This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. That part is completely untrue. It must feel very fitting to be dressed ina whimsicalway,so if you have this placement give it a try its not just forHalloween! Your heart is warm, giving, and affectionate. Transiting Saturn is retrograding back to zopposition to my natal Venus and I think that has a lot to do with it too. Its like she wants but doesnt want, contradicts herself all the time (I partially blame her moon square venus and mars for this). With Neptune conjunct Ascendant, you might have been born into this world, but with this configuration, some part of you always seems to belong to another world. 2023 will bring powerful changes as Saturn will be moving into Pisces in March! A nagging parent or people invading your personal space can be too much to cope with. If you do become entangled in some scandal then stop in your tracks and seek help before it gets out of control. She also went through several bouts of very deep depression. Published by at 14 Marta, 2021. Neptune person's imagination, psychology and spiritual concepts influence Ascendant person greatly. This lowers your defenses and makes you more susceptible to being taken advantage of. Address any sign of illness as you are more susceptible to infection and allergies. Neptune in First House Conjunct the Ascendant. Categories . You could appearincredibly glamorous, thus others might project an imageonto you, whether you like it or not. Celebrities with Venus in the 1st house are Kourtney Kardashian, Audrey Hepburn, and Blake Lively. With that being said, Neptune conjunct ascendant synastry aspect literally enchants you. They stand out they look different and can captivate others very easily. (Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces in modern astrology). All the makings (or trappings) of a spiritual person. You're entering a period of time that will strongly test your focus in life and how you go about achieving your goals. Neptune in the First House First House Planets - Neptune Conjunct The Ascendant Celebrities Technical support She has been having a lot of trouble with her feet. Venus also bQ my true Lilith completing a 5th harmonic triangle (bM Q ASC)with venus at the apex, and Id would really appreciate how youd interpret that, bc . Not sure where to go or what to do. 1. The themes of this house will likely be really important to you, and they might even become a part of your identity. Brainstorm: Jupiter/Neptune Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between Jupiter and Neptune. Im an Aquarian with Leo Ascendant and look like lion! Not all who wander are lost. Answer (1 of 33): Leo anything (superstars of the zodiac) Active 12th (all famous people have 12th house action-I kid, but it's an asset re: creativity) Favorable 10 and 11 aspects (in good favor with public perception and groups of people with which you network) Gemini anything (there's a re. Ascendant/Neptune = Will be romantic but not without possible confusion and misunderstandings. Blending in. This aspect often gives a flair for entertaining people. Perhaps you feel both present in the worldand not. More on the sexy side. Can make someone a lover of beauty, but, never themselves able to obtain it. By the way, this also works if Neptune is in aspect to the Ascendant or is in aspect to the 1st house ruler. June 5, 2021 Elsa. Always remembering that one another's vulnerability is a precious gift and handling . Natal Neptune and Ascendant Aspects However, this conjunction can also end in disenchantment. Marilyn Monroe had neptune rising in leo too. They often stand up for the less fortunate. Try not to feel like a victim or feel you need to save other people. You may have illusive eyes that are watery in some sense. Letting go of earthly limitations. It is possible to find a soul mate so long as you can be sure they are the real deal. Unfortunately, you are more susceptible to addiction than most others, and to poisoning and overdose. Similarly, there are also ways that you don't want to be known or understood. Stars With Neptune OnThe Ascendant / Prominent InThe First House, Clockwise: Paris Hilton, Gwen Stefani, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Janet Jackson, Dolly Parton, Courtney Love And Nicole Kidman. Neptune can be the cause of a weak self-identity, fear of control, lack of structure, illusion and deception. Brainstorm: Neptune / Ascendant Astrology Aspects - ASTROFIX Neptune rules chemicals, the ocean, movies, anything without borders that lifts us up into a higher state of consciousness. The person may not see it, but others will. Planets aspecting the ascendant should be paid a lot of attention to, as it is a key pillar of the birth chart and the personality. I have to use my intuition to get to my reality. Nothing so upsets the normal indications drawn from the sign and ruler as the presence of Neptune. The Ascendant has a fixed spot in the 1st house. Being gentle with yourself as you determine