934-944. 271. Sacred buildings and requisites for divine worship should, moreover, be truly worthy and beautiful and be signs and symbols of heavenly realities. 263. In these instances the sign of the unity of the priesthood and also of the Church inherent in every concelebration is made more clearly manifest.[103]. Then, if necessary, the acolyte assists the priest in receiving the gifts of the people and, if appropriate, brings the bread and wine to the altar and hands them to the priest. 50. With both hands he holds it slightly raised above the altar and says quietly, Benedictus es, Domine (Blessed are you, Lord). The Church offers the Eucharistic Sacrifice of Christs Passover for the dead so that, since all the members of Christs body are in communion with each other, the petition for spiritual help on behalf of some may bring comforting hope to others. Further, the nature of the ministerial priesthood proper to a Bishop and a priest, who offer the Sacrifice in the person of Christ and who preside over the gathering of the holy people, is evident in the form of the rite itself, by reason of the more prominent place and office of the priest. 48, 87). 0000003808 00000 n <> During the procession to the altar, the Entrance chant takes place (cf. 95: AAS 56 (1964), p. 898. 368. 0000003045 00000 n Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 54, 62-69: AAS 87 (1995), pp. no. It is praiseworthy for the bread and wine to be presented by the faithful. 33. 540-541. It is sung or said on Sundays outside the Seasons of Advent and Lent, on solemnities and feasts, and at special celebrations of a more solemn character. In the readings, the table of Gods word is prepared for the faithful, and the riches of the Bible are opened to them. 100. 127. 243. The singing is continued for as long as the Sacrament is being administered to the faithful. Finally, it is a people made one by sharing in the Communion of Christs Body and Blood. 548-549. Planning template for Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lord's Supper Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. The diocesan Bishop or anyone equivalent to him in law must be mentioned by means of this formula: una cum famulo tuo Papa nostro N. et Episcopo (or Vicario, Prelato, Praefecto, Abbate) (together with your servant N., our Pope, and N., our Bishop [or Vicar, Prelate, Prefect, Abbot]). A further musical specification is provided: "the organ and other musical instruments may be used only so as to support the singing" (EM, no. 3a, b: AAS 59 (1967), pp. [8] Cf. 7; Paul VI, Encyclical Letter Mysterium fidei, On the doctrine and worship of the Eucharist, 3 September 1965: AAS 57 (1965), p. 764; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Eucharisticum mysterium, On the worship of the Eucharist, 25 May 1967, no. 0000002424 00000 n The priest, therefore, in planning the celebration of Mass, should have in mind the common spiritual good of the people of God, rather than his own inclinations. 0000008636 00000 n Thus the best place for the chair is in a position facing the people at the head of the sanctuary, unless the design of the building or other circumstances impede this: for example, if the great distance would interfere with communication between the priest and the gathered assembly, or if the tabernacle is in the center behind the altar. When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in his own word, proclaims the Gospel. 322. When receiving Holy Communion, the communicant bows his or her head before the Sacrament as a gesture of reverence and receives the Body of the Lord from the minister. Otherwise, they wear their proper choir dress or a surplice over a cassock. 152. 12: AAS 59 (1967), pp. At a Mass celebrated by a priest with only one minister to assist him and to make the responses, the rite of Mass with a congregation is followed (cf. If incense is used, the deacon assists the priest when he puts incense in the thurible during the singing of the Alleluia or other chant. [112] Cf. This is a template for planning a Roman Catholic Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper, in the Ordinary Form. After the Lords Prayer is concluded, the priest alone, with hands extended, says the embolism Libera nos (Deliver us). In all that pertains to Communion under both kinds, the Norms for the Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion under Both Kinds in the Dioceses of the United States of America are to be followed (see nos. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 548-549. Missae sacrificio, 17 September 1562, chapter 8: Denz-Schn, 1749. may very briefly introduce the faithful to the Mass of the day. 142. As he begins the Eucharistic Prayer, the priest extends his hands and sings or says, Dominus vobiscum (The Lord be with you). As a rule, each acclamation is sung or said twice, though it may be repeated several times, by reason of the character of the various languages, as well as of the artistry of the music or of other circumstances. Those present turn towards the ambo as a sign of special reverence to the Gospel of Christ. Then, standing at the chair or at the altar and facing the people the priest, with hands joined says, Oremus (Let us pray); then, with hands extended, he recites the prayer after Communion. Care should, however, be taken in planning lest beyond what is needed of the Blood of Christ remains to be consumed at the end of the celebration. The diocesan Bishop may establish norms for Communion under both kinds for his own diocese, which are also to be observed in churches of religious and at celebrations with small groups. 