What GPA do you need to get into West Point? There are 6 test areas: Note you are also required to capture a video of your execution of push-up and pull-up/flex arm hang events during the test and submit this with your test results. For more details on this admissions requirement, see the Medical Examinations admissions factor. If you are not within these ranges, we recommend retesting! PDF WHO CAN ADMINISTER THE CFA? - United States Military Academy Leadership is one of the pillars you must understand when learning how to get into West Point. Satisfactory completion of the Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA) is one of the requirements for admission to the United States Military, Air Force, Naval, and Merchant Marine academies. If available, taking Honors, AP, and IB classes are recommended. One of the core requirements for admittance is the Candidate Fitness Assessment. All rights reserved I've reversed engineered a calculator specifically for the West Point CFA at Candidate Fitness Assessment Score Calculator It is out of Do My Homework. USNA Admissions recommends striving to be in the top 20% of your high school class to receive an appointment. Math is a subject that can be difficult to understand, but with practice and patience, anyone can learn to figure out math problems. Youll need 4 letters of recommendation from teachers for your School Official Evaluation, to include the PE teacher administering your Candidate Fitness Test. SAT and ACT scores make up the largest percentage of your ranking, so keep testing! CFA "Passing" Scores and retaking the test - Air Force Academy The major difference between this fitness test and other physical readiness tests (PRTs) in the military is the use of the shuttle run and the kneeling basketball throw. West Point does not have a minimum SAT test score, but if you want to earn an appointment youll need around a 1200 SAT to even be considered. We recommend that West Point candidates aim for 75th percentile SAT scores to be competitive, or that you score a 700 on the SAT Math section and 680 on the SAT EBRW section. United States Salary Tax Calculator 2022/23, United States (US) Tax Brackets Calculator, Statistics Calculator and Graph Generator, Grouped Frequency Distribution Calculator, UK Employer National Insurance Calculator, DSCR (Debt Service Coverage Ratio) Calculator, Arithmetic & Geometric Sequences Calculator, Volume of a Rectanglular Prism Calculator, Geometric Average Return (GAR) Calculator, Scientific Notation Calculator & Converter, Probability and Odds Conversion Calculator, Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) Calculator, Enter your total number of push-ups and sit-ups, and your 2-mile run time. Read on for the keys to success! Once all your appointments are finished, DoDMERB will receive the results and usually make a decision within 2 weeks. If you can determine what type of process your Member of Congress uses, this will be extremely helpful in your application. West Point Admissions Calculator - What Are Your Chances? FREE - Check out the new CFA Calculator to see if you are scoring in the competitive range! The Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA) is one of the requirements for admission to the United States Military Academy at West Point. Deciding to attend the USNA is a career choice, not just an educational one. If youve used the calculator, we go into more detail on the components of the Whole Candidate Score by each category and explained the scoring process here: How Hard is it to Get into West Point? Weve broken down this acceptance rate and identified why it is too low (closer to 50% for qualified candidates) in the post: Is the West Point Acceptance Rate Accurate, but in this post we will show the specifics the admissions team is looking for and the system West Point admissions uses to determine which applicants are offered appointments. Just like the SAT, West Point does not have a minimum ACT test score, but if you want to earn an appointment youll need around a 26 ACT to even be considered. Work with your family to reserve time to complete it and use our checklist to help ensure all materials are completed in a timely manner. How to Pass the Service Academy CFA | Military.com January 31, 2023, Recruit: Welcome to the Special Ops Journey. By using a twisting motion of your torso, you will generate more throwing power than if you just threw with your arm. See where you place with our Whole Candidate Score calculator, including estimated score to point conversion for standardized tests, athletic and extracurricular involvement, and HS rank. Take a leadership role in extra-curricular activities and staying consistent with those activities will also demonstrate commitment. Weve seen candidates who had accepted admission have their admission revoked after the submission of final grades due to sub-par grades. We provide quick and easy solutions to all your homework problems. Our mission is help you to understand what Congressional Representatives and admissions officers at Annapolis are really looking for and how to go about gaining admission! No matter where you are in your high school career (or before for that matter) understanding the admissions timeline is vital! Click Here Now for more: Older Post February 17, 2023, SMART Goals for Special Ops Recruits / Candidates Your specific deadline to complete your file is posted on your portal. During this phase, previously self-reported information will be verified and expanded upon. Candidates should attempt to do their best on all six events, keeping in mind that the events are sequenced to produce a cumulative loading effect. PDF Service Academies' Admissions Requirement - United States Military Send naval academy fitness test pdf via email, link, or fax. How Many Books have you read on the Navy's Reading List? The good news is that this test is the same across all service academies, so if you are undecided about which service academy to apply for you can still prepare for all and only test once. School documents should include your high schools profile and senior class schedule. This test of strength, agility, speed and endurance is designed to help determine whether you possess the stamina required to successfully complete