your path. Having the appearance of a prophet or martyr. Brainstorm: Neptune / Descendant Astrology Aspects - ASTROFIX How would you physically describe someone who has a Neptune conjunct I have kallisto conjunct my descendant and nymphe conjunct my ascendant, but they both have a 4 degree orb. playing the sexy, leather-clad 'Lizard King' Jim Morrison in The they're most associated. Attractiveness by Sun for male and Moon for female. However, its conjunction with the Moon can domicile either within the same cusp or in the 12th house. It represents the illusion, spreading a watery veil over matters and distorting the view. Transcending reality. Mars Conjunct Asc: Just raw sexuality for this aspects I believe this aspects would do better for males than females. There always seems to be a lot of these threads. Venus . Too much awareness about your movement in the world and the inability to take action about it which leads to giving up. Even prescription medications can affect you more strongly and have worse side effects now. Sheba Conjunct Sun/Venus/ASC/Desc: The Queen of Sheba. asteroid child (4580) trine or conjunct sun, ascendant, venus, neptune, uranus (not retrograded) venus, uranus, neptune, sun conjunct or trine midheaven. Neptune is one of the outer planets. When these two meet for the first time, they will be able to see the real person that is hiding behind the smile. Neptune conjunct the ascendant in the birth chart can also indicate that you are an empty canvas for others to project their ideas onto. You have a free pass into the world of fantasy (and you probably enjoy being there a lot). You might do this by donning personas through creative means, like acting or writing. 17 people love it! It is wonderful for spirituality, creativity, but not so good for dealing with the day-to-day responsibilities of life, the practical matters. The discipline is to use my intuition. I take a lot of vitamins and always have so Im hoping this is over shortly. Getting high. I have Neptune on my ascendant with a 2deg orb but I found very little about the description true about me. You are a shapeshifter and can melt away into a crowd if you dont want to be seen. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. If you have the Neptune conjunct ascendant aspect in synastry, it is crucial how the rest of your charts work together. Unfortunately she is not your typical beauty but has very beautiful 'things,' like in the way she dresses herself and her house. You Could Try Tulle, Spirituality could be a topic close to home and these people can often be especiallyattunedor even psychic. Wanderer. You might even come across as a Pisces rising in some cases. Neptune is something I want to work with. Moon Conjunct Ascendant: What It Means, Interpretations & More Youthful to the point prepubescence sure and I can see how that can turn off dudes who have more voluptuous tastes. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Having a well fleshed-out alter ego. In this article, you read about the meaning of Neptune conjunct the ascendant. Yes, please answer as I have this aspect approaching also. You're extremely sensitized to your surroundings. Poor personal boundaries at the outset. neptune conjunct ascendant beauty. I find that Neptune is a different type of beauty, though Neptunian women and men are glamorous, other-wordly. Leos just have that certain something something that attract others to them. Neptune Conjunct Ascendant Synastry - Compatibility - Access New Age Appearance wise, maybe not helpful, but not harmful either. It is also associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment. Brainstorm: Neptune / Descendant Astrology Aspects This interpretation of Neptune in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Thank you for the post. Not all Scorpios are sexy, and not all Libras are pretty. Kim Kardashian is an incredibly attractive woman who uses this to her advantage, able to be what the public wants simply by stepping out in style. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. Brainstorm: Neptune/Pluto Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between Neptune and Pluto. You are aware of critical looks to your appearance. It represents 'the illusion', spreading a watery veil over matters and distorting the view. When the old person refused to go and reminded her of a promise she had made to see him through a traumatic experience (her natal Neptune squares her Vesta, could this reflect the vow she had made to stay devoted? Karma chameleon. All feedback is appreciated . Our ascendant is the face we put on, the mask we wear and the general physical embodiment of ourselves and our approach read more about the ascendant or rising sign, here. Think of Angelina Jolie (Venus conjunct Ascendant), Elizabeth Taylor (Venus trine Ascendant), Kim Kardashian (Venue square Ascendant), and Beyonce (Venus conjunct Ascendant). Or on a more general level at least how particular configurations affect how we look and the image we identify with. Ive always been curious as to the reasons for her back and forth personality, her nep/asc also constitutes for her extreme sensitivity (any slight remark can make her either shrink or bite back hard). Dont forget that this planetary energy is deceitful. