black. The grey areas are those covered by guns in one plane only and hence blind for attack from one direction. Here, in compact form, is most of the pictorial information drawn from the pages of THE AEROPLANE which, in past weeks, has been helping to lighten the responsibilities of certain important branches of the air defence. RAF 100 Quiz 1: How Well Do You Know The Royal Air Force? The last Corsair retired from the Honduras Air Force in 1979. Although it was an adequate aircraft at the start of the war, it suffered significant losses during the Battle of Midway, with their pilots describing them as "flying coffins.". IIIK, forms the equipment of many German bomber- reconnaissance squadrons. It was used in the Pacific theater. It may aid many an infantryman who later will have to turn his machine-gun on to ground-strafers. German Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor is at the bottom. While it is possible to see many of them in museums all across the US and across the world, there is nothing quite like seeing an F4F Wildcat or a B-17 soar through the sky like a graceful yet deadly predator. The Bell P-39 Airacobra didn't really perform in the role it was intended - a high altitude fighter. Rectangular wings with slight taper and rounded tips. The United States is ratcheting up national security concerns about TikTok, mandating that all federal employees delete the Chinese-owned Stew Smith and Jeff Nichols discuss mental toughness. WW2 aircraft recognition models. - FineScale Modeler - Essential It was one of the first aircraft to include an arrestor hook for operations from aircraft carriers. Military around the world invest many ressources on education in aircraftrecognition, so that their pilots and soldiers know the difference between a friend or foe. THE DORNIER Do. Name three aircraft at the Museum which are named after UK towns and cities 6. Is that an Airbus 797? at 12,300 ft.; max. Learn to recognize the most common helicopters, fighters, bombers and other aircraft of all eras, from WWI to Actual Time and more. Span, 74 ft. 3 ins. HEINKEL He. for Round 1 - the Question is at the top of the slide with a photo of the aircraft in the centre. Knowing the difference between a friendly jet and an enemy - and being able to spot the differences in mere seconds - can mean the difference between success and failure in an aerial operation (and tragedy, as the recent downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 demonstrates). Span, 86 ft. 1 in. Although the Japanese Mitsubishi Zero was quicker and more maneuverable, the Wildcat was extremely tough. Bristol Mercury VIII motors. It differs ; top speed. Aircraft Recognition Test Quiz - Page 2 - Airliner Identification Quiz - Aviation Humor Bennie J. Davis III, U.S. Air Force, Spc. The most famous Japanese fighter of World War II, the Mitsubishi A6M Zero was carrier-based, had an incredible range, and was extremely maneuverable. When it first came on the scene it was superior to the Supermarine Spitfire Mk V, much to the astonishment of the British pilots. WWII Aircraft Recognition Quiz (not easy !!) | Bob Is The Oil Guy Aerotransport, from above, below and the side. The light areas are those covered by the fields of fire of defensive guns. It was a more than adequate fighter plane. It was a single-seat interceptor that saw very little action during the Battle of France. Test your knowledge with this military aircraft quiz. WW2 fighter recognition Quiz - By Anonymous_friend. Home - Aircraft Recognition Guide Daimler-Benz DB.601 motor the top speed is 354 m.p.h. Along with the Messerschmitt Me 109, the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 made up the bulk of the German Air Force fighter strength during World War II. Friend or Foe Aircraft Identification 1940 - It was far superior to early American aircraft in the Pacific theater, and at one stage had a kill ratio of 12 to 1. Convair Sea Dart was a fighter jet seaplane. At the start of World War II, the Bloch MB.150-157 was one of the main French frontline fighters equipping 9 fighter groups. It has the distinction of helping to sink the German battleship, the Bismarck, during World War II. mounted at their mid-points on tailplane across top of the fuselage. One of the major changes was a much more powerful engine. Each Correct Answer carries 10 Points. CIVIL IDENTIFICATION I.A Douglas DC-3 of A.B. It did, however, serve with the Turkish, Greek, and Romanian Air Force. This level of recognition required shape-based identification, which, in turn, led to training with photographs and drawings (often silhouettes from the top, front, side and other angles). A New Edition of the Phenomenal #1 Bestseller ''One mark of a great book is that it makes you see things in a new way, and Mr. Friedman certainly succeeds in that goal,'' the Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz wrote in The New York Times reviewing The World Is Flat in 2005.In this new edition, Thomas L. Friedman includes fresh stories and insights to help us understand the flattening of the . What Type Of Girl Are You? John-Paul Tooth William Warren 10th July 2018 at 3:27pm 29th March 2018 With the Royal Air Force celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, we at Forces Network are giving you the chance to put your RAF knowledge to the test. Nicknamed "The Fork Tailed Devil" by the German pilots that faced them, the Lockheed P-38 Lightning was a twin-engined aircraft that performed a number of roles. BANA 2082 - Quiz 1.1 WebAssign; 1010 - Summary Worlds Together Worlds Apart; BANA 2082 - Chapter 4.1 Notes; . THE DORNIER DO 17.An aeroplane which has been