Fixed the AI losing too much war support from the AI-only mission. Fixed the wrong event firing if puppet Taiwan chose to join China. Fixed Fengtian and Shanxis map colour, when puppeted by L-KMT. Indian states without cores will no longer add resistance when being cored. Improved Irelands naval invasion defence AI. Added Harold Eric Barrowclough as a general for New Zealand. Fixed puppet Brazil retaining democratic and PatAut national spirits, if their overlord has a different type of government and Brazil is released accordingly. RadSoc Hawaii now gets more party popularity when they take power. Apartheid now permanently sets South Africa to the highest segregation level, and is no longer beneficial. Fixed Canadas Prince Henry not having the exile trait. The Netherlands should now turn syndicalist a little less. Fixed the wrong news event firing when Serbias Republicans win a majority victory in the election. Fixed a White Ruthenian general being removed without existing. The Savoyard Crisis will now not contribute to world tension if it never escalates. Fixed a Japan bug with their Korean state modifier applying incorrectly. Serbia's decision to attack Austria now has ITA- and POL-specific targeting to preempt issues, Fixed DDR and GRU getting cores on Memel without owning Knigsberg, Fixed all countries in the world going for Grand Battleplan, Replaced the UoB's concentrated-dispersed focus dichotomy with another idea level, to avoid needing tech triggers, Fixed the trigger for the Gumbinnen annexation, Fixed YUN losing manpower in a civil war event without combat, Removed a deprecated GER focus to invade Denmark (now better handled by a DEN decision), Fixed a POR event referencing the wrong year, Fixed the POL-UKR peace deal having inverted loc, Fixed a GXC decision taking two years to complete, Fixed Japan ceding the Legation Cities to Fengtian via their foci, AI Fengtian will refuse to start the Conference if set to pro-Japan in the game rules, Fixed the peaceful HOL revolution not loading the socialist tree, Fixed the Harass Political Enemies decision for Romania decoupling the influence values, Fixed Serbia attacking Austria during the Venetian war, Fixed Serbia joining two factions at once, Fixed RUS not getting resistance on LAT and EST states, Austria's event to return lands now checks for any puppet- and ally-held areas as well, SAF is no longer arbitrarily restricted from releasing Namibia or Mozambique, Fixed Canada not getting the Fate of America, Fixed SOV's tree being blocked by a player finishing the war too quickly, Fixed missing infantry equipment bonus to camels (vanilla bug), by adding a new subcategory of mounted infantry (includes camels and cavalry), Added missing bicycle and amtrak bonuses to some techs. Added the option to support New England to Canadas American Civil War game rules. Fixed Khasab being part of the wrong strategic region. Fixed Japan being unable to offer peace to China, without Taiwan being occupied. Added an event for when Iraq breaks away from the Cairo Pact and forms the League of Arab States, with countries in the middle east choosing to align with one over the other. Stability has been changed to be less lopsided; the effects at 0% stability are -20% factory/dockyard output, -10 organisation, and -10% political power gain, and at 100% stability are +20% factory/dockyard output, +10 organisation, and +10% political power gain. Fixed several bugs with the Greeks crowning a king with the wrong regnal name. Loosened the requirements for the Treaty of Novosibirsk. Improved German AIs priority of military national foci, advisors, manufacturers and building trucks. Increased suppression values for armoured cars, camels, and bicycle battalions. Adjusted the Russian annexation so that they always keep cores on their starting territory. AI countries will no longer build above their unit limits when losing. Added a unique description and trait to Ahmed IV of the Ottoman Empire. Fixed Nicaragua requesting socialist aid from Canada. Fixed Romanian socialists having access to monarchy decisions. Reactivated the OTT vs EGY War news event. Fixed Siam getting the Fate of Laos twice. A Mongolia or Tibet which was defeated first and puppeted by Ma Clique will now peace out if the other then achieves victory against Ma Clique later. Fixed puppet Great Britain attempting to annex lands outside of Great Britain. Fixed some typos in Patagonia, Japan, Bhutan, Norway, Jabal Shammar, Australasia, Sichuan, Rhodesia. Added a leader description for Lithuanias Antanas Maceina. Fixed the Japan/Germany peace event not actually peacing them out. Vytautas now gets a small amount of legitimacy from becoming a