Henning Steinfeld, Pierre Gerber, and Tom Wassenaar, et al., Livestock's Long Shadow - Environmental Issues and Options, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006, ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/010/a0701e/a0701e03.pdf. Chapter 4 highlights regional and national targets and examines the policy and institutional frameworks for scaling up renewables across the region. The level playing field that markets provide is critical to customers being able to access the clean and renewable power they need to meet their goals.. ( In addition to the Economic Investment component, the Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy also involves ending large-scale, old-growth timber harvest and focusing resources to support forest restoration, recreation, climate resilience, and sustainable young-growth management. Methane is a more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, being 21 times more potent at trapping heat in the atmosphere over a 100 year period. petroleum ,limestone ,asphalt, bauxite , naltural gas , gold diamond thi are the nonrenewable resources found in the caribean What will lead to depletion of nonrenewable resources? Unless the utility can put its finger on the scale, this analysis indicates the portfolios where these coal plants are phased out should be less expensive than ones where these coal plants continue to operate. website belongs to an official government organization in the First, with heavy reliance on fossil resources, Southeast Asian governments are promoting renewable energy as the region is endowed with a rich variety of natural resources [15][16][17]. For Tlingit & Haida, the agreements are an example of USDAs renewed commitment to its Federal Trust responsibilities and what can be done when partners work together on common goals of sustainable, community-led economic development in Southeast Alaska. Our initial Economic Investment effort will commit up to $25 million in federal funding based on local priorities for short-term, project-based investments. The paper is a survey of existing research and assessments by the federal government and other experts. USAID and the Embassy have announced plans to continue these efforts through a new program called the Southeast Asia Smart Power Program that will promote utility modernization, energy efficiency, advanced technologies, and regional power trade, and will improve local air quality and mitigate global climate change. New research from Energy Innovation and Vibrant Clean Energy shows establishing a competitive wholesale electricity market across seven Southeastern states could save $384 billion and create more than 400,000 clean energy jobs, jump-starting an economy slowed by COVID-19 and dramatically reducing harmful air pollution. They are finishing up installing a solar panel array at the Aurora Apartments to help offset electrical demand in certain buildings. Renewable Energy Market Analysis: Southeast Asia (executive summary Alabama. Goals for biofuels production to meet a Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) may also mean that increased amounts of biomass would be dedicated to that use. RE-Source Southeast Hub is a regional platform for cooperation between renewable energy producers and energy consumers.. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock "Our research suggests we certainly have sufficient resources." The analysis does not account for ripple effects of reduced electricity rates on consumer and business spending or the increased attractiveness of Southeastern states to the growing number of companies with 100% clean energy goals. This team is locally based and will continue to consult with Tribal Nations and Alaska Native corporations and to engage with partners and municipal governments to continue to identify priorities and practical opportunities for investments of financial and technical assistance. May 2008. http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/alternate/page/renew_energy_consump/table1.html. In regions where the quality or availability of renewable resources may be in question, as for example, in the Southeast,19 some states are concerned that the current RES proposals would subject them to federal penalties. You may opt-out by. By 2025, the desired regional target is securing 23 percent of primary energy from renewable sources. Representation of a priority economic sector. But the World Resources Institute paper argues the target is more than achievable, finding that renewable energy could supply as much as 30 percent of the region's power needs within 15 years. Southeast State Resources. This cooperative agreement is truly an innovative approach taken by the USDA, said Richard Chalyee esh Peterson, President of Tlingit & Haida. In fact, 82% of the total coal capacity in the region could be replaced with solar and storage for the cost of continued operation of those coal plants, and with a significant decrease in risks associated with fuel costs, outages from extreme weather, and potential future environmental regulations. Podcast Texas Power Podcast Search Solar Energy Commercial and Industrial Community Solar Distributed Energy Resources Microgrids Methane is the primary component of natural gas which is