the physical program at the Academy. For more on these admissions requirements, see Character Requirements. You dont want to be rushing along with interviews and Letters of Recommendation by starting your application during your senior year. You can make up for a lower GPA (to a certain extent) by focusing on your SAT or ACT scores. If you have limited time to prepare across all the areas of your application, spending time achieving the highest possible SAT or ACT score will pay off much more than any other category! Candidate Fitness Assessment Training Program - Stew Smith Fitness February 09, 2023, How to G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E. Spec Ops Candidates: Is Strength Your Weakness? On the other hand, the WCS also gives you a chance if you started excelling later in your high school academic career and your GPA isnt as high! The Whole Candidate Score is the most important part of the West Point admissions process. Maintaining a positive and respectful relationship with your Field Force Rep is highly recommended. The good news is, you're not alone! The answer is, it depends! Your best bet of receiving a Congressional nomination is usually from your local district Congressional Representative. February 22, 2023, Spec Ops Candidates: Is Strength Your Weakness? Here's the Twelve-Mile Run Plan. You still have military training and academics to deal with each year. FREE - Check out the new CFA Calculator to see if you are scoring in the competitive range! Letters of Assurance are conditional and subject to review throughout the entire application process. Excelling during the interview could mean the difference between getting into West Point or not. It applies to the Air Force Academy, West Point, and . This has been considered in the development of the criterion-referenced standards, which will be used to evaluate performance in each of the six events. this test will measure your muscular strength and endurance, cardio-respiratory endurance and motor fitness. If this is you, your SAT or ACT scores become that much more important. June 11, 2020 ree Training: Are you doing what it takes to earn an appointment? You should get to the point where you can perform crunches at a fast pace for the entire minute. If you are an athlete, keep in mind you could get injured and be unable to complete the CFA in time. Understanding the admissions process will help you apply effort to the areas that matter most in your application. How Hard is it to Get into West Point? If you are competing against 9 other candidates, the best thing you can do is to get your SAT or ACT scores as high as possible. Never Miss a West Point Application Deadline, Subscribe to get instant access to all the important USMA Class of 2028 deadlines. Senators, and the Vice Presidential nomination. The West Point Candidate Questionnaire becomes available to high school juniors every January. He is a former Navy Lieutenant (SEAL) who graduated from the United States Naval Academy and Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training. Typically Senators and House Representatives will have 4 candidates and 1 open slot. Typically you are eligible for at least your U.S. Congressional Representative, your 2 U.S. Your physical education instructor or a coach are good options. It is possible to get through your training program with running only a few days a week, but your risk future injury. For more on the Extracurricular Composite Score, see Academic Requirements. These tips will assist the candidate seeking to serve our country as an officer in the military. If all of your application requirements are not complete as of January 31st, your application file with West Point will be automatically closed. In order to qualify for admission to the USMA, you must take the. If you are looking for someone to help you navigate the admissions process, my team and I are here to personally guide you through everything from understanding the Whole Candidate Score to Congressional Nomination interview preparation. It's true. To complete the Candidate Questionnaire, youll need: Notification of qualification usually takes 24-48 hours. The CFA, or candidate fitness assessment, not only evaluates strength and endurance, but also measures potential for athleticism. Each slot can be filled by up to 10 nominations from the Senator/House Representative. Lettering and leading Varsity sports will help you significantly. Math and high school rank are considered the most important estimations as to your success at West Point, so its no wonder so much emphasis is put on these categories. The Candidate Personal Data Record and Drug/Alcohol Abuse Statement are two critical aspects of your admissions file. February 21, 2023, Spring Training Options Having good relationships with teachers will communicate character and potential to the West Point Admissions team. The goal is for each graduate to commission as a leader of character dedicated to Duty, Honor, Country, and prepared for a career of professional excellence. Understanding how the nominations process works will help you plan accordingly. , but in this post we will show the specifics the admissions team is looking for and the system West Point admissions uses to determine which applicants are offered appointments. The six test events of the CFA are administered consecutively in less than a 40-minute time period. 