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. This article is included in the Angles: Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven & IC Astrology eBook. Save 35% off reports! Mooching. Its sign is shared by masses of people born during a 14-years period. It creates an idealistic idea of love that is characterized by strong fantasies, affectionate feelings and idealization of the beloved. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. of Bourne films (Identity, Supremacy, Wilson. Lucid dreaming. Transient persona. Your sensitivity to higher vibrations can be scary too. You also said she shouldnt get involved with the new person yet well thats not happening right now, is it. It is associated with dreams, inspiration, psychic receptivity and illusion. She didnt even have to do much men would just flock to her like bees on honey. Using your birth date,time and location you can access the detailed reports and features, easy to use menu layout great for beginners as well as advanced students of astrology. Giving yourself up to an unreachable ideal. Being lost. It really is. 10 More Aspects For Physical Appearance in the Natal Chart We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Neptunian energy is ethereal, mystical, enchanted, and the energy your physical appearance radiates is probably like that too. Proud Member of: Mediavine Publisher Network Architectural Digest 2018 - Star Sign Style. In fact, you appear a bit like a Libra rising. Trying to understand who you are and how you fit into the larger picture can cause confusion, low self-esteem and isolation. I am a hypochondriac but I dont think I have an addictive personality (or are they the same thing?). Matt Damon lost 18 kilos in 100 days. This may be because some people tend to project their fantasies (Neptune rules illusion and delusion) on those with such charts. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. Wasting time through having no goals. Thus, Venus-Ascendant people get along with people nicely. You look like a slob. My friend was in transition from one intimate relationship to another. This can lead these folks to present an altered view of themselves to the world. I simply pulled out on my own street, having turned in the wrong direction. A person-emotion listens to his desires: he wants to lie on the sofa, his hands are burning to create beauty - he writes poetry, fairy tales, paintings, knits and embroiders. Neptune Trine Ascendant: Style and self expression is connected with sensibility: dreaming of colors, patterns, art, all embodied by the puter exterior. My natal Neptune is conjunct my Scorp ascendant (Leo Sun). Neptune Conjunct Ascendant, Natal Neptune Conjunct Ascendant Transit As a transit, Neptune conjunct Ascendant allows the world to pour in, dissolving all previous limits and secure ways of understanding who you were. When you visit our website, it may store information through your browser from specific services, usually in form of cookies. Sometimes you say, Accept me as I am. Other times you bend to meet expectations. The watery planet Neptune governs the sea, so its possible that Neptune sitting so closely to the image we project could have a wet or tear-stained persona! Being a Venus conjunct Ascendant, you have a high fashion sense. 10 Talents Revealed in Astrological Charts - dummies Difficulty taking on responsible leadership positions. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, so it makes sense that it would indicate beauty. If Neptune is in the 1st house, there is a haziness to a Capricorn . Yet, there is always something slanderous going on with these individuals. I thought back to how Id seen her react to all this stuff, and then I DID laugh, with amazement: When this occurs, it endows the person with beauty, charm and grace. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Neptune Conjunct Ascendant Natal and Transit, New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings, Volodymyr Zelenskyy Horoscope Warrior Leader. I rarely consume alcohol and Ive never used illegal drugs. Ive noticed with my Leo Ascendant friends that they tend to always get tons of attention. They are dreamy-looking and usually have beautiful eyes. The leak. When drawing up a personal horoscope for the individual, one of the first things an astrologer will look at is the rising sign, located at the 9 o clock point on the natal chart or birth chart. If above planets and 2nd house/lord of D-1 and also of D-27 are badly placed in this chart then beauty is not possible. I do care very deeply for suffering animals and some people. Find out important dates in 2022 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunites and health considerations.