used in cooking, heating, chemicals production, and electric power generation. USDA Forest Service photo. Renewable Resources Can Power U.S., Even Southeast Since the time of the first nomadic hunter-gatherer societies, wood has been collected for cooking fires and heating. Key findings - Southeast Asia Energy Outlook 2022 - Analysis - IEA Since the USDAs initial announcement about the strategy, more than 289 investment proposals have been brought forward totaling more than $276 million, which indicates both a need and excitement for home-grown, local priorities that reflect the values and peoples of the region., Southeast Conference is excited to be a part of this game-changing shift in the One USDA approach to partnering in economic development throughout our Tongass communities, said Robert Venables, Executive Director for Southeast Conference. In these states, most renewable energy projects are utility-owned. Lignin is the "glue-like" substance which holds woody plant fibers together. In addition to looking at replacing generation with wind or solar, Energy Innovation looked at pairing local solar resources with battery storage to replace some or all of the capacity of each coal plant without costing more than the continued operation of the plant. To Rid The Grid Of Coal, The Southeast U.S. Needs A - Forbes This important step towards more battery deployments will increase the penetration of renewable energy, reduce pollution from fossil fuels, and help develop an electric vehicle infrastructure, supporting Thailands transition towards a carbon-neutral country. March 2022 SASS meeting in Juneau, Alaska. Alaska Regional Office New resources (such as dedicated biocrops) or other biomass sources (such as municipal solid waste) may need to be used if biomass from forest residues and forest product industry wastes do not prove sufficient to meet RES goals. It is concerned that competition for biomass resources from new power generation facilities and from transportation fuel uses could drive up prices to the economic detriment of forest product companies. Alaska Project Supports President Bidens Energy Goals, Baytex/Ranger Oil Combination First Of Its Kind In Almost A Year, International Energy Week Is A Lesson In Cognitive Dissonance. See http://energycommerce.house.gov/Press_111/20090226/testimony_gruenspecht.pdf. The region is committed to renewable energy and integrating sustainable practices into legacy industries. All renewable energy sources combined account for about 10% of the U.S. total energy production. See Plasma Gasification at http://www.recoveredenergy.com/d_plasma.html. Biomass has been characterized by advocates for an RES in the Southeast (i.e., Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia) as the region's main renewable resource which could be used to meet a standard. Southeast Renewable Energy - Presented by Infocast Worked with the Government of Laos to support the countrys first-ever solar auction, from auction design to submission of the final auction announcement package. A decision in the Georgia Power rate case last week failed to provide age-appropriate policy and will ensure Georgia remains a bottom-10 state for rooftop solar. The legislation also calls for building 450 megawatts of renewable capacity in the county to help replace lost tax revenue from closing coal operations. An official website of the United States government. JUNEAU, Alaska, March 31, 2022 The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced 25 projects totaling nearly $9 million of investments that are to be funded through the Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy (SASS). Work continues with southeast Alaska partners on additional projects to meet the strategys initial $25 million commitment. Pictured left to right: Earl Stewart - Forest Supervisor Tongass National Forest, Chad VanOrmer - Deputy Regional Forester,Anthony Mallott - Sealaska CEO, Dr. Homer Wilkes -Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment,Richard Chalyee esh Peterson -Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska President, Dave Schmid - Regional Forester,Joe Kaaxxgu Nelson - Sealaska Board Chair, Jaeleen Kookesh - Sealaska Vice President, Policy & Legal Affairs, and Raymond Paddock - Environmental Manager for Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. These recovery and biomass boilers are responsible for most of the energy generated by the forest products (biomass) sector, either as steam heat for process uses, or electricity generated for on-site use. Kung Ven has been hired as WSP USA's energy business line leader for the Southeast region, according to a company press release. This generally means that there could be only one large "industrial" user of biomass (whether forest product manufacturer or biomass power production) in a given geo-economic zone, and growth of renewable electricity from biomass to meet RES requirements will be bound by such zones. This exciting new partnership will allow us to bring even more conservation benefits to southeast communities that address food security and local agricultural production.. Increased battery storage and system flexibility also reduces the need for seldom-used gas peaking resources, which are mostly eliminated in the