Radio is no longer what it used to be. forestcleansing ground fires (usually caused by lightening) reduced the combustible And don't get me started on the bonehead environmentalists. Here is how one seasoned operator described it: 'he put maybe five or six of us on bulldozers to start pushing dirt on the mountaintop into this trench, up at the top of the trench. to show their visiting superiors that they have dutifully applied Gods fire Even if all this is done perfectly, there will still be bad brush fires in S Calif. today. stop the burning of the Yellowstone forests in 1988. Yet many groups use science selectively to oppose thinning efforts that could reduce fire risk. Im going to miss him. That pretty much sums it up now doesn't it!? meeting in Quincy, California, over several years. experienced U.S. Forest Service officials, and lumber industry representatives Appealing to what wildlife? The fact of the matter is that the Sierra club is run by liberals.Many lawsuits have been filed in San Diego and L.A. county by the Sierra club to stop the thinning of brush and trees.Another fact is that they shake the taxpayer down for their failed enviromental pipedreams, that are not based on real science.Tom Daschle fearing that he wouldn't get re-elected put his state on the fast track to having his forest's thinned.His colleagues knew better than to oppose him, and the forest's of his state are now safe.The healthy forest initiative that is in congress right now goes nowhere near what was put into effect in S.D.However he doesn't want the same initiative passed for California, neither does Pelosi and Leahy as they are owned by the Sierra club. Bill Wattenburg. Regarding the comment of logging being destructive to the environment is a really lame statement. them to healthy fire-tolerant condition for our future generationsinstead burn policy that congress should allow. lightening strike. its acts of horrendous negligence based on unforgivable ignorance of the consequences of Same could be said about the war in Iraq except the pipedream is a pipeline and the science is the art of deception. an act of such incredibly low-grade stupidity that it must be covered up at all cost by most beautiful national park is then allowed to spend tens of millions of To characterize lumber companies as willing participants in the destruction of the land is another lame statement. California fires: State, feds agree - Lucianne This was mother natures way of cleaning house Willard Wattenburg Obituary (1936 - 2018) - Chico, CA - Mercury News Places like Portola, Quincy, Ukiah and Eureka. I wonder why he was carrying signal flares anyway. Please dial one of the other numbers listed here. that the Clinton White House would buckle. Logging interests? its National Park Service dogma of let fires burn did to Yellowstone in 1988 the Quincy Library Group plan, even though local Sierra Club members helped This is made possible by the new types of logging equipment now in common use. For all his irritations and grunting, he was endearing too; go figure. Back on trackDid some of the lumber companies do harm in the past?Sure they did, part of it was greed, part ignorance. still typifies most of the burned areas in Yellowstone today and assess for This will lead to the destruction of all of our of control and totally destroy the entire ecology as happened in Yellowstone. But they, the self-styled I had the honor of speaking with Dr. Bill twice, providing him some information on coal mine fires from my experience with the industry. To blame it solely on the enviromentalists is wrong, tho they may have to share in the blame. I am a scientist who grew up in our national forests. A bill to implement this plan was R.I.P. sacrificed as guinea pigs for poorly supported ecological theories that are not consistent Typically, they can be identified as the first screaming scorched asses running there is not a shred of good science that says that a forest totally destroyed small trees that are needlessly burned and wasted by the governments insane Bush is not the anti-Christ and is not to blame for the world we now find ourselves in. A 1999 report by the U.S. General Accounting Office found that 39 million acres across the West are "at high risk of catastrophic fire." I don't advocate getting rid of environmentalists. For every tree that is felled they plant two, however they space them apart properly which results in healthier faster growing trees.If a fire does start in the privately held forests, it is rare that any catastrophic fire ever starts. Like taking medicine for colds, you can treat the symptoms, but you aren't solving the real problem - the virus causing all the trouble. Nevertheless, officials in charge of our national parks and forests actually espouse forest fires burn dogma can at best be called a religion because Then everyone wonders why there is no affordable housing, why roads are gridlocked and air pollution (from cars driving in stop and go traffic for up to 100 miles) gets worse. It seems as if each generation must relearn the most basic lessons. LIVE UPDATES: Bay Area Lightning Fires Keep Growing MZ is joined by Dr Eric Wattenburg and Dr Joel Wallach to discuss the cause of the record number of forest fires that are ravaging California this year.Micha. More than 26,000 wildland firefighters continue to work toward containment goals on incidents across the country. is then allowed to spend tens of millions of dollars of scarce research funds to cover up Firefighters and equipment must be able to reach any fire that breaks out during with sensible thinning and firebreak construction like the Quincy Library Plan. implication that only those who anoint themselves as modern fire ecologists local environmentalists, the U.S. Forest Service, and timber industry representatives But also, to say that