figurehead. Rebalanced the League War with how tags declare war and the costs for units - different tags will find it harder or easier. Suppression needed per resistance point has been increased, but manpower lost to resistance has been reduced. Japan now loses all wargoals on China upon surrendering, and all China-related foci now bypass. Lowered the manpower reduction of the Mittelafrikan Schutztruppe focus from 70K to a more reasonable 2K. German East Asias railway national focus now builds railways. Socialist Ukraine is now able to join the Internationale when at war (but they must not be at war with anyone who is not at war with the Commune of France.). Fixed Spain not losing its cosmetic tags upon being puppeted. War stability factor has been change to now be at -30%. Britains population is no longer 3M smaller than its OTL value. New England now inherits USAs techs, rather than Canadas. Fixed puppet Ukraine attacking Don-Kuban Union. PLC can now try to recover the entire Commonwealth, not just land from Austria and Russia. Added a South Sea Islands placeholder country, so that compliance and resistance can be generated in small islands held by German East Asia, and other powers. Added news events for PatAut and NatPop Japan. Streamlined Nepals peace-deal to make it less laggy. Separated Russia demanding Armenia into its own decision. Fixed the bypasses for Jabal Shammar's coring foci. Attacking Oman removes the Armed Neutrality national spirit as the Ottoman Empire. The starting technologies, war support, stability, number of convoys and air wings were reviewed in multiple countries, in line with the overall naval changes. Fixed Belgiums national focus tree not resetting when puppeted. Fixed Fengtians Li Dingyi not using the correct advisor picture. Fixed several bugs involving the Fate of China annexation event. Reworked the AI logic for Italian splinters reuniting, so that they are less likely to decline reunification. Latvia can now form the Baltic Last Stand faction with Lithuania instead of Estonia. Authoritarian Bulgaria now releases Romania as SocCon, instead of AutDem. Removed Vegas and added Reno VP for Nevada. Fengtians Restore the 1923 Constitution focus now adds the Zhang and Communications Cliques to a coalition government. Fixed Russia peacing out inappropriately with EE countries. The United Baltic Duchy now starts with a fully-equipped army. The chain for the merger with Serbia is now triggered by a focus. The French Republic now cannot allocate resources to a state that is in the process of being actively cored. Added more war support in Uruguayan events. German East Asia now starts with more units. Reverted a previous nerf to Naval Bomber stats. Greatly improve the odds of AI NFA seizing Spanish Morocco, Added generic event for the Suez zone if not released by OTT, Italian countries now have to leave the Entente if they claim Malta, Halifax Conference made a bit more likely to succeed, Libya can now move its capital to Benghazi or Tripoli. FNG's default name for infantry divisions is now prefixed by "Guofangjun", or "National Defense Army". The normal State Transfer Tool can no longer be enabled in multiplayer - it will always default to the multiplayer version instead. Anqing can now proclaim the Republic of China if they control Beijing, so long as the side that they had previously aligned with has been capitulated. Chile can no longer join the Internationale, if the Internationale backs Argentina when they threaten Chile. Portugal can now no longer always immediately begin its political tree. Fixed two Ottoman decisions about Basra being visible if the state is not owned. Slightly tweaked the icon for Support Equipment in decisions. Added The Green Mountaineer for New England. Rebalanced the Polish land reform effects. Fixed puppet Britain peacing out with the Entente. Fixed some problems with the Norway ai_will_do values for focuses, and for the Custom Game Rules. Slight tweaks to Cyrenaica, who now tells other countries when they are being assisted by them. Fixed Mittelafrika's revolt mission not accounting for Zanzibar. Added annexation mission for Alsace-Lorraine. Removed the effect in Kaiserreich of passive stability gain being greater while at low stability, which is now on par with vanilla. Fixed Gandhi not retiring after elections in a post- Lucknow Summit India. Completing the Constitution of the Baltic Federation now gives a small flavor event for new elections. Added tech and doctrine cost reduction to two Romanian national focuses. Added a couple more core-loss failsafes to the ACW events. Fixed Egypt instantly getting rid of illiteracy. Baltic States: Added Koit, Don Carlos, Krauklits sez ozola, Riga