RTO by 2040. Bhutan has achieved 100 per cent energy access through off-grid energy sources. The inorganic chemicals are recovered in a "recovery boiler" and reconstituted for reuse, while the organic lignin is burned, generating heat for steam production. The agricultural resources of the Midwest and the forest-based resources of the Southeast feature prominently. Personal communications with Southern Company. The issue of whether there is enough biomass to meet both an RES and RFS is beyond the scope of this report. Thestrategy to be undertaken on the Tongass National Forest and in Southeast Alaska includes four primary components: As a part of the strategy, the Secretary of Agriculture made an initial commitment of $25 million to the region. Renewable tenders continue to grow across Southeast Asia, presenting Increases in cost reductions from competitive scenario compared to business-as-usual from 2020-2040. United States. Under the regional agreements, the entities are collaborating with USDA to promote economic diversification and workforce development projects for themselves and other smaller organizations in Southeast Alaska. Without additional details, SEEM fails to address many of the efficiencies of full RTO integration modeled in this study like reserve sharing, transmission optimization, regional economic dispatch, independent system operation and market monitoring, and market access for independent power producers. The provisions of such a lawincluding definition of eligible biomass resources, price incentives for renewable electricity, and tax treatmentwould all affect the economic viability of possible projects and could affect demand for biomass resources. Sustainable management of forest resources is likely to be both a basic consideration and a possible constraint. Collaborated with Thailands Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission to develop regulations and technical standards to ensure the safety and performance of battery energy storage systems. Although some renewable energy technologies have an impact on the environment, renewables are considered environmentally preferable to conventional sources and, when replacing fossil fuels, have significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Listening to the importance of the sustainability strategy to local communities, learning about southeast Alaska culture, and meeting Tribal members and partners is an honor for me, said Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Dr. Homer Wilkes. Report Finds Renewable Energy Resources in Southeastern Region Southern Company is considering converting three additional small coal plants to biomass, similar to Plant Mitchell. Discover world-changing science. Plans for increased use of waste wood from forests may require new forms of cooperation and coordination between forest products companies and biomass power generators to ensure access to the resource. Our USAID [United States Agency for International Development] Clean Power Asia program made huge investments in clean power and is projected to help the region avoid 30 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions over the next 15 years, he continued. Research and development initiatives may well increase the efficiency of biomass power generation, making it possible to increase power output from less biomass feedstock. USDA plans to leverage its resources to support these efforts including programs to strengthen small businesses, broadband, renewable energy production, local foods and agriculture production, water and sewer infrastructure, healthcare, housing, outdoor tourism, silviculture support and others as appropriate. AF&PA points to a study of the effects of a 20% RPS by their counterparts in Europe, which concluded that simple power generation from biomass (i.e., wood and recovered paper) should only be considered when recycling is no longer feasible to maximize economic and environmental benefits.56, In contrast, the Biomass Power Association says that its members cannot profitably compete with the pulp and paper industry for supplies of woody biomass at existing prices of $60 per bone dry ton (BDT), and must seek alternative supplies in the $40 per BDT range, or lower.57 Thus, other sources of biomass are targeted. This paper presents preliminary research on ocean renewable energy (ORE) in Southeast Asia (SEA). We are a nonpartisan climate policy think tank helping policymakers make informed energy policy choices and accelerate clean energy by supporting the policies that most effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Three regional utilities Tennessee Valley Authority (a federal entity), Southern Company An online data explorer allows users to compare scenarios and understand state-level impacts: By contrast, current utility plans add virtually no wind or storage, only 21 GW of additional solar by 2040, maintain existing coal, and drastically expand gas generation. Competition alone, however, will not achieve the rapid electricity sector decarbonization needed to avoid climate changes worst impacts. Optimal allocation method of energy storage for integrated renewable See http://www.esri.com/library/fliers/pdfs/measuringbiofuel.pdf. Southeast Asia is a very attractive market