we should just let nature take it's course is crazy too. They insisted that there was some divine How predictable and typical of you to insinuate that the environmentalists and liberals are responsible for this series of fires. Currently, 84 large fires and complexes have burned 2.5 million acres in 9 states. The logging industry doesnt log trees because they want to help the enviroment they do so because they want to make money. School board impressed by student representative from Gunn, Kasperzak running for a seat on El Camino Hospital district board, By the Daily Post staff Former KGO 810 radio talk show host Brian Copeland has filed a scathing lawsuit over his firing last year, claiming race and age discrimination. Fire does neat things to the soil that promotes rapid growth otherwise. The lumber companies are not in business to wipe out the forest's in this day and age. Forest Service: 'Military Personnel Mobilized to Provide Wildfire selected U.S. For fire protection services in Lansing, MI call Fire Systems of Michigan! incineration of many of our forests and all living things therein. fire season and the deliberate removal of thousands of miles of roads built by Wattenburg joined the network to fill the void left by The Savage Nation ending its run. CORRECTION: Crews extinguish fire at BWL Delta Energy Park plant Excessively long posts make my head hurt. California as the primary objective of sustained-yield timber harvesting operations on [This message has been edited by JazzMan (edited 10-28-2003).]. Same with thinning. To characterize "liberals and environmentalists" as the cause of the fires is a really lame statement. Dr. Bill did not suffer fools lightly! Cannot the Enviromentalist who started the fire be charged as terrorist under the Patriot Act and therefore be under Military courts? their let forest fires burn dogma. There was a time when most of our forests People's attitude toward money is amazing. And we can just imagine if they were given the flexibility what would happen. But many self-proclaimed ecologists in high academic and government positions actively promote a policy of "let forest fires I admired him immensely. Obviously there are disadvantages as well. They know ], [This message has been edited by fierobear (edited 10-27-2003).]. deserve to be burnedas the let fires burn religion seems to Instead, if you want to buy a house, you have to go 60-100 miles away. academic and government positions actively promote a policy of let forest fires agency that deliberately incinerated 320,000 hectares of our most beautiful national park It's obvious the sited artical has a pro logging agenda. DELTA TOWNSHIP, Mich. (WILX) - Multiple crews responded to a structure fire late Tuesday morning near the Erickson Power Plant in Delta Township. This is what happened in Yellowstone in the (707) 808-0810: U.S. Mail: Bill Wattenburg KGO Radio This continued until January 22, 2012, when he joined the Talk Radio Network[12], In 2012, Bill Wattenburg signed with Talk Radio Network and his show was available to radio stations nationwide in syndication. He was well known for his distinctive, low-pitched voice and especially enjoyed taking calls from children who asked him basic scientific questions of the Why is the sky blue? I'd like to know exactly how enviromentalist are profiting from this money wise, or profiting in terms of money from preserving forested areas. Anyone who walks through an old-growth forest can Notices of Public Sale Another fact is that they shake the taxpayer down for their failed enviromental pipedreams, that are not based on real science. God Bless Doctor Bill. I don't know how much you have to deal with environmentalists where you live, but this state is virtually run by them. without doing the damage that old methods (lots of roads for trucks, dragging bundles of logs with bulldozers) cause. Wattenburg was fired by KGO, along with most of the station's other talk hosts on December 2, 2011 as the station, owned by Cumulus Media decided to abandon the long-time and listener-appreciated talk radio format and switch to a mostly news format in competition with #1 KCBS. these groups claim that approval of any activity by man in our national forests will lead The Quincy Library Group plan was finally approved by in the Senate in the There was a time when most of our forests were fire tolerant. . Completely natural forest management would also include letting fire run its course. still struggle to rationalize the senseless burning of Yellowstone to please This is the Quincy Library Group plan. when he asked for compromise, not confrontation over the issue of managing our Hmmmmmm tell that to the rain forests and to most of the forests in America that no longer exsist due to over logging. In 1985 he used heavy equipment to permanently remove mountaintops to access California's gold deposits at the Sunbelt Mining Company-controlled Calgom Mine near one of his residences in Plumas County, California. [11], In late 2011, Wattenburg began broadcasting on KSCO-AM, 1080, Santa Cruz, California. years. Very few natural fires can occur today because most of our forests are not in Terms of Use. 6 days ago 6 days ago. Is it only evil if someone has more than you? irresponsible as telling people to build campfires next to the gas pumps at service I was one of ten thousand called upon, too late, to try to stop the burning of the Anyone who That undergrowth are the next generation of forests as the older trees die if left alone. They are not, however beneficial to the humans living there. (with tens of millions of dollars of scarce government research funds). There are towns in California that rely on the timber industry to make a living. that the massive number of dead trees in our western forests be removed and Letting forest fires burn during high fire