Dimd, Sumfoonia n 2 by Artur Kapp and Videvik, Various localization and translation fixes, Did some more work on the British annexations including new alternative leaders, The Dutch diplomatic focus tree has been converted into decisions. Updated Sdwestafrikas national focus durations and tweaked their economic tree and its effects. Fixed the Qing event that informed them of Yang Sens fall in Sichuan firing too early. Fixed CSA getting the New England annexation. The Left Kuomintang national focus Pivot Towards Washington is replaced with the Sino-American Pact, where the LKMT can coordinate with a successful Combined Syndicates of America to launch a joint attack on Japan. Fixed Preparing Liberation for Nicaragua not doing anything. Fixed Patagonia peacing out with neighbouring enemies after defeating Argentina. Fixed the Netherlands' PatAut tree not unlocking after the March on The Hague. Added some improvements to triggers of the League of Eight Provinces events for invasion warning, loan location and League collapse events. MacArthur can now attack any socialist countries in the Americas. Romania's Iron Guard content expanded, especially the middle Legionary tree. Fixed Tver's terrain art appearing in the wrong province. Mongolia and Tibet can no longer join the Unification Conference, Some fixes and improvements to the Chinese army reform system. Fixed Australasia's starting carrier having no air wings. The L-KMT can no longer integrate non-Han regions. Heavily nerfed South Africas compliance gain from the Native Advisory Councils national spirit. Touched up old Philippines events, including fixing the many broken or reversed opinion modifiers in the Philippines. Added focus tree localization for the Mutasaffirate of Jerusalem and Suez International Zone. Fixed the Beijing Government reverting to the Qing Empire. Russia can now annex the Polish areas of Germany if they've annexed Poland itself. Added two songs from Kaisercats latest production, The Divided States. Fixed German East Asia not fully committing to the Indochinese war. The Pacific States should annex New England more quickly after the American Civil War. Fixed the Netherlands leaving the Reichspakt, when they undergo a pro-German coup. Fixed Long Yun not appointing his Second in Command when he takes over Yunnan. Fixed the flavour event about the Fourth Balkan War firing out of context. Fixed building slot buffs having too small a value to have any effect. South Africas tree now unlocks if it is puppeted before 1938. Fixed the Fading Sun not disbanding if Japan lost faction leader status. Added descriptions to all of Argentinas political advisors. Fixed purged Finnish German generals still being selectable as head of staff, the army, navy and air force. Mexico will now declare war on all relevant American Civil War countries, when attempting to reclaim lost territory. Fixed Croatias rebellion attempting to spawn troops on states belonging to the Socialist Republic of Italy. Fixed White Ruthenias secret deal with Socialist Russia still going through, despite a change in White Ruthenia's government. Germany can now start WK2 itself after solving Black Monday. Renamed several Mittelafrikan states, and some African splinter countries. Armenian Foreign Policy (expanded current options), Armenia: Drastamat Kanayan, Hamazasp Srvandztyan. Renamed Escort Cruisers to Light Cruisers. The Union of Britain starts with two fuel silos. The Argentinean Immigration decisions now require at least 50% stability to be taken. Fixed the French Republic being released as a puppet with the wrong government and/or with no cores. Increased offensive war War Support loss to vanilla's -20%. Fengtian is now forced into the Co-Prosperity Sphere if Japan launches Operation Ichi-Gou. Rewrote the Chinese annexation events, to prevent issues with countries being forced to annex it. If you hover over the limit field at the top right of your Recruit & Deploy tab, youll see a tooltip that explains exactly how the limit is calculated. Is there any command I can use to just reverse the results afterwards? Fixed the Fate of Libya annexation mission repeating itself. Fixed Turkey moving the capital to Eskisehir instead of Ankara. Sweden now loses the Industrial Sabotage national spirit if they become socialist. Adjusted the Costa Rica - Panama border provinces. Added decisions for Armenia to request Russian equipment. Added a jet-based Airforce officer spirit. Gave Montenegro a base attack and defense idea, reminiscent of Sisu. Fixed the Carlist Kingdom not having a king on annexation. Fixed the Fifth Zhifeng War between the Zhili and the Fengtian Government being referred to as such, if the Zhili have