much used for reconnaissance by the Germans and has proved to be an easy prey for Allied fighters when intercepted. Experience, dearly bought, perhaps, would have taught the gunners, the Observer Corps, the A.R.P. It was very maneuverable but was underpowered in terms of weapons, with only two machine guns on board. It was a capable dogfighter that was easy to build and helped to ensure that the United States Air Force was significantly armed during the early days of the war. Duration, 12 fours. First flown in 1940, the North American P-64 was built as a fighter for export to other countries. This will narrow your search eventually bringing you to the webpage of the aircraft you are looking for. These included bomber escort, interception, level bombing, and dive bombing, as well as photo reconnaissance. @import url(""); Find the Countries of Europe - No Outlines Minefield. Can You Identify These WWII Planes? Take The Quiz! World War II Quiz: Can You Name A Military Tank? - Quizterra Share . Let's see how high your score can soar in the face of the following plane-related puzzlers! Certainly regarded as one of the best Italian aircraft of World War II, the Reggiane Re.2005 arrived too late to have any influence on its outcome. During the Korean War, the Yak-9 was used by the North Korean Air Force. Later in the war, it was used in its intended role but performed poorly against the high-flying B29 Superfortress bombers of the U.S. Air Force. VERSATILITY.Four photographs of characteristic attitudes of the Bristol Blenheim IV two-motor monoplane which is being built in large quantities for the R.A.F. Guess The WW2 Aircraft. FAQ; Search . Can You Identify These World War II Planes From An Image? All rights reserved. III K, Junipers Ju. It has a maximum speed of 317 m.p.h., but poor defence against attacking fighters. With a little bit more work, youll be ready to run the show! Deep Learning for Aircraft Recognition Part I: Building a Convolutional Take the quiz below to find out! Consequently, the success helped to resurrect England's film industry and led to other Korda . How well do you know airplanes from the Second World War? It proved to be an excellent interceptor, able to reach the high-flying B29 Superfortress bomber and defend itself from any P51 Mustangs flying fighter escort. at 11,800 ft. Service ceiling, 30,400 ft., crew three. And the demand, for the most part, has come from those concerned with air defence. Think you're a Top Gun at aircraft identification? Rolls-Royce Merlin II). Aircraft recognition test from 1943 - how well do you know WW2 planes By the start of World War II, the Polikarpov i-16 was not a match for more advanced German fighter aircraft. Rolls-Royce Merlins). Rectangular mid-wings, tips square-cut. Name three aircraft at the Museum which are named after the weather 2. at 12,300 ft. Service ceiling, 29,600 ft., crew three, Three movable machine-guns. How easily the mistake may be made can be proved by inviting anyone who is familiar with modern aeroplanes to identify one of the silhouettes contained in this book. 88 K (two 1,200 h.p. There were apparently two types of models used to train aircrews and gunners in WW2. This twin-engined heavy fighter was the first of its kind to be used by the U.S. Navy, where it served from the end of World War II right until 1952. Unless the gunners are soaked in the characteristic details of different types of aeroplane, they are always liable to mistake one for the other at any height above that at which the Service markings can be seen. It could carry a bigger payload, as well as attack targets far beyond the 17's range. Question No Image Cigarettes. Each poster displays silhouettes of two or more similar airplanes. Characteristic silhouettes of the Wellington approaching, turning and going away. These are the current success rates for the number of correct answers from the 148 attempts so far - can you improve them ? Medium Japanese bomber Kawasaki Ki-48 (Lily) is at the top, while American light bomber Martin Baltimore A-30 is at the bottom. Later versions have controllable-pitch airscrews, as shown in the bottom right-hand view. Earlier versions had the 640 h.p. Failure to do so would have seen Germany hold air superiority which would have let Hitler invade the island nation. The Monday Military Aviation Quiz 23 - Key Aero The Douglas DC3 Dakota is nothing short of a legend. All aircraft were destroyed to stop them from falling into German hands. Tail wheel retracts also. ; wing area, 750 sq.ft. Junkers Jumo 211A motors). The maximum speed is 367 m.p.h. Take The Quiz. Two fixed and two movable machine-guns. aircraft recognition DRAFT. Which Second World War aeroplane was nicknamed 'The Wooden Wonder'? What are some fun facts, trivia, and history events from the year 1946? The Grumman F4F Wildcat was one of the major carrier-based fighters of the United States Navy during World War II. The B17 could hold 9,600 pounds of bombs and had 11 to 13 machine guns as defensive armament. Aviation Advertising, suggestions and questions, - a website about people, interesting machinery, facts and places. ft.; empty weight, 14,100 lb. ; length, 53 ft. 6 ins. At the beginning of the War those publications were either scarce or insufficiently digested, for there was at least one famous occasion on which our own fighters were mistaken for enemy reconnaissance machines, and the anti-aircraft gunners allowed themselves a little target practice to which they were not entitled. Can We Guess Your Real Age? Aircraft Recognition is about being able to distinguish between different aircrafts. Some went for speed, ruggedness and the