13. particularly Codex Iuris Canonici, can. Holy Thursday Order of Mass - Saint+Elizabeth+Ann+Seton+Parish 52; Codex Iuris Canonici, can. Then the priest, with hands extended, says the collect, at the end of which the people make the acclamation, Amen. Laws | Free Full-Text | Transnational Religious Practices as a UNESCO All these elements, even though they must express the hierarchical structure and the diversity of ministries, should nevertheless bring about a close and coherent unity that is clearly expressive of the unity of the entire holy people. 341. Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Instruction Varietates legitimate, 25 January 1994, no. The bread and wine for the Eucharist are carried to the celebrant, who places them upon the altar, while other gifts are put in another appropriate place (cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. If, however, their number is great, seats should be arranged in another part of the church, but near the altar. Since, indeed, a variety of options is provided for the different parts of the Mass, it is necessary for the deacon, the lectors, the psalmist, the cantor, the commentator, and the choir to be completely sure before the celebration about those texts for which each is responsible is to be used and that nothing be improvised. This acclamation, which is part of the Eucharistic Prayer itself, is sung or said by all the people with the priest. 0000021011 00000 n Nevertheless, in a particular celebration, such as Confirmation, Marriage, or a Funeral, the series of intentions may reflect more closely the particular occasion. The principal celebrant, if appropriate, also incenses the cross and the altar and then goes to the chair. PDF PROCESSION OF HOLY OILS INTO THE PARISH CHURCH - Roman Catholic Diocese Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Instruction Varietates legitimate, 25 January 1994, nos. 143. The diocesan Bishop, who is to be regarded as the high priest of his flock, and from whom the life in Christ of the faithful under his care in a certain sense derives and upon whom it depends,[148] must promote, regulate, and be vigilant over the liturgical life in his diocese. Floral decorations should always be done with moderation and placed around the altar rather than on its mensa. [139] Cf. Once these proposals have been duly approved by the Apostolic See, experiments should be carried out for specified periods and at specified places. The Communion chant begins while the priest is receiving the Sacrament (cf. shed on the principal mysteries that are commemorated in this Mass, namely, the institution of the Holy Eucharist and of the priestly Order, and the commandment of the Lord concerning fraternal charity. endobj Moreover, in order that such a celebration may correspond more fully to the prescriptions and spirit of the sacred Liturgy, and also in order to increase its pastoral effectiveness, certain accommodations and adaptations are specified in this General Instruction and in the Order of Mass. 11. PDF Holy Thursday Order of Mass - Saint+Elizabeth+Ann+Seton+Parish In any Mass the orations proper to that Mass are used, unless otherwise noted. Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship, General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours, editio typica, 11 April 1971, editio typica altera, 7 April 1985, nos. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. nos. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. The intercessions Nunc ergo, Domine, omnium recordare (Lord, remember those) and Nobis omnibus (Father, in your mercy) are appropriately assigned to one or other of the concelebrants, who speaks them aloud alone, with hands extended. [124] Cf. 47: AAS 59 (1967), p. 565. 352. From the Haec ergo dona (Let your Spirit come upon) to the Et supplices (May all of us who share) inclusive, all the concelebrants speak all the following together: The Haec ergo dona (Let your Spirit come upon) with hands extended toward the offerings; The Qui cum passioni (Before he was given up to death) and the Simili modo (When supper was ended) with hands joined; The Memores igitur (In memory of his death) and the Et supplices (May all of us who share) with hands extended. It is a praiseworthy practice for the parts that are to be said by all the concelebrants together and for which musical notation is provided in the Missal to be sung. 354. At the conclusion he says, Verbum Domini (The Gospel of the Lord), to which the minister responds, Laus tibi, Christe (Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ). 26-27; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Eucharisticum mysterium, On the worship of the Eucharist, 25 May 1967, no. A bow signifies reverence and honor shown to the persons themselves or to the signs that represent them. 306-307. If the prayer is directed to the Father: Per Christum Dominum nostrum (Through Christ our Lord); If it is directed to the Father, but the Son is mentioned at the end: Qui vivit et regnat in saecula saeculorum (Who lives and reigns forever and ever); If it is directed to the Son: Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum (You live and reign forever and ever). 26. The priest who presides at the celebration, however, always retains the right of arranging those things that are his own responsibility.[90].