50% of the appointees fall between 5700 and 6300 points. What happens when a Congressional Representative sends those (up to) 10 names to West Point? And with this new process, it'seasy to get better results. It is used to predict a candidate's Since many of West Points application items involve other people, start the process as early as possible. The 100-point maximum score, by event and gender, are listed in the table below. Application deadlines are based on when you entered the candidate phase. I have a quick way to add significant numbers in a short period of time: Read the "Push-up Push Workout" article. The Army ROTC Fitness Test - ROTC Consulting You should apply to every nomination source you are qualified for in order to increase your chances of selection for nomination. Good luck. Do you maintain composure and perform effectively under pressure? The West Point admissions team puts a lot of importance on your SAT or ACT score. A nomination gives the Service Academy admission teams the legal authority to consider a candidate for an appointment. Taking on an active leadership role is a great goal for any clubs, sports, or activities you are involved in. Treat this like you would a job interview, as it is an important factor in our overall review. The higher your WCS, the higher your chances of admission. www.gainserviceacademyadmission.com. ree Training: Are you doing what it takes to earn an appointment? Learn where you fall in West Points Whole Candidate Score System, This book employs an engineers mindset to guide you through the West Point application, Step-by-step guidance through the entire West Point application process increase your chances of appointment. The candidates' raw scores are converted to a score between 0 and 100 points. Candidate fitness assessment score calculator - Math Materials Get the scoop on discounts, pay, benefits, and our latest award-winning content. , including estimated score to point conversion for standardized tests, athletic and extracurricular involvement, and HS rank. Find out your Whole Candidate Score! The physical test, known as the Candidate Fitness Assessment, is a series of 6 exercises that you can practice before the test, and we highly recommend doing just that! The admissions team will let you know if you fail though. Candidate Fitness Assessment Instructions Service Academies Admissions Requirement Satisfactory completion of the Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA) is one of the requirements for admission to the United States Air Force, Military and Naval Academies. Many high school students dream of attending one of the elite U.S. Service Academies. We estimate that the percentile error is +/-2%. The Candidate Fitness Assessment is the fitness test candidates for the Naval Academy, Military Academy, US Merchant Marine Academy, and the Air Force Academy must submit during the application process. By understanding the different components of this score you can focus on your weak areas and the areas that carry the most weight with the admissions team. Showing leadership in this category is vital. These usually increase in competition as you increase from the local to national level. There is also a Vice Presidential Nomination, although this is incredibly competitive. More on this below in the Nomination section. As you prepare for the test, understanding these max and average values will help you succeed: The good news is that this test is the same across all service academies, so if you are undecided about which service academy to apply for you can still prepare for all and only test once. You must have your coach/whoever sign the paper as proof that he actually did the test, but you send in your own scores online through the CFA form.</p> Former Air Force Captain Trisha Dach served as an Intelligence Officer from 2011-2018. for use in every day domestic and commercial use! Over 75% of West Point cadets received a GPA of 3.75 or higher during high school. The Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA) is one of the requirements for admission to the United States Military Academy at West Point. The video is required for your submission. Satisfactory completion of the Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA) is one of the requirements for admission to the United States Military, Air Force, Naval, and Merchant Marine academies. It is used to predict a candidate's aptitude for the physical program at the Service Academies. service academies' candidate fitness assessment. Candidate Fitness Assessment In order to qualify for admission, you must take the CFA. Now, the new fitness test in 2020 is cadence pushups 2 min (max is 60 reps on a 2 second per up/down cadence), plank pose 2-4 minutes, and 1.5 mile run. If you are seeking a Congressional Nomination, the process is similar across the four of the service academies (except for the Coast Guard Academy). Try This Fun Pull-Up and Deadlift Workout to Prepare for the ACFT. You'll get 5 minutes of rest time from the push-up portion before the run starts. Passion about leadership and service is a must. What West Point admissions is looking for are candidates who have academic ability, leadership potential, and physical aptitude. If your school doesnt rank students, then West Point will use your SAT or ACT score to calculate a class rank for you. There are many steps to the process, some of whichsuch as nominations and medical evaluationsmay take four to six months to complete. Additionally. Visiting NROTC programs and Reserve units will help you exponentially. Both of these steps allow you to speak to the selection panel in your own words. We recommend starting the official process during the second semester of your junior year of high school. Here are a recent class test scores for comparison: What ACT score do you need for West Point? Use our Naval Academy Recommendation Letter Samples to get started. So, how exactly do you get into West Point? If you're a service academy candidate who needs to pass a PT test and who wants to serve your country as a military officer, check out this the Service Academy Workout Military Officer Fitness Candidate Fitness Assessment Workout book or ebook as it is updated with the latest PT test changes. We offer interview prep as part of our consulting services and generally see large improvements in 2-3 one-hour sessions. In order for West Point to offer you appointment, you must have some type of nomination. You must complete three of the following five application steps BEFORE your name will be forwarded to the DoDMERB to schedule your examination: For more details, see Physical Requirements and Character Requirements. For the full application process see the Admission's Department Pages for each Service Academy: Naval Academy Admissions A Letter of Assurance is a reservation of an appointment to a Service Academy contingent upon medical qualification, physical qualification, Height/Weight, continued excellent work in school, and file Completion. Recruits perform the forearm planks portion of their final physical fitness assessment inside Freedom Hall at Recruit Training Command, April 12, 2021.