lost power in Qing. Fixed Centroamericas national spirits not being reset when being reformed by Costa Rica. Fixed the costs for integrating Macedonia and Pirot not being affected by Alexander's Yugoslavism focus. Fixed the Papal States annexing the Socialist Republic of Italy in the white peace. Fixed the USA being able to work with allies without the needed focus. As usual, this hotfix WILL break saves - so either start a new game or revert to previous versions to finish any ongoing games. Nerfed the max efficiency gain from the Belgium of the Balkans national spirit for Bulgaria. Made the population in the Congo more accurate. A lot of work has been done on various parts of the AI, including the combat defines, operation targets, agency upgrades, tech selection, and further tweaks to the production AI (specifically with regards to aircraft production and over-use of armored cars for suppression). The ingame descriptions for Syndicalism and Totalism have been rewritten to more accurately represent both ideologies. Siam's annexation would no longer reinstall Prajadhipok in any scenario. Decreased the starting War Support in American Civil War participants. Lithuania's Cultural Autonomies national focus is now available to the RadSocs. Fixed Japan not inviting its allies to its economic sphere, if the allies own any Japanese claims. Canada now always gets Buffalo, unless it has revolted to the CSA beforehand. Figed Insulindia expansionism decisions missing AI factors. Tweaked the province and state layout in Mozambique. Arabia loses their claims on Oman's states that they didn't get if they peace out with Oman (i.e if they only got Oman they lose claims on Muscat, and if they didn't get any they lose claims on both). Fixed Qing returning to Beijing while still fighting Fengtian and Japan. Escort Cruisers and Cruisers are now referred to as Light Cruisers and Heavy Cruisers respectively, as in vanilla. Otherwise, sit down and enjoy!*. Independent Belgium (foreign policy branch), French Republic (if Germany has fallen before they return to the Mtropole). To change the ideology in HOI4, you can use the console. If you wish to continue a save you can download the old version here: Fixed heavy armour being selected as the suppression template for the United States. Fixed Scandinavia not getting cores on all of its states. Fixed Serbia being able to release Bulgaria during the IMRO uprising. Ireland no longer refuses free factories. Fixed a TEX tooltip referring to Devers instead of Patton. Fixed the Georgian foreign policy decisions being unavailable inappropriately. Ported over the vanilla name list for Mexican ships. We hope you enjoy it all the same! How do I edit country names? | Paradox Interactive Forums Added a World News event for Polands Centrolew protests being crushed. South Africas Black Monday is no longer auto-solved by the Boer War. Fixed two remaining inappropriate social democrat popularity increases in the Centroamerican focus tree. Anqings Sun Liren will now defect to Qing if Anqing is defeated, provided that Qing didnt support Nanjing. Renamed the different grades of state category, and overhauled the categorisation of many small / undeveloped states. Improved the USA AI in using their war decisions. Iceland also now leaves its old faction when joining a new one during the Cod War, Iceland can no longer do its resistance decisions once it has broken free. For multiplayer, increased the number of days needed for the game to be lagging, before the game speed is decreased or the game is paused. Added a news event for the capture of New York City. Fixed the Commune of France being able to use sabotage or development decisions on countries that dont exist. Tweaked Sichuans balance on the Black Market decision and the Army vs Smugglers event. Fixed New England getting two events about the beneficiary of the Ententes intervention in the American Civil War. Fixed the Russian Denikin and Realpolitik game rules clashing. Fixed broken idea national idea text and description for Honduras. Fixed an exploit in Qings spawned bandit divisions. Fixed a misfiring Sichuan-Fengtian grain event. Fixed the position of "Battle of Encirclement" label in "Mobile Warfare Doctrine" tech tree. Improved the Deploy New Tank Prototypes national focus for Ukraine - now it provides free armour variant for NSB owners, as well as free armoured template. Added an event pic for the 4th of July event for the USA. New National Focus icons for Poland, Scandinavia, Sweden, Qing and Uruguay. Fixed Petrograd terrain GFX being misplaced. Fixed Azerbaijan being able to bypass the factory requirement in the generic national focus tree. A country will now also annex