for renewable energy, owing to its rich renewable resources and surging energy consumption. Biomass Resources Available per Square Kilometer in the United States, Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Renewable energy in Southeast Asia: Policies and recommendations For example, all-source procurement, which requires monopoly utilities to conduct a competitive procurement process with robust bid evaluation, can add clean electricity and reduce customer costs. Wind turbines have been called ugly and noisy, and the cooling needs of solar thermal facilities in desert locations may require the use of scarce water resources. The intra-agency team collected diverse public input to inform opportunities for priority investments and in reducing administrative barriers that support a diverse economy, enhance community resilience, and conserve natural resources. Feed-in Tariffs are incentive structures for generating renewable electricity usually at above-market rates for a set number of years, reducing the payback period and adding certainty to the return on the investment. Near-term potential for renewable energy resources: energy crops (22%); forest residues (18%); crop residues (11%); urban wood residues (6%); biogas (landfills2%; livestock manure1%). Nowhere is the debate on biomass resources more pronounced than in the southeastern United States where biomass has been described as the region's best hope to meet RES requirements.44. Combustion of fossil fuels also produces the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. In 2022, the global community held firm in its commitment to a net zero future, amidst a challenging year with continued impacts from the COVID pandemic, war in Ukraine, energy security concerns and rising living costs worldwide. The Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy is USDAs approach to support economic, cultural, and natural resources sustainability in the region. By converting biomass, waste materials, or other carbon-containing materials into a synthesized gas (synthesis gas or syngas) comprised mostly of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, the syngas can be burned directly to generate electricity.39 Further processing via Fischer-Tropsch methods40 or other forms of catalysis can convert the syngas into higher value chemicals or transportation biofuels such as ethanol, methanol, or a form of biodiesel called di-methyl ether. The production tax credit is an incentive to business developers of renewable energy projects producing electricity whereby a developer can apply for a credit against taxes for each kilowatt-hour of renewable energy produced. Renewable energy resources include biomass, hydro, geothermal, solar, wind, ocean thermal, wave action, and tidal action. http://www.dsireusa.org/glossary/glossary.cfm?CurrentPageID=8&EE=1&RE=1#con. This article contributes to the growing academic literature on ocean renewable energy (ORE) in SEA by improving understanding of the opportunities and challenges of ORE development in the region . Spruce Roots mission is to drive a regenerative economy across Southeast Alaska so communities can forge futures grounded in this uniquely Indigenous place, said Alana Peterson, Executive Director for Spruce Root. This auction will not only offset polluting emissions, but also improve fair and transparent power project procurement and promote energy security and independence for Laos. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. The use of cellulosic fiber from trees to make paper is a primary use of wood, rivaling other forest product uses such as lumber for buildings and furniture products. renewable energy - Encyclopedia Britannica | Britannica Southeast Asia countries significantly rely on fossil resources. Access to the resource is critical to a facility's economic feasibility. Concerns over the potential impacts of a federal RES seem to revolve largely around the issue of whether, nationwide, sufficient renewable energy resources exist and are economically viable. The Team first used coarse filters to assess investment readiness, and then used an expanded review team to conduct a qualitative assessment. Incremental progress may be on the horizon. Plasma-arc gasification is an incineration technology which uses an oxygen-starved environment to reduce the organic components in municipal solid waste (or other biomass) into its constituent elements. Southeast Alaskas culture, people, and economy are interwoven with the Tongass National Forest. Sustainable management of southeastern woody biomass supplies could help to meet any RES target. Box 43165Olympia, WA 98504-3165(360) 956-2004sjodingd@energy.wsu.edu. 4`SZLp4M6@iGvr&8Mj e{y/aMj:7&N~}Oqz3IsJP mDVa 2by@~pM~2G^ BghouDkm0B]m7>/S=x?? ]>x#-Gx[;O^UK[uNQjh%j$[H?OWl;n OoGn;4z^.nnL,Wis8iq ^_n70>{ 6c_,77nN 0 H`1 Southeast Asia Renewable Energy Market - Growth, Trends, COVID-19 See http://www.epa.gov/oms/renewablefuels/420f07062.htm. February 23, 2009. Renewable energy sources, such as biomass, geothermal resources, sunlight, water, and wind, are natural resources that can be converted into these types of clean, usable energy: Bioenergy Geothermal Energy Hydrogen Hydropower Marine Energy Solar Energy Wind Energy Benefits of Renewable Energy