ability to climb well, while others believed that each engagement ultimately would end up in a turning dogfight and that maneuverability was what was needed.And this quiz will test your knowledge of these aircraft to the limit. ; top speed, 317 m.p.h. Jump to page: Occasionally our own guns made things unpleasant in those days for our own aircraft. THE HEINKEL He. the position of the crews and of the fuel tanks, are indicated in black. Wings of the Fw 190 are mounted lower. THE HENSCHEL Hs. Later in the war, it was used in its intended role but performed poorly against the high-flying B29 Superfortress bombers of the U.S. Air Force. It means learning the external appearance of aircraft, both friendly and hostile. Two fixed machine-guns, one movable machine-gun. The Blackburn Skua was a two-seater fighter/dive bomber that saw service with the British Fleet Air Arm after entering service in 1938. This test that youre about to see was created back in 1943. The Corsair served in the US Navy in the Pacific and proved to be an excellent fighter. Please feel free to compose your own quiz, it would be much appreciated. IIIK Mk.VA2-Germany's standard long-range bomber, which has been used to attack shipping in the North Sea. Valley girls, mall rats and surfers helped define the lingo of a decade filled with extreme fashion, new wave music and the age of blockbuster movies. Though the version shown has a fixed pitch airscrew, the Spitfire is now being turned out with a three-blade Which era do you actually belong in? ; top speed, 274 m.p.h. Sgt. 1. OF THE OLD BRIGADE.A Gloster Gladiator single-seat fighter (840 h.p. By Khalem Chapman 28th December 2020. Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, Wiki Commons by Mr. Peter Noble from UK Flying Displays and Museums, Wiki Commons by Kranz / The German Federal Archive, USAAF - National Museum of the U.S. Air Force via WikiCommons. They arrived too late for action in the war, but were involved in the Korean conflict. 2. Advanced search III. FIELDS OF FIRE - IV. Characteristic silhouettes of the Heinkel approaching, turning and going away. at sea-level. Aircraft Recognition Flashcards | Quizlet The Nakajima Ki-84, codenamed "Frank" by the Allies, was an important fighter to Japan as the war came to an end. Many thanks to Nimitz for the idea, and the hard work of putting together the quiz. THE ARMSTRONG WHIWORTH WHITLEY Bomber (two 880 h.p. V (two 1.150 h.p. If you can get all 10 right you are doing very well, only around 5% get a perfect ten. Not necessarily the most glamorous fighter ever produced by the United States during World War II, the Curtiss P-40 Warhawk certainly served a purpose. Sadly for France, there simply were not enough on the front line. William Greer, U.S. Air Force. The difference between other types designed for much the It saw action throughout the Pacific but was often dogged by mechanical problems. The Grumman F6F Hellcat was designed specifically to replace the F4F Wildcat, which had suffered at the hands of Japanese A6M Zeros in the Pacific theater. ; length, 60 ft. 0 ins. First introduced in 1937, the aircraft had proved itself extremely capable during the Spanish Civil War where it was flown by German pilots helping Franco. The Do 17 is in service with 660 h.p. See How Much You Know About World War II - Council on Foreign Relations Many of these aeroplanes are in service, but they are becoming obsolete. Although it was a capable aircraft, the Yugoslavian Air Force was simply overwhelmed when the Axis powers invaded the country in 1941, although they did claim 11 kills. overload weight, 27,400 lb. 0%. THE LONG-NOSED BRISTOL BLENHEIM Mk. Jerry Morrison , U.S. Air Force, Airman 1st Class Victor J. Caputo, U.S. Air Force, Senior Master Sgt. each for take-off. World War 2 Warship Quiz FIELDS OF FIRE - III. Boeing 737. Military Aircraft Identification Quiz | Which event is generally considered to be the first belligerent act of World War II? The Dornier Do. In combat over Britain, however, it met its match in the Supermarine Spitfire, although both aircraft were very equally matched. Good, Department of Defense, Master Sgt. VI and 1,050 h.p. Max. the hope being the Cadet will know the answer to the question and thus identify the aircraft. The Junkers Ju52 entered service in 1931. When World War II started, the Morane-Saulnier M.S.406 was the main fighter of the French Air Force. They were both shot down, with their pilots killed. LEAVE A REPLY Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. WW2 fighter recognition Quiz - By Anonymous_friend - Sporcle 1st - 5th grade. Close examination of the pages which follow should make possible the recognition of those small details which characterise every make. Airliner Identification Quiz - OPENNAV It could perform other roles as well including as a fighter-bomber. However much the fighter pilots may have resented that licence, they were bound to agree that it was all in the usual tradition. It was used in the Pacific theater and, while a threat to small U.S. Navy patrol boats, was not much of a match for its fighters. 7. The Dornier 217 was an upgrade on the Dornier 17. Some, like the legendary Supermarine Spitfire and North American P51 Mustang, still invoke an emotional lump in the throat when put through their paces at airshows around the world.Many pilots of the era talk of flying these beautiful machines, of a feeling of not strapping yourself into the warbird but more of a case of strapping it onto you. The 1,360 DB.601 motor gwes a top speed of 368 m.p.h. The Kawasaki Ki-61 "Tony" was a fighter/interceptor serving in the Japanese Air Force during World War II.