the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, if they annex the Ottoman Empire. Improved the supply availability on the Fengtian / Qing border. Northern Ireland will no longer refuse to rejoin the UK if asked. Adjusted Siams party popularities to fit the rebellion's status. Improved the AIs political power rationing and espionage tactics. Paraguay will now always join the Chile-Argentina war when it starts (as it did previously.). Paraguays generals now are more suited to forests than swamps. The Golestan Pact will now be dissolved if Persia chooses to ally with the Bharatiya Commune. Fixed Ukraine being able to join the TI too early. Fixed all cases of more than four ministers in Canada. They can now core all of China and they wont be referred to as RKMT. Removed a bugged Shanxi decision description. Fixed the Italian Republic having non-NSB tanks with the DLC enabled. Added three Aces (elite pilots) for Norway. Fixed some Lithuanian flavour events of the LKDP and LTS. Fixed a parent trait being missing for Brazilian general Cndido Rondon. In the annexation of Vietnam, Cambodia and Siam can now occupy Kampuchea Krom and puppet the rest. Updated a line in Zhang Jinghuis description for Fengtian that incorrectly said he was Manchu instead of Han. Adjusted the population proportions in a few Greek states. Fully updated the advisor rosters for Qing, and tweaked several existing military advisor roles. Fixed Venice losing its navy upon winning against the Italian National Republic. Fixed Polands decisions to join factions appearing while already in a faction. Sweden - focus tree improvements - focus durations are reduced, added new icons, focus effects, implemented several new focuses and balance changes. Germany can no longer invite the Ottoman Empire to the Reichspakt, if the latter formed the Sarajevo Accords or Istanbul Pact. Fixed the PatAut revolt for Poland decreasing PatAut popularity. Countries will now be prompted to abandon the Legation Cities if they're targeted by Japan. The unrest caused by losing the Bush War is now limited to the Zambesi Basin, rather than being a global modifier. Fixed the Baku Conference firing even if the Ottomans are dead. Fixed Norway's Rikshirden leaders not being created correctly. Fixed Adelbert staying around even if couped. Fixed Romania losing its coalition on a re-election, and a modifier too small to have any effect. Added coalitions to the post-unification Federalist China elections. Overhauled the Indian strategic regions, now split into seven regions from what was previously three. Added transport planes icons from By Blood Alone. MacArthur can now fail the occupation of Philadelphia. Fixed the Mittelafrikan game rule for Guaranteed Collapse not working if NatPops arent in power in Mittelafrika. Removed Yiyongjun Jinxingqu (March of the Volunteers) from Chinese tags. Douglas MacArthur is now a member of the Republican party candidate for the presidency, instead of a Democrat. The path will now be a second SocDem path. A significant rebalance of the League War, including unit limits, equipment changes, and AI tweaks. Yang Yuting now promotes himself to Field Marshal when taking over the Fengtian Government. Fixed Nicaraguas missing general descriptions. Fixed El Salvadors missing general descriptions. The Philippines will no longer join the Entente or Reichspakt, unless set to do so in the game rules. You can no longer get the Iraqi neutrality buff if you join a faction. Fixed former Centroamerica countries freeing themselves from being a puppet by reforming Centroamerica. Added event warnings for tags, and their overlords if puppeted, soon to be attacked by the Fengtian Government, Qing/Zhili, and the LEP. Adaptation of Waking the Tiger planes for KR. Fixed Argentinas missing leader description for Farrell. The Ideological Loyalty national spirit is now available for all socialists. As always, let us know what you think as you play! Fixed Iraq and Syria being unable to invite other countries into the League of Arab States. Ongoing rebalancing and speed-up work in the Spanish Civil War, which is now set up to end in 1939 or before in most runs. A South African event now properly fires from the Election focus. Fixed totalist Commune of France losing its ministers. Cut the Every King a Turn focus in Scandinavia for now as it has been causing unwanted results. Fixed a broken Federalist China railway-building national focus. Fixed Serbia's Montenegro focus not requiring ownership of the state. Panamas two states have been merged into one. Fixed Sweden getting a Finnish event about the militarisation of land. Fixed the United States guarantees on Central America not being removed.